Chapter 1: 3 years later...

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Gaster P.O.V

It's being 3 years that the letters from Alice stop. None of my friends dare to talk about the subject since it was still to hard to believe that she is gone somewhere far away. I am now 15 years old and I grew up a lot. Like literally. I am now 6'5 tall. I also start to wear a gray turtleneck sweater, a black jacket, black pants and boots. (No he is not G!Sans >:v) I was on my way to school. Which always make me wondering why I keep going. I don't see the points. Monsters doesn't really get the chance to go to a good University since most of them are for human. If a monster manage to get there... There is still prejudice and unfair moral toward us. If I go to the Community college... Well most of monsters that go there came from gangs and bad neighbor. Sometimes I wish I was still a child not caring about the world when Alice was still with us... I shook the last thought. It's not like she would coming back and being was she look like she would become the punching bag of the other. Not like I will let it happen but I just never want her to see how bad everything is around there. At daytime, it was ok but once night was out... You better get home as fast as possible.

I sigh and arrive to school. Then on my way to class, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look at it and it was a paw like hand. I knew this paw everywhere.

"How are you doing WingDing?" Asgore said smiling at me.

"Fine as I can be Asgore." I said. Like me, Asgore also grow tall even more taller than me. He always wear a nice shirt and pants. He have blond hair that was nicely brush and he wore glass. He was the teacher's pet in a way. He also always save me from trouble too. I may be smart but I have outburst impulse especially in fight. We went to our classroom and saw Toriel talking with the others girls of the class. She notice us and went to greet us.

"Hello you two! It's nice to see you this morning and WingDing you didn't go in trouble right?" She said looking at me. She was like a elegant lady with her manners and way to talk. She is also around 6'3 tall but despite her weight she hold a feminist presence. Despite being on different group of friend we always see each other at lunchtime or during weekend. It's become a way to keep track of what happen to us but also of our promise to stay together no matter what. We install for class after we hear the bells. I am always bore during those time and always glance at the windows. Observing outside.

~time skip~ (cause author doesn't want to explain what they do in class  =3=)

As our day finish, we were on our way back home. Asgore and Toriel lived on a different neighbor as me but will walk with me until we have to separate ourselves at the end of the road.

"Cya Wing! Have a safe trip back home" Toriel said. I nod and smile at her.

"I will Toriel. Have a good night" I said. I wait for them to leave and I sigh as I turn around and leave to. I never told them this but I have being fighting a lot of gang in my neighbor. I just wanted to feel something beside pain in my soul and I found out I was pretty good a beating up some guys. They would fear me when I use my powers on them.

I turn a intersection and saw a bunch of guys waiting for me.

"Well well well! Look who we have there! It's Reaper Gaster!" The leader said. The other was laughing. I just give them a boring expression.

"You know! My buddy there told me you beat him up the other day and you know I hate to see my underling getting beat up for no reason." He said.

"Sorry? Which one you said that I beat up? Cause I beat up a lot of people." I said with a smirk and my hands on my jacket's pockets. The leader growl.

"You know who I am talking about! Don't you dare saying you forget you motherfucker!" He said starting to acting up. I roll my eyes and saw the guy he was talking about since he was the only one that was cover in bandages.

"Oh you mean this one? Yea I beat him up cause he have a annoying face that just asking to be beat up." I plainly said.

"I will beat up your smug attitude! Boys!" He command and they all charge at me.

"Oh good new toys to play. You are so generous." I said preparing to attack.

~time skip~

That was a boring encounter. Most of them get knock out with one punch. The leader run away saying this was not the end. I laugh bitterly of that. What a bunch of weakly. I barely beat a sweat. I walk toward home but I pass by the covenant store to buy some diner. I can cook but I am to lazy to cook me anything. I brought also some snacks and left the store. I arrive to the apartment building where I live almost all my life. I arrive in front of my apartment door. I stop for a bit and couldn't help but glance at the door 305... The place where Alice used to live until at the age of 7. I could still view her as a child opening the door and greet me every morning as we go to the kindergarten together. I smile at this nostalgia but quickly frown at the thought. It's not like she will come back anyways. I thought to myself. I use my keys and open the door. I have being living of my own since a year now. My parents are always away from work and I barely see them. They told me they would go on a business trip together. More like my mom follow my dad so he doesn't feel lonely. As for me, I didn't wanted to move out with them and make a deal with them. As long I keep good grades and doesn't get in trouble at school, I could stay on my own. Ever since then, I have being living on my own. Toriel and Asgore knew about it of course and would come on the weekend to check on me. I am grateful they still care of me after all this years. I put my stuff on the counter and some on the fridge. I took off my jacket and pull it on one of the kitchen chair. I also took a bag a chip and some soda out of the bag. I install myself in front of the T.V and watch whatever that was on.

~time skip~

I jump up when I hear the phone house ring. I must have fall asleep in the couch. I thought to myself. As I look at the time. Who is calling at midnight?! I frown and thought to myself. I get up and thought that must be some drunk guy that compose the wrong number. It's happen a couple of time before and I will just hang out the call. Anyways, I went toward the phone and answer it.

"Hello? Who is speaking?" I said.

"....." I could just hear some breathing.

"Seriously.. Who's there?"

"...." I sigh in frustration.

"If it's a prank it's not funny." Then the person start talking.

".......Ding-Ding?...." The voice said. My eyes widens. There is only one person in the world no in the universe that would call me that.

"A-alice? It's that you?!" I said starting to tremble. I hold myself to the kitchen counter.

"Aaah... Y-y-yes, it's me..." She said. I couldn't believe it! Alice is back!

"Alice! Sweetheart! Are you ok? You sound scare." I said.

"I... Am ... Fine! Really!... It's just that I miss you..." She said. She sound like she is going to cry at any moment. I frown a bit.

"Alice... Don't lie to me! What's wrong?!" I said pleading her to tell me.

"I... I am s-sorry! I-I-I w-wish I c-called sooner!" She said bursting to cry. I was starting to cry too. I dunno what happen but I hate it to hear her crying like that.

"Please don't be sorry Alice! Can you tell me what's happen?" I said trying to wipe some of my tears. I hear her taking a shaking breath before talking again.

"I want to go home.... I hate this place... Right now I am using a phone booth to call you... Gosh if they find out... They would be punish me! No more like killing me...." She said starting to cry again. I clench my hand and my jaw. She was being domestically abuse!

"I have to go Ding-Ding... I cannot stay out for long." She said. Before I could ask more she hang out the call. I was standing still with the phone still next to my skull. I couldn't believe it... Alice still here but she is in danger of where she live. I need to find her... No! I have to find her! I could feel Determination fuel my SOUL. Alice! No matter where you are I will found you! I told myself before I went to my rundown computer I patch it up together years ago. I start typing potential place she could live.

Alice P.O.V

After the call, I sneaking went back to the house. It's not my home. Those that took care of me being beating me up and force me to do domestic chores. However, no matter how hard I try to please them, they would still beat me up. I have enough of this life! I want my old life back. When I was still with Toriel, Asgore and WingDing..

I shook my last thought and climb up to my room. I try to be as quiet as possible. I take off my boots and sneakly putting them under my bed. Then I hear footsteps. I panic and warp myself to a blanket and pretend to sleep. I hear the door of my room open. I could feel the stare at me and I try to keep my breathing steady as if I was actually asleep. Then the door close down and I wait for the footsteps to go far away from my room. I finally could breath in relief and sit down. I know what I did was dangerous, but I couldn't live like that. It's feel so good to hear his voice once more. I could feel like I was back of the apartment building. I sigh and take off the cloths I was wearing. It was a blue hoodie with a plain with t-shirt under it and my black jeans. Once I take the items off, I saw all the bandages and some of them have bloodstain on them and also some dust... I sigh at the view. I put my pyjamas on and hide my cloths under my pillow so they wouldn't know I went out outside. I try to sleep but it was hard tho. I finally fall asleep for exhaustion. My last thought was about my friends. Toriel, Asgore, WingDing.... I hope to see you guys one day.

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