CH.3 - The Curse Is... A Blessing?

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Heyyo, wassup guys, this book is relatively new, but it already has over 2k reads! I hope that means you're all enjoying the book, so let's just continue, shall we?

☆♢☆♢☆♢ ♡ ♢☆♢☆♢☆

You then made your way to cooking class and sat down near your cooking station and waited for the rest of your team come in. Your team was more of an individual though, one member sucked at cooking, and the other never bothered to do anything, to be honest, you prefer a failure rather than somebody who didn't try at all. You then saw that failure walk right through the door, she smiled and went to the seat in front of you

♢♡♢ Katsumi ♢♡♢: "Wassup! Hehe, how are you L/N-kun?"

You smile softly before sitting straight in your seat

<< Y/N >>: "Oh well, I've never been better..."

It's true, you're doing great, so far you've talked to 3 girls! That's right! A whopping 3 girls! You feel so proud, but then again when you're at rock bottom anything that doesn't keep you there feels like an accomplishment. She smiles brightly like she usually does before giggling

♢♡♢ Katsumi ♢♡♢: "Wow really? Then that must be because you did something pervy huh? A loner like is always sour and bitter, so spill it, plus I can feel it"

<< Y/N >>: "Hey relax, I may not be a chick magnet, but I'm not gonna stoop that low just to become a pervert, plus issei already has the pervy harem protagonist niche covered"

♢♡♢ Katsumi ♢♡♢: "Oh ok, I guess that's true, you wouldn't do that-"

《♡》Kiyoko 《♡》: "Yes, he would!"

You suddenly freaked out a bit on the inside, it was none other than Kiyoko, this "bitch" to put it lightly really has it out for you... and not in a good way

<< Y/N >>: "Oh, my fucking... why good afternoon Shimi-"

《♡》Kiyoko 《♡》: "Don't even finish saying my name, I already heard about how you defiled Maeda-chan!"

The whole room went silent and turned to look at you, mostly with disgust, and the few other guys inside? They were gonna rip your dick off, you could tell based on the looks

<< Y/N >>: "What the hell do you mean?!"

《♡》Kiyoko 《♡》: "You know what I mean!"

Katsumi can only laugh at the situation unfolding in front of her, you shake your head no and get pretty serious

<< Y/N >>: "Alright listen here Shimizu-same, what happened is she fell on my face, as simple as that, why do you think I have this huge bandage on my nose?"

She then laughs like as if you were joking, but she comes to an abrupt stop

《♡》Kiyoko 《♡》: "Do you think I'm stupid! There's no way that happened! How can a guy like you not use that opportunity! How were you even able to resist her amazing tits!"

Your face goes dead-pan as soon as she says that, suddenly you notice that she starts to bleed from her nose, slowly it becomes bigger

《♡》Kiyoko 《♡》: "I mean have you seen them?! It's the biggest tits I've ever seen! You better believe it has the most bounce! It may be all muscle but it's as soft as a pillow! How can you not take advantage of that! And I bet you wished she fell on your ass first! I mean have you seen it! It's not huge, but it's that perfect size that when you grab-"

You soon ignored her and the rest of the pervy comments she said about Hisoka, but in her defense it's true, man you're pretty lucky now that I think of it. By the end of it she was completely covered in her own nose blood and blushing like mad, ok looks like she's really into Hisoka...

{{ Waifumaster }}: "Look over there!"

You turn around and look at something that didn't exist while I used anime magic to make all stains disappear because that always happens am I right? You sigh and look at Kiyoko

<< Y/N >>: "Listen, I'm not gonna take advantage of her, that makes me worse than those fucc bois, plus I got knocked out shortly after, so yeah"

She sighs and her blush becomes a bit more apparent

《♡》Kiyoko 《♡》: "Tch... fine, I believe you, but it's not because I believe you or anything! It's just that you have presented empirical evidence to prove your point! Hmmph!"

You look at her a bit confused before sighing, Katsumi can only smile patting your head

♢♡♢ Katsumi ♢♡♢: "Hey Kiyoko-chan, relax, a simple-"

She suddenly got up, a blush forming on her face, looking away from you

♢♡♢ Katsumi ♢♡♢: "- but it's not because I like you or anything!- works great too..."

Kiyoko is only standing shocked, and very surprised, it's almost like everybody knows she's a tsundere or something? Except for her, she's a tsundere in denial

《♡》Kiyoko 《♡》: "Ju-just shut up already... tch, I guess I have to sit next to you now..."

Katsumi pats the seat next to her

♢♡♢ Katsumi ♢♡♢: "Hey if you don't wanna I ha-"

Kiyoko then grabs the chair and throws it outside a window, leaving a ton of shattered glass

《♡》Kiyoko 《♡》: "Like I said... I have to sit next to you, but only because I have no other seat"

She blushes as she sits down next to you, honestly, this was fucking hysterical, who knew being with a tsundere would be so funny?

<< Y/N >>: "Yeah ok whatever you say Shimizu-sama..."

Oh gosh... you had quite the class with those two, however it was not that eventful or exciting, which is why instead of writing dialogue, I'm just writing one of these "explain paragraphs". Anyways after you finished cooking class you said bye to Katsumi and Kiyoko and made your way to the school entrance to grab your bike, you quickly rode it home and walked in

<< Y/N >>: "I'm back... heh, I'm just kidding, I live alone"

You place your bag on the floor and go do your normal home stuff, you did your homework, you watched some TV, played some video games and got up to change into some casual clothes, after all, you have to go to Akira's place, so you grab your phone, your backpack, and call her up

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Moshi Moshi?"

<< Y/N >>: "Hey Akira-chan, it's me, Y/N-kun, I believe I have to go to your place right? So come on, tell me where I have to go... hello?"

It was quiet on the other side before you heard her voice again

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Yeah I know dude, anyways, I'll text them to you ok? Well, see you soon..."

You hung up and began making your way to her house, however, the address was a bit weird, and super far, you had to take a train to get there, and soon as got off you were no longer in the city, you were now in the countryside, it was actually a beautiful sight, you smiled and began to ride down the mountainous walking path, after a bit you made it to a small town, inside of it were all sorts of small shops, however what attracted you was a very tall and old looking house, you quickly stopped and looked around before checking the text... yep, this is the place, you start riding it again before going into the house... except you saw it wasn't a house at all, instead it was an onsen, you were a bit surprised to have found out she texted you this place, but whatever you quickly walk in and lo and behold, right in front was a beautiful woman, her soft smile quickly made your heart skip a beat, she was wearing a beautiful robe as well that complimented her... womanly figure to say politely

???:"It's so nice to see you were able to make it Y/N-Kun, I'm sorry to have made you come such a long way"

You blink a couple times, you were totally confused as to why this lady knew you, as well as to call you by your first name!

<< Y/N >>: "Uh?... Thanks for the greeting but am I supposed to know you?"

She can only giggle from what you said, so far she seems incredibly warm and inviting, as well as polite, she quickly stops laughing and smiles again

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Oh Y/N-Kun, don't you recognize me? It's me Akira-chan! I'd like to thank for coming to my house, but it's also the Oshiro Onsen"

You were gobsmacked, THAT WAS AKIRA! She looks completely unrecognizable, she wasn't wearing her ear piercings, she didn't have that THOT choker on her neck, and she didn't even have her cherry red lipstick, not even her hairpin

<< Y/N >>: "Uh... I dunno about you guys...but that is not a bokukko if I've ever seen one..."

☆♢☆♢☆♢ ♡ ♢☆♢☆♢☆

Oh shit, what the hell with Akira? She wasn't supposed to be like that at all! Just what the hell happened? Oh yeah, it was probably that curse... well, at least this isn't that bad... maybe, I dunno... well anyways thanks for all the comments and reads, it's already at 3K reads! So thanks for that, also soon we'll meet a brand new never-before-seen character! But they're a WIP, so go ahead and maybe tell me what you'd like to see! And if I like the character concept I'll add her, so go ahead and do it if you like, I love to see your original waifus, so don't be shy, well anyways this is Waifumaster signing off, see you later space cowboy 

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