Ch.4 - Steamy Showers, And Silver Swords

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Hey guys Waifumaster here for the next couple hours of your life, so anyways I wonder what'll happen next? Only one way to find out, let's continue

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You were face to face with a brand new woman... you couldn't even recognize her as that annoying and obnoxious Akira... you sighed and walked up to her

<< Y/N >>: "Uh sorry Akira-chan, but I didn't recognize you at all... you look really fancy and elegant... the complete opposite of the Akira-chan I know"

She blushes a bit before a frown forms on her face

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Uh, yeah I know... umm, you see my parents are very traditional, and so I kinda have to be polite and act like a perfect lady... but I'm not! And so at school... I like to act myself... so do you think you can keep my secret away from my parents?"

You shrugged your arms

<< Y/N >>: "I guess I can Aki-MMPH!"

You were suddenly hugged with great force, you head was right in between her cleavage and for 12 seconds, you were in a booby paradise, however, you quickly left it as she stopped hugging you

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Oh thank you so much Y/N-Kun! It's no wonder you're my best friend! You're totally trustworthy and reliable"

<< Y/N >>: "Hehe... uh, I wouldn't say that you know..."

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Oh you're so cute when you blush~ Well anyways come on let's go and learn already!"

You nod your head in agreement and you follow her, you go up the stairs before she stops in front of these massive doors... she then knocks a few times before they open up, inside are a bunch of people, however, you felt an overwhelming dread when you saw that almost everybody there was armed... was this... A YAKUZA HIDEOUT! You felt sick to your stomach

<< Y/N >>: "Uh... Akira-chan, I think I need to-"

Her Dad: "Akira-chan... who is that boy that accompanies you..."

<< Y/N >>:OH FUCK! I DON'T WANNA DIE! Her dad seems so intimidating... oh shit I bet he can smell my fear or something "Oh... well I'-"

Her Dad: "I never told you to speak string bean, I asked my daughter not you"

<< Y/N >>: Oh... well, guess I'll just die...

You watch silently and nervously as Akira-chan bows before smiling and laughing

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Oh well, this is Y/N-kun! He's here to tutor me about science and stuff, it's super nice of him to have done this too! He's like an honor student, so I know I'll learn a lot!"

Suddenly her dad and mom slowly walked up to you, this was so stressing you were horrified! Plus why does he have that goddamn katana on his hip! This isn't the fucking Edo period!

Her Dad: "Y/N-kun...who are you..."

<< Y/N >>: "I'm Y/N L/N, the second year in high school and as she said, honor student..." oh and a harem protagonist, but that isn't very important...

Her Mom: "Hmm... wait a minute so she calls you by your first name?"

Oh fuck... looks like they won't like this...

<< Y/N >>: "Yes, that is true..."

Her Dad: "So then that means..."

Suddenly they both smile and hug Akira

Both her parents: "Our little lady finally got herself a man! I'm so proud of you!"

Akira blushes a bit

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Mom! Dad! We're not dating! We're just close friends..."

Her dad sighs before getting all sad

Her Dad: "Aw man... why won't you bring boys more often, it isn't healthy for a beautiful lady like you to not be in a relationship..."

Her mom smiles before she grabs both your shoulders

Her Mom"Oh! I know how about you just confess your love! How can you not love her! She's amazing! A true Yamato Nadeshiko just like me!"

You grimace a bit, you honestly have no idea what's going on

<< Y/N >>: "Uh, well she is beautiful, but we don't really know each other that well-"

Her Mom: "Oh well, that's easy to fix! Toroshi! Get everybody out of the hot spring so we can give these two youths some time to mingle~"

Akira blushes and gets a bit angry

{}~ Akira ~{}: "MOM! What do you think you're doing! You're going too far!"

Her Mom: "Well listen here Akira, when it comes to love, you have to go far! So hurry up and take Y/N over here to Hot spring with you... please?"

Akira sighs before blushing a bit

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Fine... but only because I actually would like a quick dip..."

Her mom smiles and she hugs her before Akira grabs your hand and takes you to the hot springs, as her mom said, her dad took out all the guests from the hot springs... Akira sighs before going over to shower and rinse herself, you decide to do the same

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Hey Y/N... sorry about this, I was trying to learn but it's gonna be a lot harder with those two now... sorry for wasting your time, hope you can forgive me..."

<< Y/N >>: "Hey it's alright Akira-chan, at least I'm gonna go in a hot spring for free, that's nice, I can't wait to take a dip actually"

After you thoroughly rinsed yourself you walk into the hot spring with shorts on, the water was very hot, but it felt amazing so you smiled calmly as you dipped the rest of your body in the water, you placed the towel on your head and rested a bit

<< Y/N >>: "Ah... now this is nice Akira-chan... I find it hard that you actually live here, it must be awesome to be able to enjoy the hot springs whenever you want...hello? Are you the- AGHH! AKIRA-CHAN! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!"

She was in hot spring in front of you but she was naked, her body was visible to you, and holy shit, the heavenly moonlight only made her look even better

{}~ Akira ~{}: "What? I'm just taking a dip... oh relax Y/N-kun, you're overreacting, like as if you haven't seen a naked girl before, just relax, plus all these steam censors all my nudity"

You blush before you try to block your eyes

<< Y/N >>: "Akira! You're only censored to the readers! I can still see all your parts!"

She blushes a deep red and covers herself

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Damn... the steam censorship usually works..."

You sigh a bit before laying your head back

<< Y/N >>: "Ah geez... well actually Akira-chan, I can still teach you about science, so anyways today we covered chapter 7, lesson 3, which is about the plant's transportation systems, we talked about 2 major parts, the Xylem, the phloem"

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Ugh... plants? I don't care about plants..."

<< Y/N >>: "Yeah I can tell, you did skip class... well anyways the Xylem is made especially for water and minerals, remember, the xylem only pulls things up! Up! So remember that!"

{}~ Akira ~{}: "The xylem goes up... got it, so what else?"

<< Y/N >>: "Well the Phloem in comparison is for moving the food, one place to another, and unlike the xylem, the phloem can go both up and down..."

And so you gave a TED-ED Talk about the plant's transportation system for about 15 minutes, because it would be rude to stay in a hot spring for more, after that you got dressed and continued talking about the plants transportation system in front of yakuza gang as well as Akira-chan, they just wanted to make sure she was understanding it all... after 2 hours of tutoring, you got up and shook her hand

<< Y/N >>: "You know Akira-chan, you're a lot smarter than you look, and these notes are very well made and organized, I'm proud of you!"

She blushes and smiles

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Oh well it's no problem, after all, when I make a promise, it's as good as done!"

<< Y/N >>: "Well, I can clearly see that... anyways its really late, and the trip home takes a really long time, I should be going"

She hugs you tightly before letting you go

{}~ Akira ~{}: "Bye Y/N-kun... hey, do you think I can walk you to the train station? I wouldn't want anything bad happening to you..."

You shrug your arms

<< Y/N >>: "Sure I don't see why not..."

You say goodbye to all the Yakuza members and say goodbye to her parents, you and Akira slowly walk towards the train station, you both sat on the bench and waited for the train to come... nobody said a word to each other, there was a heavy atmosphere, it made you feel awkward... soon you saw the train's headlights from afar...

<< Y/N >>: "Oh, looks like that's my ride... well, see you later Akira-chan"

The train pulled into the station and the door opened, you were gonna go in when you were suddenly held tight, you turned around and blushed as you looked at her face... she was blushing, and she had an adorable smile on her face... you couldn't but go in for a kiss... it was amazing, a kiss... this is so much more than you ever had, you blushed a deep red and you stopped kissing her, you smiled tenderly before waving goodbye, you soon got inside the train and waved to her until you were too far to see her ...

<< Y/N >>: "Oh fuck... holy shit if I had a girlfriend I would never be a loner! Holy shit this completely changes everything! Haha! I actually kissed a girl! And holy shit she was so fucking hot! This is the best night of my life!"

???: "Congratulations! You got 1 girl out of oh I dunno... maybe 5 to 8 girls..."

You smile and nod your head

<< Y/N >>: "Hey well at least I made progress- hey wait a minute, I'm alone in this train! Who the hell is here!"

You look around and find nobody

<< Y/N >>: "Hey, Waifumaster is that you or something?"

You look around again and decide to sit down again until you find somebody in your seat, she was unbelievably tall and had a bit of a weird look to her... 

However what caught your attention was her massive sword that she was holding

"----{- Tengoku -}----: "/N L/N, I recommend you sit down... my name is Tengoku Difenda, and I am the Supervising General of Waifumaster's Heavenly Waifu Guards... my task is to view the progress of harems, and how well they are going... for somebody who only had a harem for one day, you are making extreme progress... and for that I congratulate you... however, I don't think you realize just how serious this is..."

She wipes off her massive sword before she brings it up, you can see your reflection in it and you gulp

----{- Tengoku -}----: "Relax Y/N... you're not in trouble, think of me like your guardian angel... but in love, however, it's different from Waifumaster... he has no willpower and is rather weak in mental fortitude, and emotions...and he tends to give his waifus... his beloved creations to people who don't deserve them...

She grips her sword tightly, you could tell she's pissed off, looks like she takes her waifus seriously too...

----{- Tengoku -}----: "Y/N L/N... based on your history and life... I don't believe you deserve them at all... if I see that you do not change and become worthy of my Lord's blessing, then I will remove it from you, whether it be by me breaking the red string of fate wrapped around their hearts... or killing you outright..."

She gets up and looks at you with judging eyes that can pierce your soul...

----{- Tengoku -}----: "Anyways... I stayed here long enough, I should get going... I wish I could say it was a pleasure... but it wasn't... good riddance... I can't believe Waifumaster put me in charge of you... I have so much more important tasks but I have to babysit you instead... tch, whatever... sayonara"

She grabs her sword and pierces right through the train at incredible speeds likes as if she was a comet... you could see her in the sky, she looked just like a shooting star when she's that far away... you gulp before you see the train stopped, somehow it was already 2 hours... did time speed up when she was here? You couldn't tell... you just wanted to go home and sleep, you had a long day...

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Hey guys! This was a cool moment in your life huh? Don't you think Tenhoku is cool! She's like a samurai or something... anyways Tengoku came from SwordAir, for his request of a prideful samurai-like chick, and so yeah there you go, but you may notice that she's not exactly like you described her... and that's because I decided to make your idea into two girls! So don't worry dude! I was just using some creative liberties here to make something with my own twist on things is all, hope you don't mind at all, anyways see you all later, this is Waifumaster Signing off

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