Chapter 8

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Have you ever felt that you are tied to the bed and cannot move?

Anu felt exactly same from the past two days.

Since she has been discharged from hospital her parents are not allowing her to step out of her bed and do any work.

And the worst thing is Raj and Neha. They pampered her so much bringing her dinner to bed after finishing their work, talking and lecturing her about what to do and not to do, warning her not to scare them like that never again.

And the most shocking thing was Siddharth declaring her one week leave to take rest at home. She couldn't believe what Neha said and so called to the office multiple times to confirm whether it's true or not.

It was already a shock for her when her friends said that Siddharth stayed in the hospital until she was conscious leaving his all work behind that day.

Anyways, She was tired sitting on the bed and not doing anything. So she decided that she would go to office today. She knows Raj would scold her and Neha will go hysteric but she is ready to bear them rather than sitting idol at home.

So now she is on her floor where everyone are greeting her asking her how is she and she told them that she is fine smiling at them. Her heart overwhelmed knowing how much everyone are actually caring about her.

As she expected, Raj came running towards her with a concerned Neha following behind and made her sit on the chair first.

" What are you doing here?" They both shouted at her once she sat on the chair making her flinch.

" Wow I feel so loved." Anu said sarcastically.

While Neha started her lecture of about how careless Anu is by throwing her hands up in the air showing her frustration and Raj was showing his disappointment shaking his head at her.

" Guys I am fine, really."

" No, you are not!" Neha raised her voice.

" Nehu please I was feeling suffocated sitting there alone around the four walls having nothing to do." Anu whines.

" Ok! But you are not taking any stress and should work only how much you could work." Raj said to her as if she is some child but anyways she nodded her head.

" And remember one thing, if that arrogant boss of ours makes you to do work more than needed unnecessarily then just give me call so I could strangle him which I missed it last time." Neha warned seriously and Anu laughed but again nodded her head.

Anu sighed and looked at time.

" Guys it's already 9:25, I should get going for my work." She said and left ignoring the complaints from her friends.


She reached Siddharth's floor with his coffee in her hands. She smiled at Shweta who ran and hugged her tightly making her gasp.

" Thank God you came back soon, how are you?" Shweta said to confused Anu.

" I am fine but Why?" She asked still confused.

" Don't even ask! I don't know how do you even deal with him. He made my life a hell these two days. He asks to do this, to do that, once he wants this and once he wants that. He behaves so coldly and not even spares a single mistake. You only tell me how am I supposed to know which files are kept in which place? He yelled at me when I didn't find some files because I don't know where are they kept. He doesn't even let me explain if I had done something wrong. I had even nightmares of him screaming at me in the middle of night while I am sleeping and I am finally free from all those as you came back now." She finished her rambling sighing keeping her hand on her heart.

Anu just blinked her eyes processing what all she said and she couldn't help but laugh at her.

" There's nothing funny in this." Shweta huffed.

" I am sorry but don't worry since I am here now." She assured her.

" Oh yeah.....more than me he will be happy to see you back because do you know what he said when you were in leave.....he said ' I became so dependent on her, It's so hard to work now without her.' " Shweta finished and looked at Anu who stood shocked in her place.

" He said that?" Anu asked wide eyed.

" Yeah."

" To you?" She asked.

" No, he was rather  grumbling to himself in annoyance and I heard it." She replied to Anu who still stood shocked.

She snaps out of her shock state when she realises that she is late and runs to his room.


" Come in."

She heard his cold voice which made  her palms sweat.

" Sir, your coffee." She said as she went in and kept it on the table.

He snaps his head up and looks at her stunned. She felt nervous under his gaze but looks at him who is staring at her with wierd emotions.

" What the hell are you doing here?" He shouts at her.

What am I doing here?

Did he forgot that I work here?

Or Does he have short term memory loss?

Oh No! Then how does he do business if he has memory loss?

Maybe he has got reminders like alarms or notes to remind him every moment about what to do.

Sometimes I think I over think, silly me.....

Since I was on leave, he must have forgotten that I actually work here.....such a dumbhead he is.

" I asked you something?" His angry voice brought her back to this world.

" Umm.....Sir, I work here." She said to him as it is a matter of fact.

" Of course I know that stupid! I am asking what are you doing here when you are supposed to be resting at home?" He asked her annoyed at her.

" Did you just call me stupid?" She asked him angrily.

" Did you just got only that out of my whole sentence?" He asked her angrily.

" Yes! And I am not stupid." She exclaimed.

" It's just that your feeling that you are not but I know how much of stupid you are." He said.

"Oh my God! You are so intelligent." She said with sarcasm rolling her eyes at him.

" Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He asked angrily.

" Did you just got that out of what I said?" She retorted angrily.

" Did you just came back only to annoy me?" He retorted.

" Will you stop asking question for a question and give an answer for once?" She argued.

" Will you stop annoying me and answer my question straight without arguing back for once?" He argued back.

" First you call me stupid and then you complain that I am annoying. But if you realise it's quite the opposite because you are the one who is annoying me asking stupid questions and......" She was cut off by him rudely.

" Will you ever shut up?" He yelled at her and she shut her mouth.

" Now, will you answer my question?" He asked impatiently.

" Yes of course, I am not like you. So ask me the questions and I will answer you." She said and he huffed in annoyance.

" I gave you leave for 1 week so that you could take rest then what are you doing here?" He asked sternly.

" I am fine now. I don't want to sit at home alone not doing anything and so I decided I will work from today." She said to him stubbornly.

" Are you sure that you are completely fine now?" He asked her again looking at her narrowing his eyes.

" Yes Sir, I am absolutely fine." She said to him.

" Ok you will work sitting here on the couch without moving up and down the stairs." He said to her looking into his laptop.

" But Sir, I can work from my desk and I will come whenever you call me." She said to him not liking to work in the same room as him.

" I didn't ask for your opinion." He said coldly.

" But....."

" No arguments." He ordered seriously which made her shut up.

" Now go and sit on the couch and check these files if there are any mistakes." He ordered showing some files on the table.

She nodded and took the files. She checked the files which are flawless as there are no mistakes in them except for some spelling mistakes. She frowned and realised that he purposely gave her such work which doesn't need anything to do.

She huffed and glared at him who is doing his work calmly as if there was no one in the room except him.


" Ok send them in."

Siddharth said on the phone when receptionist told him that someone wants to meet him.

There was a knock on the door and he yelled them to come in.

Soon two men in business suits came in greeting him and he greeted them back saying them to take the seat.

They looked at their backside of their seats to see a girl sat on the couch glaring at the files.

Anu was tired of sitting on the couch not doing anything and she was just allowed once to go outside that to for lunch. She was called back as soon as the lunch was over and he told her to just browse some information about some companies. She finished that work long back and when she told him that, he gave some other files to find some mistakes again. She doesn't  understand why does he care if she works or not, if she is stressed or not, if she needs rest or not. But soon a  smile took over her face when she realises........

He cares for her........still.

But She is getting frustrated minute by minute sitting around the four walls and she even dozed off on the couch itself for sometime unknowingly as the couch was very comfortable and soft. Now she wants to get some fresh air and talk to her friends as she didn't even got time to talk to them in the lunch.

She looked up from glaring the files and saw the two men looking at her curiously. A wide grin spread across her face looking at them which made them frown.

Soon they were talking to Siddharth about some projects and ventures looking into some files and their laptops. They got involved in their discussion so much that no one noticed that she stood up and walking towards the door tip toeing.

She opened the door slowly and sneaked out closing the door behind her. She sighed heavily closing her eyes and ran towards the stairs laughing at her little stunt.

When their talk was over, the two men turned their heads to couch which is backside of their seats and saw it was empty. Siddharth followed their gaze and saw the couch is empty. He shook his head and muttered under his breath.

This girl....when did she sneak out?

When they left, Siddharth went towards his glass window where he can check on his whole staff. He saw her sitting at her desk, talking and  laughing with her friends.

She behaved as a little girl in a  kindergarten when she was forced to stay inside his cabin like asking excuses for bathroom, excuses saying that she is thirsty and hungry. He just  smiled at the thought of her sneaking out without him knowing and went back to his work.


To be Continued............

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