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Maybe perfection isn't achievable. It's hard to admit that. But sometimes we have to draw the line, between perfection for us, And perfection from the media. Between being this or that, and being truly happy. So take a look in your mind and decide, chalk in hand, where do I draw my lines?


Finding yourself is a big part of today's society. We're convinced that finding ourselves makes everything better, that then, suddenly, we'll have a reaction for everything. We'll know what to do with our life.

This is a lie.

Who you are is not something decided for us. Who we are is something you shape yourself. And there is never any end to this building of personality. Everyday, we're striving to be better people. I truly believe that is part of the meaning of life, to become better people.

I know you're worriedly thinking, but I'm not a good person. I've tried, and I can't be.

The truth is, you're not. I'm not. No one is a true good person. Perfection is a weird concept we came up with to make people feel bad. Because, if you think about it, perfection is something different for each of us. We all believe in different values. What we're striving for is not to be 'perfect', but to become a better person.

What is a better person? Notice said better. Not good, but better. There is, in my opinion, a difference.

A better person is someone who's grown from what they were. A good person is, again, a different concept for each of us. You find your own definition, but if perfect also means good, then therefore there is no such literal concept.

Let's look back at better. Right now, you and I are not better people and never will be, because if a better person means someone who has grown from what they were, there is always room for improvement. If there were not room for improvement, we would have been perfect, which is not possible.

To bec9me a better person, take one tiny thing. Let's say it's really hard for you to get out of bed. Start getting out of bed, taking it one day at a time. There! You're already a better person from what you were. It's that simple. Don't come up with big lists of things your bad at, don't think this will happen overnight. It's hard. It is. Just take one thing that is affecting your daily life, and try to, one day at a time, to conquere the issue.

You can do it. I know you can. Don't say you've tried, because you can keep on trying. It's allowed. Even if it didn't work once, or twice, or thrice, you can keep trying. Do it for yourself. Because you can.

Yeah, that was a little complicated. Long story short, don't try to be perfect, try to become just a little better then you were before.

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