Chapter 55

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" I Love You."

She could hear the words and her subconscious mind registered those words were from the person she loved the most.

She wants to wake up and tell him that she also loves him so much but she couldn't.

She can hear his words, she can hear his sobs, she can hear him begging her daily to get up. His tears and cries urges her to wake up and take away his pain but how.

One day she had gave up and stopped fighting to live. How much ever she tried her body wouldn't respond and her brain wouldn't allow.

His voice was the only reason that kept her alive otherwise She had given up and was drifting away towards the dark. She had lost all the hope and was ready to die. But that's when she heard him.

She had heard his voice after what felt like years and that stopped her from going into the dark.

She saw a light in the darkness and that light, that hope was none other than the love of her life. He brought her back into the light and his voice made her urge to live, to fight with the darkness.

From then she would daily wait eagerly to hear from him. It would be very difficult when he cries because at that time she wanted to break all those ties that are binding her and hug him tightly. She fights with herself to unbind herself and that's when her nerves starts to stress which makes her heart beat rise and also her brain aches.

She also heard from her friends and her parents too. She heard many other voices too but none of them made her react except for Siddharth.

She doesn't know from how many days she had been in coma and she doesn't know till how many days she will be in coma but she knows that he is the reason that she is still breathing lying on this bed.

Now also she can hear him, she can feel him......he is talking about Karthik and Riya. She wants to reach him, hold him and talk to him. Her brain was aching and her heart thumps in her chest.

He was holding her hand and she felt warmth spread through her body because of his touch.


Sunrays fell on her face and she woke up. She sat on the bed looking around and saw him who slept sitting on a chair with his head on her bed. She caressed his head and he smiled in his sleep.

She observed his face and felt that he has changed. His hair looked long and he has a dark beard and moustache. His forehead has wrinkles and his face looked pained.

She pecked lightly on his cheek and just stared at him as if she blinks her eyes, he will vanish away. She doesn't know what's happening with her and got up from the bed. She walked towards the door and looked around. But when she looked back, she stood rooted in her place.

She could see herself lying lifeless on the bed and saw Siddharth still sleeping. She touched herself and got panicked.

She walked towards the bed and tried to move her sleeping self but she couldn't.

She tried to sleep back on the bed and fit in her body but no she couldn't.

What's happening?

Am I dead?

At that thought itself, she broke down falling on her knees.

She can't believe she is dead now.

Am I a ghost now?

At that thought, she broke down crying again.

She looked up at Siddharth who is still  sleeping unknown of her death.

Fear struck her at the thought of Siddharth knowing about her death.

What will happen to him?

He will not be able to bear.

She was having different thoughts and that's when the doctor came in.

She clutched her heart in fear of hearing about her death from the doctor's mouth.

She saw Doctor looking at Siddharth and sighing sadly. Doctor started the regular check up on her he does daily and Siddharth woke up at the sound of the machine.

" How is she? " Siddharth asked doctor looking at Anu's sleeping body.

Anu closed her eyes painfully and tears fell from her eyes.

" Same." Doctor sighed looking down.

Anu looked wide eyed at her body and then at the doctor.

She touched her face and hands.

I am not dead!

I am not dead!

I am not dead!

Then what is happening with her?

" 6 months have passed, why there is no improvement in her condition?" Siddharth asked gloomily.

She stood stunned.

It's been 6 months I am being lying here on the bed?

" Yes, it's been 6 months and there is no improvement." Doctor said hardly.

Siddharth looked at him angrily.

" Siddharth, it's high time now. You can't waste your whole life here waiting for her. I know it is very hard for you but think about your parents, they must be crying daily looking at your condition. Look at yourself, do you think Ananya will be happy seeing you like this? She wouldn't want this for you.....please move on." Dr. Ramesh voiced out his concern for the first time in these months.

Anu silently cried looking at Siddharth.

" Will you people stop telling me to move on? I am tired hearing this from everyone.......Don't tell me what to do." Siddharth shouted at the doctor.

Anu looked at him with red eyes and doctor stayed silent.

" What do you want? Just leave her here and forget about her and move on in my life?.......She didn't die for God sake and she will not die too. She will wake up definitely......for me." Siddharth said angrily and doctor tried to say something but he cut her off.

" Did it ever cross your minds that she is alive and I am waiting for her to wake up, so that we both can move on in our lives......together and I am happy waiting for her?" Siddharth asked sadly looking down.

" No. All you people wanted is me to leave her and move on. Do you think I will be happy if I moved on in my life forgetting about her?" Siddharth asked with tears looking at Anu.

" No, she is my life......she is my happiness......she is my everything......if she doesn't come back I don't know what I will do but I definitely know that either way I cannot be happy without her in my life." Siddharth cried holding her hand and she cried along with him.

" I understand Siddharth but I am saying all these because I saw how your loved ones are crying for you." Doctor said rubbing his back.

" But one thing is true.......It's hard to let go but sometimes you should let it go, if it is yours it will come back." Doctor said holding his shoulder.

Siddharth's grip tightened on her hand in fear of losing her.

" Please let go of her." Doctor whispered.

" NO!" Siddharth shouted standing up.

" Never! " He stormed away angrily.

Doctor sighed and prayed to God to do something so that everything gets sorted out soon.

Anu followed him outside hurriedly and saw him going towards his car. He sat in the car and started crying vigorously. She stood outside and watched him crying.

She cannot do nothing about it.....she doesn't know what happened to her. She doesn't how she can see them while she is still in coma. She doesn't know how her soul is seperated from her body when she is still alive. She doesn't know how a while ago she had  touched him.

Can she touch him now?

She slowly walked towards the car and touched his head which is on the steering wheel.

His head shot up abruptly and looked around.

" I can feel you Anu......where are you? I love you so much.......please come back." He cried holding his head.

She cried along with him.

It's like something is binding her. She is trying hard to wake up but she couldn't and something is stopping her.

And that's when she felt like she is drifting away from him.......She is being dragging away from him.

She tried to call him and touch him but no she was going away from him.

She watched him starting the car and going away driving rashly on the road.

She was fading away and tried to reach him.

She disappeared and went into the  darkness just like that.

And inside the hospital room, doctor got panicked looking at Anu's condition. The monitor was continuously beeping. Her pulse is dropping and there are fluctuations in her heart beats.

He doesn't understand what's happening to her.

He tried to take control over the situation but he was unable to do anything. And suddenly there was an emergency created in the hospital room.

Anu's parents also came to visit her but stood shocked looking at the situation in front of them. All the nurses rushed into the room and started to help the doctor.

Doctor took his phone out and called Dr. Alex and explained the situation to him but even he cannot understand what's her condition. But somewhere they all understood that she is going away and there is not much they can do now.

It's over.

Anu's parents tried to call Siddharth but his phone was unavailable. They cried looking at their daughter holding each other for support and  also were worried for Siddharth at the same time.

And on the other hand, Siddharth who was crying and driving fastly on the road didn't see a truck coming towards him and suddenly drove his car into the woods..

His car hit a tree hardly and he fell out of the car with force. The truck driver who witnessed this called for an ambulance and rushed towards Siddharth who was lying in the pool of blood.

Siddharth half opened his eyes painfully and saw the sky. He smiled seeing Anu's smiling face in the sky and streched his hand towards her. She took his hand and he smiled closing his eyes.


To be Continued............

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Stay Tuned..........

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