the voice

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Steve didn't stop running until he reaches James's place and when he gets there James was waiting outside "Steve... I think I found something out... but I don't think you will like it..." James says once Steve came into earshot "oh...?" Steve replies giving a curious but worried expression to which James nods to "yeah... seems you have to die in order for you to be caught by him if your in this world..." James states sending chills down Steve's spine "so I'm gonna probably die twice...?" Steve asks making James look him dead in the eye. "apparently... fucking so..." James says with a serious and worrisome look "oh... fuck..." Steve says and catches Herobrine watching them from the computer screen "uh... he's watching us..." Steve says pointing through the window at James's computer "shit... I thought he wouldn't notice us if I came out here... seems it was too suspicious I guess..." James says with a hint of fear "shit..." Steve replys and noticed Herobrine was trying to speak with them so James and Steve walk inside and wait for Herobrine to speak 'James your being a nuisance... and Steve is not safe where he is now or in your world' is what the text that popped up for Herobrine's speach "what do you mean by that...?" Steve asks Herobrine through the screen to which Herobrine doesn't respond and just disappears "I think he wants us to figure it out ourselves... or something..." James says looking at Steve "or he couldn't hear us..." Steve replies then sighs "well guess that's something I will ask if I get the chance while I run my ass off..." Steve states "good luck with that... and don't do anything stupid..." James replies as he looks at Steve who nods "will do..." Steve replies then leaves.

While Steve walks back he thought he heard someone say his name "what...?" Steve asks but doesn't get an answer "I think this lack of sleep is getting to me..." Steve says talking to himself "Steve..." a rough, raspy, and deep voice says that sounded right behind him making him jump and turn around quickly but noticed no one behind him "what the fuck..." Steve says in confusion and concern for his sanity "shit" Steve says to himself then tries to get to his apartment quickly and tries to ignore the voice as best as he can. "Steve I know you can hear me..." the voice said but Steve tries to ignore it and repeatedly saying nope and then he hears the voice sigh "Steve your not safe in this world... your being hunted..." the voice then continues "shut the fuck up... you only want me to die only for you to kill me again..." Steve replies "now what gives you the idea that I would kill you once your in my world hm?" The voice asked "because your a psychopathic murderer..." Steve states with silent annoyance "well the murderer part is correct... and your probably going to say that's still terrible..." the voice replied and Steve flinches since the voice was correct "how-" "how am I in your head? Well because your not mentally and physically healthy... due to your organs that are going to kill themselves..." the voice said cutting Steve off "d-did you say I have like cancer or something...?" Steve replies even more terrified "don't worry about it Steve... once you get to my world you won't need to worry about that..." Steve was getting a headache from the voice "shut up... Herobrine..." Steve says in annoyance "you know it's rather intriguing that you said my name with annoyance and possibly a bit of anger... but I think that will change when your more obedient..." Herobrine says "what...?" Steve replies but wasn't given a response to it meaning Herobrine at this point decided to leave him alone for now.

Once Steve opens his apartment door he had a migraine and was exhausted again "Herobrine I'm blaming you for this migraine and my lack of sleep..." Steve grumbled "I don't blame you for that... that's fair enough... as it is..." Herobrine replied as Steve gets in bed ready to sleep but possibly knowing his demise might be cancer or a drunk bastard are two options of it but he wasn't so sure but he still felt dread because of it.

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