Chapter 9

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How much ever she tries to run away from certain things, those things are running after her and haunting her.

From past few days she has been experiencing the soft side of Siddharth which has a glimpse of old Siddharth not fully but partially which is scaring her.

His care is what scaring her the most. She wants to stay away from all those feelings which makes her weak.

It's not like Siddharth had forgotten about their past but he felt bad and responsible for her fainting that day. But how much ever he denies it, feelings for her are still there buried deep in his heart.


Today is Siddharth's birthday but he is not excited at all. His mom, dad and friends wished him and blessed him.

He came to the office as usual and went to his cabin. His cabin is filled with bouquets and greetings. He sighed and sat in his chair. These all just remind him the thoughts which he wants to forget.

He wonders if she even remember his birthday and just then there was a knock.

" Come in."

" Sir your coffee." Anu came in and kept it on the table.

Siddharth looked at her who is surprised to see so many bouquets in his room.

" Can you clean this stuff from the table?" He asked her rubbing his forehead.

" Sure Sir." She said and started removing the bouquets.

She arranged them in a corner of the room one by one. After finishing it, she looked at them which looked like a flower bouquet shop and chuckled.

" What so funny?" He asked her.

She looked startled at him as she forgot he was also in the same room.

" Umm...nothing, it's just that your cabin looks like a bouquet shop now." She said smiling slightly.

" Yeah." He said looking at them.

" Is there anything else you want me to do Sir?" She asked him.

She will not wish me at least? Does she even remember?

"No." He said simply.

" Ok." She said and walked to door.

She stopped in her tracks and turned back to him.

" Sir." She called him.

" Yes?" He looked up at her.

" Happy Birthday." She said smiling slightly and left without waiting for his response.

Siddharth was surprised to say anything and she too ran away quickly. He leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes and just like that all the memories came back to him.

Once out of his cabin, Anu wiped the lone tear that escaped from her eye and left to do her work.


" Anu?"

" Anu, where are you?"

She called in the evening of his birthday to come to the park where they usually meet. He came and called out for her but got no response.

When he was walking slowly looking for her here and there, a box hit his foot. He looked down to see a box on the ground. He opened it and saw a note.

You are the best thing that has ever happened to my life.....thanks for coming into my life and for making it meaningful and special.


He smiled and searched for her. As he was moving forward he saw another box with a note:-

I have only two important persons in my life - my mom and dad. I cannot say that you are the third important person in my life. You know why?..... Because you are my life.

- A

He smiled widely with tears in his eyes.

He moved forward and there was another box. He picked and opened it.

I thought I was happy in my life before but I experienced happiness when you came into my life.


He smiled again and looked for her desperately but she was no where.

He moved forward and saw another box and opened it.

I was alone.....

You came into my life.....

We met.....

And My Life began.....


His heart felt warmth at her words and looked for her impatiently. He came across another box with another  note.

You made me happy.....

You completed me.....

You made me feel loved.....

You taught me to love.....

All I wanted is to say you that.....



P.S. - I know you want to meet me badly and so I. Don't worry you are very close and I promise this is the last one

He laughed at her note but his heart started beating faster when he read the words 'I love you'.

He walked forward and stopped at certain point to look for her.

He heard some click sound and the huge tree in front of him which was in the dark was fully lit up with golden lights now.

He was mesmerized looking up at the huge glowing tree in the dark.

He looked down and saw there was a big bouquet of roses, chocolates and cake with some gifts. And in between all of these was a love sign decorated with lights and 'Happy Birthday' was written in the middle of it.

It was so beautiful sight to see in the darkness and his eyes desperately searched for her.

She came out slowly from behind the tree looking as beautiful as ever staring at him. He ran to her immediately and hugged her tightly with tears in his eyes while she hugged him back.

" Happy Birthday Siddu." She said to him still hugging.

" Thank you." He said dipping his head into her neck.

They stayed like that inhaling each other's scents, feeling each other's warmth and enjoying the silence around them.

They pulled away after sometime and smiled at each other.

" Siddu.....I know You are not habituated celebrating your birthday like this in the park but....." She was saying looking down but cut off by him.

" Anu, this is the best birthday ever. I never celebrated like this and I loved it, each part of it." He said intensely looking into her eyes which made her smile widely.

" Whatever it may have done it for me so it's very special to me and I must say you have done a wonderful job." He said grinning at her.

" Thank you." She said shyly.

After that they cut the cake and fed each other. She presented him some gifts which he gladly accepted. They leaned back on the ground sleeping next to each other.

" I wish we could stay like this forever." Siddharth said looking at the beautiful night sky.

" I wish time would stop here." She said leaning on to his shoulder.

" By the way, the idea of writing notes is wrote it?" He teased her.

" Of course I only wrote them, who will write them?" She asked pouting.

" Oh really, I must say my girlfriend is romantic." He said and she blushed.

" Are you blushing?" He smirked at her.

" No." She said and hid her face into his chest.

" You look beautiful." He said to her.

" You too." She said and he laughed aloud.

" Who says to a boy that he is beautiful?" He said laughing and she bit her lip.

" Then what do you expect me to say? Ugly?" She asked him raising her eyebrows.

" No! Like Hot, handsome, sexy, Greek god......." He goes on saying.

" Cocky much." She muttered and he pouted.

" Ok boyfriend is handsome, hot, sexy....." She said smiling at him and he grinned at her.

" And my girlfriend is also hot and sexy along with beautiful." He said huskily which made her shiver.

She looked up at him and he looked down at her. He hovered over her and leaned looking into her eyes.

He kissed her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, her chin, her eyes and stopped looking at her lips. She closed her eyes enjoying his lips on her skin.

She opened her eyes and he looked into her eyes and then lips like asking her permission. She closed her eyes giving her consent and he smashed his lips on hers. He kissed her slowly at first and then it turned into a passionate kiss when she started to kiss him back.

They kissed until they were out of their breaths. They pulled away and he looked at her beautiful and blushing face. He gave her one last peck on her lips and leaned back on the ground pulling her onto his body and they slept in each other arms like that for sometime.

It was their first kiss in their lives and first kiss in their relationship too which happened on his special day and so it was special kiss for both of them.

" I love you." He whispered.

" I love you too." She whispered back.


Siddharth snapped his eyes open and jerked up in his seat. He felt something wet on his cheeks and touched them to realise that he was crying. He quickly wiped away his tears and thought this always happens when he think about this day.

It was so memorable and special for him as he spent his birthday with love of his life. It was always hard for him to believe that to think that what she said, what she did was all a lie, a facade, a betrayal.

He shut his eyes painfully to shut out all the memories and started doing his work.

On the other hand, Neha and Raj wonders what happened to Anu who is all gloomy and dull today like her life is squeezed out of her body. They try to talk to her but Anu said to them that it was nothing.


Anu was walking distractedly towards cafe and didn't watch her way. She got bumped into someone and she looked up to see a handsome young man in front of her.

" Sorry.....I was not looking." She apologized.

" It's where you are going " he said to her.

She nodded but narrowed her eyes when she looked at him who is staring at her up and down.

" Excuse me." She said and left but he kept watching her back.

He goes to the elevator and reached Siddharth's floor. He knocked on his cabin and entered inside when he heard him to come in.

" Sid man.....Happy Birthday." He yelled happily.

" Karthik....." Sid looked surprised at his friend.

" Yes! One and only." Karthik said.

" What are you doing here?" Sid asked.

" Ouch! I came here to wish you and you are asking me why I am here?" He said putting his hand on his heart.

" Stop your drama." Sid muttered.

" Wow these many bouquets......I bet all are from girls only." Karthik said chuckling.

There was a knock on the door and Sid yelled to come in.

" Sir, our financial analyst told me to give this file to you." Anu said giving the file to him.

He took the file from her looking at her only to see a blank face and Karthik kept looking at her frowning while She left from there quickly to avoid the stares she is getting.

" Stop staring at her." Sid said sternly.

" I was not staring!" Karthik exclaimed.

" Then?" Sid raised his eye brows.

" I was just looking at her because I feel I know her." Karthik said.

" How?" Sid frowned.

" I don't remember but I am sure I saw her somewhere." Karthik frowned thinking and Sid went back to his work.

" What's her name?" Karthik asked.

" Ananya. Ananya Agarwal." Sid said cautiously.

Karthik nodded but when it clicked that who she is, he widened his eyes.

" Ananya? Ananya Agarwal? Means she is the girl whom you were in love with and betrayed you?" Karthik asked shocked.

" Yeah." Sid sighed rubbing his forehead.

" That rings the bell." Karthik said thinking after a while.

" What?" Sid asked confused.

" Nothing..... I will inform you as soon as I remember where I saw her."

Karthik said to him and he nodded thinking.....Is that thing that important? He thought he might have seen her outside's not a big deal.

They talked for sometime and Karthik left after that thinking deeply.


To be Continued........

Stay tuned..........

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