Chapter 34

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Things have been great since Anu's mom had known that Siddharth is the tenant. She helps him in sneaking in and out without anyone's notice, she even arranges food for him in his room before he comes home.

Though he had protested about the arrangement of food that he can manage, she didn't listen. She shut him up by saying that it's the least she could for her children.

He was overwhelmed by her love and personally missed his mother. It had been a long time since he had talked to his mother properly.

In all this he can say that, It's been easy for him as someone was there to help him in this situation.

Now, he was on his bed sleeping peacefully. It was afternoon and he is still sleeping like a log not even caring about eating his lunch.

He hadn't slept like that for months. Past few nights were hectic. He didn't catch any sleep because of all the thoughts that clouded his mind.

Today, he thought of taking a break from work and rest as he was not feeling well. And today only Anu's mom couldn't come up and check on him to give his lunch as Anu was outside only playing cricket with the kids.

Anu's mom was concerned about Siddharth as he didn't come out of his room for once also since morning and he didn't even had his lunch.

Siddharth was in his own dream land in which he and Anu were holding hands and walking endlessly talking and laughing. He didn't want to get up from his sleep as his dream felt so real and it gave him some hope that they would be like that in real life also.

He smiled when she was leaning in close to his lips in his dream. When their lips are about to meet, something hit him hardly and woke him up from his dreamland.

He groaned in pain clutching his head and sat up abruptly looking around. He saw a cricket ball on the floor and a broken window. He was already feeling sick with headache and now he got hit by a ball on the head.

How lucky!

He stood up and felt a little dizzy. He composed himself and turned to look out of his window. He squinted his eyes to look out of the broken window as to know who hit him with the ball.

He heard his door opened with a creak and thought that it must be the kid who hit him with the ball. He swiftly turned around to scold the kid but what he saw made him freeze in his place.

Anu had come to apologize their tenant for breaking the window on behalf of the kids and take the ball. But when she opened the door and peeked inside only to see a man's back. It was a well built muscular back and the man looked young.

She stepped forward to take a better look at the man because the person's back, his frame, his height, his hair, everything seemed very familiar to her and the smell of the very familiar intoxicating cologne's smell made her heart thump loudly in her chest.

When he turned around, all the air knocked out of her chest. She stood frozen there taking in his presence and his features.

She blinked her eyes to see if it's real or she is hallucinating him. She shut her eyes tightly and calmed herself. She opened her eyes again and realized that he was actually there standing in front of her with an equally shocked expression.

" Siddu."

She whispered looking at him with tears.

That brought him out of his daze and looked at her face which had many emotions surprise, shock, fear, sadness and mostly love.

Sid gulped in fear of how would she react and what would he say to her.

Think Sid..... Think fast something......




" What are you......."

He didn't let her finish her sentence and blurted out the first thing he got in his mind.

" What the hell are you doing here?" He yelled at her.

He tried to keep his face shocked and angry.

She looked at him in shock and confusion.

" I should ask you that!" She exclaimed raising her voice.

" Well, you are standing in my room. So I am supposed to ask you that." He retorted.

" Okay......But your room is in our house. So I am supposed to ask you that." She says exasperated.

" This is your house? " He asked feigning confusion and shock.

" Yes! Now tell me what are you doing here? " She yells at him.

" Well I am the tenant. So that answers your question." He says carelessly and walks around his room to take his clothes.

He is trying hard to act that he doesn't care about her but inside he is dying to hug and kiss her.

" You are the new tenant?" She asks shocked.

" Yes." He mutters rubbing the place he got hit on the head.

" I can't believe this." She whispers.

" Same here." He grumbles.

" But why are you staying here?" She asks narrowing her eyes at him.

Her scrutinizing gaze made him uncomfortable. He cannot tell so many lies to her that too on her face. She easily catches his lies always because he is not good at lying.

" It's none of your business, now get out." He says irritatingly hoping that she will go away.

" Excuse me! You are telling me to get out of my house?" She yells angrily.

Oh God! I didn't know that I would be caught so soon.

What should I say to her?

And on top of that this headache and the pain where I got hit are not helping me to think straight.

" Excuse you, but I rented this room, so this is my room. Now get out of my room." He yells out at her in frustration.

She flinches at his tone but composes herself as she want answers from him.

" No, I will not go until I get my answers." She said scowling at him.

He ignores her and takes ice cubes out of his mini fridge in his room. He rubs an ice cube on the bump formed on his forehead where he got hit.

She looked at his actions and frowns thinking what happened. She looks at the broken window, then at the ball on the floor, then at the bed and then at him who is groaning in pain.

She realized that he got hit by the ball and looked at the purple bump formed on his forehead.

" Oh my God! The ball had hit you pretty hard." She exclaimed going near him.

" Wait I will do it." She said.

" No! Go away." He said grumpily.

She was looking at his wound.

" I will do it." She said again concerned.

" I said no." He said annoyed.

" Shut up and sit here." She shouted and made him sit on the bed.

" Hey! Don't shout at me! " He says.

She rolled her eyes at him.

" I will bring first aid box and you don't move, just sit here." She ordered him sternly and he stayed silent.

She went out of his room to get the first aid box and he just sat there with a smile playing on his lips.

I Love her so much.......

She came back hurriedly with a first aid kit in her hands and looked at him who sat on the bed with a deep frown etched on his face.

" Here....." She lifted his chin and started dabbing cotton with the medicine.

" Ow!" Sid whined in pain.

" Such a kid." Anu muttered trying to stop herself from smiling.

" I am not a kid! Can't you do it a little bit gently?" Sid said.

" Stay quiet." She glared at him and he obeyed.

She applied band aid on the wound brushing his hair aside. This brought tingles in his whole body.

How much he craved for her touch!

She felt good while touching his hair. A warm feeling spread through her body but she shook away those feelings and moved away from him.

He got up from his bed and picked up some files from the table.

" What are you doing?" She asks him.

" Work." He said calmly facing his back to her.

" You should rest you know till the pain goes." She said to him.

" My pain can never be healed." He said clenching his jaw blinking back his tears still his back facing at her.

She understood what he meant and she also knows that she is responsible for his pain.

Both stood silent for a while.

" Why are you still here?" He asked annoyed looking at her.

" I told you I want answers." She said.

" Look, I don't have time for this. I have to work and I have already wasted so much of time." He said coldy.

" You are calling me a waste of time? I was helping you idiot!" She said angrily.

" Did you just called me an idiot? " He asked her angrily.

" Did you just got that out of my whole sentence? " She said rolling her eyes.

" Did you just rolled your eyes at me?" He asked inching towards her angrily.

" Can you just stop asking me questions?" She retorted angrily.

" Can't you just answer my questions?" He argued angrily.

" No! " She yells.

" Then get out of my room!" He yells.

" No! " She yells stubbornly.

With their arguments, they didn't realize that their bodies are too close.

" No?" He raised his eyebrows.

" No." She huffs crossing her arms.

He leaned close to her face which made her realize that if she moves her face then their noses will touch.

She backs away hitting the wall and he trapped her by placing his arms on either side of the wall. She squirms under his intense gaze and his close proximity ignited something inside her body.

" So you want to stay with me in my room?" He asked smirking at the effect he has on her.

" When did I say that?" She asked frowning turning her head away from him.

" Just now. You said that you don't want to leave my room, so that means you want to stay with me." He says leaning close with his warm breath fanning on her face which sent vibrations through her body.

" I. I didn't mean like that." She said nervously looking into his eyes.

" Then what do you mean by that? " he asks tucking her hair behind her ear.

" I." She was a stuttering mess due to his actions.

" I what?" He asked looking into her warm brown eyes.

" Nothing..... Move." She said breaking  their gaze by looking away.

" No." He said breathing her scent.

" Siddharth?" She called him weakly.

" Hmm." He hummed looking at her lips.

" Why are you here?" She asked worriedly.

And that question brought him out of his romantic mood. Whatever he says she will not believe and so he thought  it's better to dodge her question right now.

" It's none of your business." He said moving away from her making her miss his warmth.

" But....." She stepped forward.

" Get out." He said coldly.

He went back to his files and she just stood there for a while. He completely ignored her which was so hard for him and she sighed loudly.

He bit his lip trying hard to control his feelings looking at her sad face.

I am Sorry Anu. I have to act cold towards you otherwise you will slip away from me again.

She stormed off from there because she knows that if she stays one more minute with him then she will just go and hug him forgetting everything.

Siddharth just stared at the door defeatedly.

What should I do to make her stay with me?

What should I do to make her stop running away from me?

What should I do for us to be together?

A knock on the door disturbed his reverie of thoughts. He looked at the door and saw Anu's mom standing there with a concerned look.

" Are you okay beta?" She asked him looking at his wound.

" It's just a small bump." He said smiling at her.

" Is it paining?" She asked examining the broken window and his wound.

" Yes." He whispered looking down by keeping his hand on his heart.

Her eyes welled up looking at his pained expression.

" She will know some or the other day that it was you staying here." Her mom said.

" I know." He slumped his shoulders.

" I wish I could do something." She whispers and a tear rolled down her cheek.

He smiled sadly at her and wiped her tears.

" There is something you could do for me." He said to her.

" What? " She asks hopefully.

" Please don't let her run away from me this time." He pleaded.

" Okay." She smiled sadly.

" Thank you." He smiles and hugs her.

" Now come on, eat first. You are skipping meals again." She said sternly looking at him.

" Sorry, I slept and didn't realize the time." He said smiling sheepishly at her.

She shook her head at him smiling and gave him the food she brought for him. He started gulping the food hungrily as he didn't realize that he was hungry until he saw the food.

Anu's mom looked at him who is praising her for making such tasty food while eating and she just laughed at his blabbering. She looked up and prayed silently for her both kids. .


To be Continued............

So they met..... Again!

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Stay Tuned............

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