Chapter 54

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He stirred in his sleep slowly when he felt a soft hand caressing his head. He smiled at the touch he felt as he knew whose hand it was.


He opened his eyes and saw there was no one in the room. He sighed sadly as it was not the first time he felt her near him.

He snuggled into the pillows and sniffed. He could still smell her on her sheets and it made him feel like she was there with him on the bed. He sat up on the bed and the first thing he saw was her face which made him smile.

He walked straight and stood near the wall which had the photo collage made by her. It has become a daily ritual for him now that as soon as he wakes up, he sees her smiling photo.

Seeing those photos itself brought back all those memories. He looked at the photo which was taken before she was admitted in the hospital. She had leaned onto his shoulder and he was kissing her forehead. Anu's mother had clicked the photo without their notice and they had never thought it would be their last picture.

A lone tear escaped from his eyes and that's when he felt a warm hand touch his shoulder. He turned and saw her looking at him lovingly. She wiped his eyes and kissed his forehead.

He closed his eyes feeling her and when he opened his eyes, she was not there.

He could feel her near him, her presence engulfs him and it made him extremely happy as she was with him as she promised.

When he told this to Anu's parents, they smiled at him but he sensed worry in their eyes as they must have thought he was just imagining things.

He doesn't care if people thought of him as mad or crazy. He just wanted her to be with him. It's just only her who keeps him sane.

She would definitely come back to him because she knows he wouldn't be able to live without her and atleast for the sake of his life she would come back.

He quickly got ready and went outside to see Anu's parents sitting gloomily on the dining table without eating.

" Good Morning." He said chirpily and sat down to eat.

They looked at him who is eating his breakfast calmly. They wondered what had happened to make him so happy and what had happened which reduced his pain.

" I am leaving." They heard him saying.

" Sid beta." Anu's mom called him.

" What happened to you?" She asked him.

" What happened to me? Nothing." He said confused.

" Last whole month you were so depressed that we thought we would lose you but from last one week we are seeing that you are happy and don't look sad anymore." Anu's father questioned him.

Siddharth just smiled at his concern.

" Siddharth, please we are worried about you beta!" Anu's mom reasoned.

" Don't worry Ma, I am looking happy because I am happy." He said smiling at her.

" And the reason is.....I can feel her presence.....I am happy she is with me." He said and went away making them more worried than they already are.


He slowly opened the door and peeked inside the room. He saw the beautiful face which brings peace to his heart. He smiled and walked towards her who is lying on the bed peacefully.

He caressed her cheek with his hand and kissed her forehead. He looked at the side of her head which was operated. It is freshly bandaged and grimaced at the thought that how much pain she must have gone through.

He smiled when he saw her hair is starting to grow on the area where they had shaved her hair off to do the surgery. It gave him an immense relief and happiness as it was another sign of showing that she is alive and she is  getting better.

He held her hand and kissed it lovingly.

" Please wake up.....I am waiting for you." He paused and again continued.

" Your parents are worried Anu. Everyone are waiting for you to wake up.....please open your eyes."

Tears from his eyes fell on her hand. He looked at their photo kept on the side table. That was the photo of them which she loves the most and smiled looking at it.

" Anu look at me.........I am not sad and I am not crying. I am being happy or atleast trying to be happy as I promised you. I am keeping my promise and you should also keep your promise of coming back to me." He said and kept his forehead on her hand feeling her warmth.

Dr. Ramesh stood at the door and looked at the person who was waiting for his love to wake up. He had seen many people in this hospital and he had seen many lovers who had mourned over their loved ones.

But he had never seen such unconditional love.

He had never seen a boy who loves his girl so much because nowadays Love has just become just a word not a feeling. Young people in this generation gets attracted easily, they date and if it works out they stay and if not then they will find someone else.

For them to show their relationship status matters to them the most than the people and feelings in their relationship.

To say the truth he never understood what is love until a ruthless, arrogant, rich businessman Mr. Siddharth Khurana barged into his life.
He had shown him what is love and what is life having love in it.

He loved his wife surely but that love was different. He had seen many people in love but the love he had seen in front of him in the last 2 months was different.

Their Love is eternal.

Even they live or not but their love lives.

No matter how much we love others, that love fades away within sometime or some years due to the responsibilities or situations we face.

But Siddharth and Ananya's Love will never fade away.

Their Love is immortal.

Ananya's condition was different from the other patients he came across. Normally, the tumor should have burst out long back but in her case it took long time.

He tried a lot to save her but it was complicated. Dr. Alexander also tried what he can do and the most possible thing he could do was to control her  internal bleeding.

Though bleeding was controlled, they couldn't not stop the effect it had on the brain. It had effected a part of her brain which lead her to coma. They don't have any idea when she wakes up or if she even wakes up or not.

Doctor looked at Siddharth who was now talking to her and smiled. He didn't tell Siddharth about how Ananya's heart responds to Siddharth. He had observed it when last month Siddharth cried vigorously clutching her hand.

He saw the fluctuations in her heart beats on the monitor and was surprised to see her response whenever Sid was there. She can hear whatever they talk but just couldn't respond.

He didn't tell about this to Siddharth because he wanted to talk to Dr. Alex to confirm and also didn't want to rise his hopes up as they don't know if she will ever wake up.

They could only wish for her to become alright as it is not the matter of one life but two lives. It was clear he cannot live without her and if something happens to her then he will not be alive.

He walked towards Siddharth and kept his hand on his shoulder. Siddharth looked at the doctor and smiled.

" Doctor, did you see? Her hair is growing back." Siddharth said happily and doctor smiled at his happy face.

" I want to tell you one more thing which will make you more happy." Doctor said and Siddharth stood abruptly.

" What!" Siddharth asked hopefully.

" You look here." Doctor said showing him the monitor.

" Now you hold her hand." He said and Siddharth held her hand kissing it.

Siddharth sat stunned looking at the fluctuations in the monitor. He looked at the monitor and then her.

" Yes, she can feel you." Doctor said smiling at his stunned face.

"She can hear what you talk and can feel you when you touch her." He said coming near to Siddharth who is now smiling with tears.

" It's a good sign and I talked to Dr. Alex also about this and he told me to tell you to keep talking to her and make her react to you. And By this maybe she will wake up." Doctor said to him and he nodded his head looking at her.

He should share this news with their friends and parents first. He dialled their numbers and talked to them about the new improvement. They were very much happy with the news but still worried for Siddharth.


To be Continued.............

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