another odd dream

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Steve wakes up in his rather rundown appartment from another of the odd dreams that involve this white eyed copy of himself and was shaken a bit.

"Damn it not again... I really need to sleep but with these odd dreams I don't think I can..." Steve says to himself with a sigh "perhaps if I find the cause of these odd dreams perhaps I could prevent them... but... I don't have any money to do so... since my mom is gone and my dad is a drunk who disowned me... so now I live in this abandoned and rundown apartment with only a bed, a couple blankets, a pillow, the clothes on my back, and these old shoes..." Steve sighs again and then shrugs "maybe my friend James can help or something... sure he builds computers by hand and play tests games but he's really all I got..." with a sigh once more Steve leaves the apartment and overhears the occasional druggy making shady deals out of view of the public but doesn't stop them since he has no power over them and just waits for them to leave.

What felt like an hour or so of waiting paid off since now the druggy and the buyer are now gone so he then heads to his friend James's house and nocks on his friend's door "you can come in Steve" he heard his friend James say from the living room so he enters "hey James... boy do I have something odd to talk to you about..." Steve says not hiding that he was exhausted "whatever it is sure ain't letting you sleep huh?" James replies as he plays a game which caught Steve's interest "what game are you playing...?" Steve asks his friend due to his confusion "oh this game is called Minecraft" James replies letting Steve watch "Minecraft...?" Steve says and gets a nod from James "there is a dimension in this game called the nether that people say has this god called Herobrine" James states and looks at Steve "Herobrine... huh...? Well ain't that a unique name... I guess..." Steve says only to notice a pair of glowing white eyes watching them "um... your being watched..." Steve says only to say "by something that has been haunting me... hunting me in my sleep..." James looks and stiffens "wait you encountered him. in your sleep. H-how?" James asks with a concerned look "yeah... but I never knew he was from Minecraft or knew his name until now..." Steve noticed the glowing white eyes focusing on him rather then James " this is bad... this is really fucking bad..." James says with a curse to which Steve knows if James curses he is serious. "W-what is going on...?" Steve asks in concern "I've heard rumors that Herobrine will on really rare occasions will find a way to get a human from our plane of existence and force them into his..." James says only to shake his head "it's only a rumor... so I think your safe... I hope..." Steve looks at Herobrine through the screen and gulps "w-what should I do...?" Steve asks James who looks at him with a serious look "don't fucking interact with him... ignore him and run... don't fucking ever let him take you..." was all James said before telling Steve to head back home and that to visit tomorrow since he sees computers and other technology might be how Herobrine may try to leave his world to theirs so he didn't want Steve spending the night and Steve understood "alright see you tomorrow bud..." Steve says then runs back to his apartment then to mentally scream and cuss out loud "fuck..." Steve then lays down on his bed and due to being exhausted passes out only instead of being a distance away from the man known as Herobrine and was able to run from him but this time Herobrine was face to face with him "HOLY SHIT!!" Steve shouts and backs up only for Herobrine to follow. "F-FUCK OFF!!" Steve yells at Herobrine but it didn't stop Herobrine at all "Steve... Be a good boy and get caught..." Steve hears and the voice sounded rough and raspy with a hint of clingyness to it "N-NO FUCK OFF!!" Steve yells in reply and the falls onto his rear and for Herobrine to pin him "o-oh fuck I'm gonna die..." Steve says before he wakes up in panic "sh-shit..." Steve says then gets up and runs out of his apartment and goes straight over to James's house.

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