Chapter 35

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" Move."

" No."

" I said move."

" I said No."

" What do you want?"

" What are you doing here?"

" It's none of your business."

" It is my business."

Siddharth was trying to go to his office while Anu is not letting him go until he answers her questions. She stood adamantly on the stairs blocking his way.

" Now move." He said trying to push her.

" No." She said stubbornly.

" Ananya, if you don't move now, I will do something you may not like." He warned her.

" What you are going to do?" She asked raising her brows.

In a swift move Anu was lifted and was thrown by him on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

" Whoa..... " Anu gasped loudly as she didn't expect this.

" Put me down!" She shrieked.

" Not until I get down stairs." He said calmy.

" Put me down this instant! You idiot!" Anu yelled at him.

He didn't respond but smiled and walked downstairs.

She slapped his back with her hands and tried to get free from his grip.

" Stop moving, otherwise I will throw you onto the floor." He threatened her sternly and she stopped moving instantly.

This made him chuckle silently and made her scowl. Both of them couldn't see each other's expressions. And finally he put her down when they reached near the gate.

She felt a little dizzy but composed herself and glared at him angrily.

" What the hell Siddharth! " She said clutching her head.

" You asked for it." Siddharth shrugged and turned to leave.

Anu put her hands at the back of his neck to mock strangle him.

" I can see what are you doing at my back." He said without turning.

She dropped her hands and stuck her tongue out at him.

" I know what are you doing now too." He said going outside the gate without turning back at her.

Anu stood with open mouth for a while and walked inside her house with a smile on her lips.

" Why are you smiling like that?" Her mom asked raising her brows at her when she stepped into the house.

" N.Nothing." She stuttered looking away.

" I saw what you both were doing outside." Her mother said and Anu just looked down embarrassed.

" I like him." Her mother said smiling.

" Ma! Please!" Anu groaned.

" What? He makes my daughter happy." She shrugged.

" And every mother wants a son in law like him who is so handsome and also have a heart of gold." She said to her.

Anu chuckled looking at her mom's dreamy expression probably dreaming about her daughter getting married to her favorite boy Siddharth.

At the thought of it, Anu's face fell suddenly and smiled sadly at her fate. She can never fulfill her wishes and her mother's wishes.

" Don't laugh Anu, I am serious." Her mother said cleaning the table.

" Ma, you know that will never happen in my life." Anu said in a low voice making her mother look at her.

" Why? You deserve to be happy too." Her mother whispered.

" I know but please don't dream about my wedding. I will not spoil other's life especially Siddharth's." Anu said sternly.

" But....."

" No Ma, did you forget why we had run away from the city? We did because I don't want to ruin Siddharth's life and he cannot know the truth. But what is he doing here all of a sudden? Why did he come here? Why a rich person like him is staying in such a small place? Did he came for me? Does he know the truth? " Anu ranted in panic and her mother got scared that she might get a panic attack.

" Anu calm down! I asked him why is he staying here. He just said that he is staying here because he had to stay near the site for inspection and this project is a huge deal for the company. So he rented this place as it is very near to his office and site also." Her mom explained to her calmly to avoid the panic attack.

" Oh." She said but still she has a doubt about it but decided to let it go for the moment.


Siddharth explained to his friends that Anu knows that he is the tenant now. Then Neha started requesting him that she wanted to meet Anu. But Siddharth didn't agree saying that Anu is still not settled with the fact that he is staying with her and if she sees her friends also then she might surely run away. He said that they had to still wait for a little more time to meet her.

Siddharth got down from his car and told the driver to come early tomorrow as he has a meeting. He walked towards the house calmly. His mind wandered to many things. How his life changed in just few days. Not that he mind it but he is dreading about the future.

He shrugged off the negative thoughts and stood before the gate. He sighed loudly and walked inside. While walking upstairs he heard a noise or rather a voice. He looked around and saw a girl who must be still in college standing on the terrace of front building waving at him.

He looked at his back side to see if there was anyone but no there was no one. He looked at her again confused and saw her waving at him smiling. He didn't know what to do and so he did what a good neighbour would do. Maybe that's how they greet people here.

He waved at her back.

The girl jumped up and down squealing happily. He scrunched his face at what she was doing in bewilderment. The girl then blew a kiss at him and ran away shyly.

He stood stunned for a moment processing of what just happened. He shook his head annoyingly and turned towards his room only to blink in surprise as Anu was standing there with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

He looked at her beautiful face, her eyes, her lips....... He tried not to think more about her body. He looked at her again and rolled his eyes at her who stood still glaring at him.

He gently pushed her and went inside his room.

" What were you doing?" She asked following him inside.

" What?" He looked confused at her.

" Why you waved at that girl?" She asked gritting her teeth.

" She first waved at me and I just waved back at her because I thought it would be rude of me not to respond to my neighbour." He said and kept his files and laptop on the desk.

" She wasn't greeting you! " She said exasperated.

" Huh?"

" She was flirting with you! " She exclaimed.

Siddharth frowned at her first but then a smug smirk appeared on his face.

" Oh so what is it to you?" He asked her smugly.

She paused.

" That's nothing to me. You waved back at her and she might be thinking you are interested in her." She said to him.

" I might be." He said shrugging.

She looked at him dumbfounded.

" By the way what were you doing earlier before I came?" He asked her.

" How can you be so careless Siddharth? Why didn't you lock your room?" She asked him frowning.

He doesn't lock his room because Anu's mom comes daily to his room to keep his food ready to eat before he comes. Now how will he explain this to her.

" I didn't lock because I know nothing will happen." He said calmly.

" What? What if you lost something." She asked him exasperated.

" There is nothing to lose anymore." He whispered but she heard.

She stayed quiet for a moment and he looked at her.

" I will not lose anything. You are there and your parents are also there. So no one can come in and just rob. I trust you people." He said and turned.

Before she can say anything, Siddharth started unbuttoning his shirt which made Anu shriek.

" What are you doing? "

" Changing." He said simply.

" In front of me? "

He rolled his eyes at her and unbuttoned his shirt fully revealing some part of his bare chest and stomach which is adorned by abs.

She gulped looking at him like that. He is looking so hot and sexy.

" Done checking me out?" He asked her smirking.

" I was not checking you out." She said as her cheeks were flaming.

" Yeah sure." He said and started unbuckling his belt.

" Wait!" Anu shouted.

" What?" He asked her irritated.

He just wants to sleep, he was so tired and looking at her in his room made him just want to hug and kiss her. He is trying so badly to control himself from that time.

" I am still in front of you. Have some shame?" She said.

" This is my room." He stated.

" I know that!" She stated.

" So get out." He said annoyed at her.

" What if I don't?" She argued.

" Then..... "

Saying this Siddharth started to pull his shirt off completely.

" No! " Saying this she ran away from his room.

He laughed loudly at her.

He felt happy as she still gets effected by him. And by the way she felt jealous of that girl made him want to just kiss her.

On the other side, Anu's heart was beating rapidly in her chest. She bit her lip thinking about his body and his hotness. But her mood immediately fell when she thought how that stupid girl was waving at Siddharth.

She grits her teeth and mentally strangled her with her hands. She smiled in satisfaction at the mental image of it.

You are acting like a jealous girlfriend.

Maybe, but I can't help it.

By the way he looked hot.

Shut up.


To be Continued...........

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