Chapter 2 : Rescue Plan

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Gaster P.O.V

I spend all night looking at the computer some possible place Alice could be. I didn't found anything that could strike the obvious. I sigh in frustration and was almost there at the school gates. I need to talk to Asgore and Toriel... They might help. I thought. I didn't wanted to involve them but they also care about Alice as much as me. So I arrive to the classroom and saw them with there different group of friend. I went toward Asgore first and tap his shoulder. He stop paying attention to the other and look at me. He smile seeing me like always and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Howdy Gaster! It's rare for you greet me first." He said still smiling. I smirk at that.

"I need to talk to you and Toriel in private it's that ok with you?" I said whispering to him. His face change to a serious one. I never ask such a request before and he know that it's can be serious.

"I will see if she can liberate herself from her friends." He said and went toward her. I saw the interaction from afar. Asgore putting a hand on her shoulder. She look at him with a confuse face but then her expression change and look at me from afar. I wave at her. She look back at Asgore and nod. Asgore went back to me.

"She said if it's ok for you, we can meet up at our usual spot at lunchtime." He said. I nod since I know that Toriel wanted to finish her duty as the class representative. So I will wait until lunchtime to see them. Class begin, but I didn't pay any attention to it. I just keep thinking about last night and the phone call. I hope she is alright. I thought to myself.

~time skip~

It was lunchtime and I walk fast out the classroom. I was on my way upstairs when I saw those groupie of monsters came out at me.

"Gasty~" one of them said. They surround me the moment they saw me. I roll my eyes and huff in annoyance.

"I have no time for you guys, move!" I said. I don't like them at all. I try to date with some of them but it's boring and nothing can compare my time with Alice. Unfortunately, those girls didn't bug off and I try to get away from them.

"Oh but Gasty you promise to hang out with us~" one said as the other agree with her. I growl a bit.

"First, you guys are annoying. Second, I never promise such a thing!" I said trying to get rid of them. However, one of them have a death grip of my arm. I was starting to get really annoying about them and I could feel my magic fueling my eyes sockets.

"Hey! Let him go of him!" I hear Toriel said from behind us. I was glad she was there.

"Or what miss perfect?" One of the girl said.

"Or I will send a picture of you looking desperate all over the school and neighbor." Toriel said showing the picture of her drooling and clingy on me. I chuckle at the pictures.

"Man that one desperate bitch you are" I said managing to get out of them. The girl blush of embarrassment and run away. The others girls gulp when they saw Toriel stern look. Toriel grab my arm and we went to the rooftop.

"Thanks Toriel" I said as we arrive to the rooftop.

"It's not a problem! It's what are friend for." She said smiling warmly at me. Then we saw Asgore waiting for us at our usual spot. He saw us and wave at us.

"Howdy! What's take you guys so long?" He said as we install ourselves.

"Helping Wing with some woman issues" Toriel said giggles. I roll my eyes.

"Not my fault I can be irresistible." I said with a smirk. Asgore hide a chuckle behind his giant paw before he recompose himself.

"So why did you want to talk to us in private, no less?" He said. I clear my throat and try to figure out how to said it without looking crazy.

"Last night around midnight, I receive a call at home..." I start.

"And?" Asgore said pressing me to tell more.

"I know that sound crazy but you will never know who was calling me." I said.

"Who call you Gaster?" Toriel said. I look at them with a smile.

"Alice call me last night." I said. They gasp and their mouth almost wipe open.

"Are you sure?" Toriel said looking at me hopefully that was true.

"Yea, it was really her. She call my old nickname she often use when we were little." I said looking nostalgia about it. Toriel start to tear up a little but she have huge genuily smile at her face. It's being a while that me and Asgore didn't saw her smile like that. We end up all smile and giggles. But then I look at them serious.

"There is something else you should know." I said getting their attention. They look at me curious of what I am going to said.

"Alice is being domestically abuse..." I said. They both gasp. Toriel start to frown and Asgore was quiet.

"Are you sure she have said that?" Asgore said staying rational. I nod firmly.

"Yes, when she call me she said that just calling me could end up with a beating and she hang up as soon as she said that." I said looking down sadly. Asgore pat my shoulder and his gaze start to change for a determinate one.

"Then we have to save her." He said. My eyes widens.

"I thought you wouldn't help and said we cannot do anything..." I said still surprise. He shook his head and look at me again.

"She is also my friend Gaster. We may not have being as close as you with her but I always view her as a friend but also as a sister." He said. I smile at that. I know that we all have the same age but Asgore always being the big brother for me and Alice. Like he said I rarely saw them talking just the two of them but when they do it like a brother taking care of his sister. Toriel came in the conversation.

"I will not let her stay any moment of this awful family! We have to save her." Toriel said determine to rescue our friend. We all nod in agreement.

"Yes! Let's save her!" Both me and Asgore said. We talk for a bit more and we decide to go to my apartment after school. I didn't wanted at first but Asgore and Toriel didn't wanted their parents to know what we were attend to do until we have Alice safe with us. We went to our separate way after lunch break over.

~time skip~

We arrive to my apartment and thank God I didn't saw those gang on our way cause I really didn't wanted Asgore and Toriel to know that part of me yet. I am a bit ashamed of it. Toriel went and make us some snack and brew some tea as Asgore and I try to figured out our plan.

"So what did you gather so far?" Asgore said. I sigh a bit.

"Well all I know is that she call me on a phone booths that was not to far for where she live. So I did some research about it but I don't really have lead point of her exact position." I said sadly. Asgore nod and start to think our options.

"Did you hear something unusual during the call?" Toriel said with the trail of food and tea on her arms. She put them on the coffee table and pour us some tea.

"What do you mean by noises?" I said taking a cup of tea and sip a little.

"What I mean is that if during the call you didn't hear something on the background that could give us some hint of where she live." Toriel said. We nod it's could be a option.

"Did you try to track the phone booths she use too?" Asgore add.

"I didn't since it's hard to find the exact one. I could try to research more of all the phone booths that was near neighbor house and would look for them." I said. They nod.

"Then how about we start to find the phone booths she use and see if we have some lead on it?" Asgore said. I nod and get up to look for it by the computer. I became quite handy with hacking. Not like I did that everyday but I did sometimes when I was bore. I went to the phone company that own the phone booths and try to locate the phone that was use last night around midnight. A while we wait, the three of us would plan of how we were going to do to get her and supposedly if we actually found the exact house she live tho.

We hear the computer blink after a hour of research and we went to look the result. To our chance only one phone booths was use last night and we found the location of it. We all smile at that but we frown when we saw the location. Alice was right on the human part of the neighbor of Ebott city. It's even a residential one which mean there is only humans that live in this territory.

"Well the good new is we found it but the bad news is that she is on the most secure neighbor outside of the city." Asgore said resuming our found. We sigh a bit. Trying to get her would be a challenge but I didn't back down it.

"I will not be discourage it! Come on guys we have to save her!" I said. They both look at me and smile.

"You are right Wing. She need us and we will go get her!" Toriel said. Asgore nod determined to save her too. We start making our plan and since tomorrow is Friday. We decide that I should go get her since I can blend in a bit better than Asgore and Toriel. They would wait for us at my house as I pass a copy of my keys appartement's door so they can go there right after school.

We are coming for you sweetheart! I will make sure you are back to us... Back to me...

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