Chapter 3: Let's save our friend! (1)

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Today is Friday and I get up of my bed as soon as I saw the sunrise. I put stuff on my bag pack for the trip and put some extra cloths on me so I look like a little bit look like a human. Heh. Since I am a skeleton and all. Anyways I put a extra t-shirt on me and my turtleneck sweater. I also put my jacket on me. I start to walk at school after I was done eating breakfast which was only toast. Once I arrive to school I saw both Toriel and Asgore waiting for me. I greet them.

"Howdy Gaster! Are you ready after school?" He said.

"Ready as I ever be!" I said with a smirk. They both chuckle at that.

~time skip~

Thank goodness that today is a half day for school. I rush out to the school gates and waves at Asgore and Toriel.

"Cya guys!" I said.

"Be safe!" Toriel said and Asgore wave at me.

I went to the bus station and get on time. I went all the way far back of the bus. I put on my hood up of my skull and warp myself with a scarf to hide my face. I also wear some gloves to hide my boney fingers. I slouch back of my seat and wait for the bus to reach his final destination. After a hour, the driver call for the last stop. I went outside and look at the city. It was full of human around me. I barely saw monsters with all this crowd of people. I walk forward a lower my head so no one can see my face. I keep walking until I saw the train station. I went there and look at the schedule. The one I was aiming for was the station name 'Liberty Home' once I found it I brought a ticket and went toward the train.

I sit down again and try to be discrete as much as possible. It's started to have less and less monsters on the train. Which now was full of human. I lower my head as if I was asleep and then I hear my stop. I get out the train as fast as possible before one of the human could have the chance to glance at me. I start walking around the neighbor and look at the map we print out the other day. As I walk, I keep looking around the place. It's fancy that my eye sockets hurt with all those shining colors and how Bright some of the house is. Despite this nice neighbor... Alice still being treated as a object they can beat up. I thought. I clench my hands and try to hold my growl back from coming for my mouth and keep looking. I finally found the location of the phone booths Alice use that night. I look around to see which house she might be in. I approach one of them and look inside by the windows. Some was just the typical housewife taking care of the children, some other was cooking for diner and other was empty. I keep looking for the house around the area and then I saw a car parking of one of the empty house I check a moment ago. I hid and observe the people that exit the car.

My eyes follow their movement went I saw two humans seem not happy with something and third one hid themselves with their hood on. That human look like a girl with their curves and shoulder look smaller to be a guy's shoulder. I wait for them to go inside of the house. I sneak near a windows but the woman pull the curtain on. I grumble a bit but there was a small opening and manage to look inside. I silently gasp when I saw it.

The human man was beating up the hoodie girl really hard. She was shielding herself as a ball. She seem to cover her scream so the neighbor wouldn't hear her. I frown and I observe some more. My heart sink when the man grab her by the collar and her hood came out of her head. It was Alice. She was beat up on the face, lips was cut on the corner and some dry tears on her cheeks. She seem to try to stay strong with all the beating. But then my eyes widens went he pull out a knife and point it near Alice face. My anger grew and I use my magic to move a vase on the living room and make look like the woman drop it. Once the vase shatter, the man turn toward the woman and look angry at her. The woman tremble but keep her ground. The man let Alice go to my relief and he start yelling to the woman. Alice didn't dare to move and stay down. I try so hard to not knock over the windows and be by her side. I must wait that she is alone so I can rescue her. After a while the man approach her and kick her of the stomach before she force herself to get up. She was dragging herself to the stairs. I get away from the windows and try to see if I can see which room is her bedroom. I went near a tree trying to hide a bit and wait.

Then I saw lights on in the second floor at the third window. I teleport myself on the roof and look at the window. There I saw Alice. She have her head down as she close the door. She slid down and warp her arms around her legs. I could see she was trembling. I couldn't take it anymore and decide to knock her window. She was startle at first but then saw me. Her eyes narrow but she get up with some effort and went toward the window. She unlock it and barely manage to open it as I help her open.

"Who are you?" She said trying to get a good look of my face. I took off the scarf and my hood.

"You already forget about me?" I said. Her face change to surprise to happiness.

"Ding-Ding!" She said warping her arms around my neck. I hug her back holding her tightly. We stay like this for a moment until she pull away from me.

"You should come inside before someone see you!" She said dragging me inside. I chuckle a bit as I forget she was strong despite her small figure. Once inside, she close the window and lock it. I raise a eyebrow.

"You are going to imprison me with you? Not like I complain but that go a little to fast on our relationship." I said smirking at her. She pout and slap my arm. I chuckle again.

"It's not funny Ding-Ding! I need to look like I didn't try to run away or something a while they are still here!" She said. I nod and understand that she didn't want to get beat up again.

"Look I am sorry I am just happy to see you again." I said scratching the back of my skull. She hug me again.

"It's Alright! I forgive you Ding-Ding! You know I can never be mad at you." She said. I hug her back. Gosh it's feel good to have her on my arms.

"By the way... How did you find me?" She said looking up at me curious. I blush a little bit. One is how to explain and two is how adorable she was right now.

"Well... After your call two day ago... I have hack the phone company system and I travel by bus and train and then looking at the houses near the phone booths you use.." I said. She make a 'O' shape mouth and her eyes widens impress of how I did it.

"Didn't know that you were a expert of hacking... But then again you always liked sciences and technologies when we were little." She said smiling. I smile back. It's good to see her again. I miss her so much.

"I was not alone to do that. Asgore and Toriel help me out and they are waiting for us to get back." I said. Her eyes start to sparkles and she smile widely.

"Gory and Tori are also there?!" She said almost running toward the windows to try to spot them.

"They are not there, sweetheart. They are back home waiting at my apartment. They couldn't come since it's a human zone only and it was already risky for me to come down there." I said rubbing her shoulder. She nod but frown a bit.

"You risk a lot just to come here... I didn't want you to be in trouble Ding-Ding..." She said looking down. I took off my gloves and caressing her cheek as my other hand reach her hand and squeeze it.

"You worth the risk Alice. We miss you and we didn't want you to be torture like that any longer." I said. Her face show sadness.

"So it was you that drop the vase... You even saw the scene..." She said. I nod and frown at bit.

"I did.... I could have done more but I didn't want you to be in trouble with them." I said. She give me a grateful smile.

"Thank you Ding-Ding" she said putting her face on my chest and tightly have a grip of my sweater. I once again warp my arms around her. Then, despite my will to stay like that more longer, I sigh and look down at her.

"Alice, the reason why I came here is not only a visit but I want you to come with me. Back to downtown Ebott." I said to her. She look at me surprise.

"But I can't! What if they found me and hurt you guys!" She said starting to panic. I hold her shoulders.

"You will not suffer all alone! Now that we know what happen to you for the past 3 years... Also we will not back down." I said determinate to take her with me. She stiff a moment and her shoulders relax. Tears start to came out of the corner of the eyes.

"I can't Ding-Ding... It's to risky!" She said. I was not going to give up.

"Alice... I know how you feel right now about your lifestyle. And I want you to really honest with me... Do you want to stay there?" I said. She look at me a moment and then look away thinking. Then all of sudden she burst to tears and hug me.

"No! I want to come home!" She said crying in my arms. I sigh in relief that she was willing to come. I wasn't sure what I would do if she refuse to come... She cry for a minute until we hear the doorknob. We stiff for second until Alice look at me with a worry look. I just nod and pull away from her and teleport outside in the window. She look at my hidden spot before she wipe her tears and sit herself to the desk as if she was doing her homework. The door open and the woman came in.

"Alice, I brought you some food." She said with a tray of food.

"Oh thank you auntie!" Alice said with a smile.

"Did you finish your homework?" She said.

"I am almost done!" Alice said showing her notebook in front of the woman.

"Good. I don't want you to mess it up. This school is priceless and you better repay back all this money once you graduate." She said sternly putting harshly the tray on her desk.

"Yes, auntie..." Alice said lower down her head. But the woman didn't seem to be satisfy of her answer and yank Alice's hair down so Alice was force to look up at her.

"I didn't hear the answer!" She said her face close to Alice's.

"Yes, auntie!" Alice said out loud. Satisfy she let her hair go and Alice was trying to replace herself and turn back to her homework. Before she left, the woman said one more thing.

"Tomorrow your uncle have to work early and I am going out with some friends. You better clean this house until it's spotless if not it's will be the dark room." She said. Alice nod and answer with another 'Yes, auntie' before the woman left the room. I teleport back to her room as she sigh.

"What a bitch" i said crossing my arms.

"Ding-Ding!" She said hushing me.

"What? It's true. It's better if we leave as soon as possible." I said looking at her. She shook her head for a moment.

"Not tonight to risky. Let's do it once they leave home. Knowing my uncle he will leave around 7:30 and auntie will leave at 8." Alice said. I sigh but nod at her plan.

"Alright but I am staying with you tonight and don't worry I can always sleep in your closet or something." I said. She giggles a bit but stop as she feel pain on her side. She groan a bit and I went strait to her side.

"Are you ok?" I said.

"Yes, I am ok Ding-Ding! I forget about my injuries." She said smiling at me. I frown a bit and I make her sit in the bed.

"Show me your injury.. I will heal some of them." I said. She wanted to protest but when she saw the look in my eye sockets, she compile. She unzip her hoodie and I gasp at the sight. She have bandages all over her arms and as she lift her shirt there was bandages too with some blood on it and also some dust. I snap out of my gaze and start to heal her side. She hiss at first but then she sigh in relief. I took off her bandages and could see that all her injury close off. I sight in relief and Alice put back her t-shirt.

"Thanks Ding-Ding." She said. I smile at her and start yawn. I use a bit more magic than I thought I would. Alice giggles at that.

"Let's get some rest." Alice said as she install herself under the cover and pat the space beside her. I took off my jacket and bag pack and crawl beside her. I also took off my boots and warp my arms around her. She snuggles in my arms and she soon fall asleep. I give her a kiss at the top of her head.

"Goodnight sweetheart." I said. As I fall asleep too.

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