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It's being 5 years that I haven't see one of my best friend. She was my first friend when she move in downtown Ebott. The most dangerous part of the neighbor. I still have the other two but we all know it was not the same without her.

I remember that day. It was summer time and I saw a trunk stopping in front the apartment building that I am living. I was reading a book and I always read beside the window of my living room apartment when I saw the workers taking out furniture out of the trunk and some boxes. I end up curious and look more carefully of the people that is going to live at the same apartment building as me. I saw a car park behind the trunk and what I saw surprise me. There is humans that is going to live there! I thought. There was a middle age old man with gray-white hair and a child that is the same age as me that came out of the car. I thought it was weird that humans came to this part of the neighbor. I wasn't sure if the child was a guy or a girl but it's will be nice to have someone to play with. There is other kid but they make fun of me because I am a nerd and a skeleton monster. I sigh and look closely to the child. They were wearing a cream colored hoodie with wolf's ears and a tail on the back of the hoodie, black jeans and black sneakers. They have a backpack on their back and start to follow the old man inside the building. I couldn't see their face since they have their hoodie hiding their face. I wanted to see more but I heard my mom calling me for diner.

Later on the afternoon, we hear our door knock and my mom ask me to answer it. I went and saw in front of me the new neighbor with a bag of cookies.

"Hello little one. Is your parents home?" The old man said. I nod and went fetching my mom. She came and I was behind her still looking at the child in front of us.

"Hello sir, may I ask the reason of your visit?" My mom said.

"We are here to greet the neighbor. You see me and my grand-daughter just move in on the apartment 305." He said patting his grand-daughter's head. She look up at my mom and smile.

"Nice to meet you!" She said. I blush a bit cause her voice was cute. Then she look at me and I kind of retire behind my mom.

"I am sorry for my son! He is shy with new people." My mom said chuckle. I pout a bit cause she embarrassing me. The girl smile at me.

"There we bake some cookies!" She said. I took the cookies and nod at her, but my mom slap the back of my head.

"What do you said?" She said sternly.

"Thank you" I said hiding my blushing face behind the bag of cookies.

"You are welcome!" She said giggles. "By the way my name is Alice! Nice to meet you." She said holding her hand toward me.

"Gaster... WingDing Gaster" I said to her as I shyly take her hand.

Ever since that day, we have being playing together at the park or at the apartment building. We went to the same kindergarten that was down the road and we will go together with my mom since her grand-father is busy at work. We made 2 others friend in the kindergarten which become our best friend too. They were call Asgore and Toriel. The four of us will always play together until our parents come fetch us.

When we were outside, she always have her hood up to hide her face. Which make me sad cause I like seeing her face. She have those beautiful white hair and odds eyes. Her smiles are beautiful and she is cute. I admit I have a crush over her but I only understand it later when she left...

When we were 7 years old a few day before summer vacation, she was lifeless on our way to the elementary. I was worry and try to cheer her up.

"What's wrong Alice? You look down." I said. She look up at me and try to show her best smile.

"I am fine Ding-Ding!" She said. I frown a bit but then she suddenly took my hand and run toward the school gate.

"Woah! Alice what's the matter with you?" I said trying to keep up of her pace.

"I am excited to see Gory and Tori at school! Also I want to spend all day with you guys." She said grinning big and laugh. I smile a bit and keep holding her hand until we found our friends. As she said she would we did spend all day together even after school. We went to a park and play until the sun starting to go down. Then Alice wanted to go to the top of the hill and watch the sun going down. The four of us sit down next to each other which Alice sit between me and Toriel. Asgore was sitting next to Toriel on the other side.

"It's a beautiful view!" Toriel said. Asgore nod in respond.

"It is! I don't want the day to end. Ever!" Alice said. I glance at her and I could feel her mouth trembling a bit.

"Hey what's wrong?" I said putting my hand on hers. She flinch a bit and turn to look at me.

"Grandpa told me we will have to move out." She said. Both our friends gasp as for me I was feeling sad and in shock.

"When?" Toriel said.

"After school years..." She said whisper. It was in a week! Toriel pull her for a hug.

"We don't want you to leave!" She said. Starting to cry. Asgore pat Toriel's back as for me I was still froze in place.

"That's unfair! Why can't you just stay with us!?" I manage to said after a moment. She look at me tears in her eyes.

"Because if I stay grandpa would be lonely.... I don't want him to be lonely." She said. I start crying and the four of us were hugging each other in tears. Then Alice pull out of the hug and wipe her tears.

"Come on guys! I wanted to remember happy times than sad one! I want to leave with a smile not in tears!" She said grinning at us. We look at each other but we nod and smile at her. The last week we spend it as much time together. We even did sleepover most of rest of the week so we can spend as much time together. I admit it that I did blush a little when she fall asleep on my shoulder when we were watching movies. Asgore and Toriel would smirk and giggles at me. I would pout a bit and look away when they did that.

When the time was finally come, her grand-father came to fetch her at school. The three of us will hug her and try to not cry.

"We will miss you!" Asgore said.

"You better write us letters!" Toriel said.

"I don't want you to leave." I said on a whisper. She smile at the three of us and promise that once she settle she will send us a letter. She left with her grand-father and we didn't saw her again.

As promise, she write us a letter for the three of us. We will go eat our lunch outside away from the other and Toriel would read the letters. We were glad she settle a bit but she still miss us a lot. That make me smile she still thinking about us.

Today I was on my way to school excited cause today Toriel receive a letter of Alice and we were going to read it together like always. I greet Asgore and Toriel at the school gates.

"Did you have it?" I said to Toriel. They both chuckle at my statement.

"It's good to see you Wing" Asgore said. After finishing laughing. I Blush and groan a bit.

"And to answer your question... Yes I have the letter!" Toriel said waving the letter in front of me. I smile and took the letter of her hand. I could tell it's her handwriting everywhere. I miss her despite being 5 years I still want to see her.

The bells went off and we went to class. I keep the letters with me. I keep wondering what write on this one. Would she tell about her school life? Her grand-father experimentation? Or just said she miss us alot? I wish to know now but I must be patient. I cannot open it by my own since the three of us promise each other to read it together 'no peeking' Toriel said. I chuckle a bit. I hear the bells again and I rush out toward the door, but I was stop by a group of monsters. Ugh that's doggo and his crew again.. I thought rolling my eyes.

"Not so fast bonehead! You still own me money!" Doggo said.

"What money? I never ask you for money and I know you steal it from the others!" I said wanted to just to leave and meet with the others.

"Ah! Right! Did you know that you are just treat for us dog? It's would be a good idea that you become our chewing toys!" He said laughing and his crew join him. I just groan.

"Yea yea just because I am a skeleton haha very funny. Can I leave? I need to meet with my friends." I said. Doggo stop laughing and start growling.

"Oh no! Not until you give me your lunch money!" He said. I just growl and my eyes start changing colors.

"You guys better get away from me if you don't want to have a bad time." I said with a very angry tone. They back away and I use this opportunity to flee.

I meet up with Asgore and Toriel to our usual place. I wave at them and they notice me and wave too.

"Sorry I am late." I said sitting down at the bench.

"It's alright we just got here." Asgore said.

"Did you get in trouble on your way?" Toriel said worry. I smile and shook my head.

"Nothing I can handle really!" I said. They both nod.

"So... Ready to read her letter?!" I said excited as I pass the letter to Toriel.

"You bet!" She said. She carefully open the letter. It's have two pages wrote of writing.

"I guess she was busy this week." I said chuckle. There is time she would write 5 pages worth of writing just to tell us everything that happen like she was writing a diary. The three of us chuckle and Toriel start to reading it out loud.

"Hi guys! How you guys doing? I hope you are doing great but not to great cause that would mean you don't miss me anymore!" I smirk at that she know we will always miss her even if we have a good day. "For my side, I have being ok... Many thing happen in the past month... Stuff I didn't dare to tell you guys. I didn't wanted you guys to worry." We frown at that. "To tell you guys the truth, my grandpa went ill's." We gasp at the news. "He collapse at the beginning of the month and he was hospitalize since then. It was scary and awful. Their was people I didn't know that keep coming bother my grandpa rest. I just know that they wanted something from him but grandpa refuse to talk to them." My hands start to clench thinking of how terrify she must have being. "Over the month... Grandpa health went down really fast and yesterday he pass away. I was with him until the end and cry. I still crying a while writing it. I am sorry I didn't tell you guys. Now I dunno what would happen to me. I might have to move away with some relative. I dunno if I can write anymore letters from where I am going... They said I should stop contact you guys and if I do I will be punish. They even said they will hurt you guys and I don't want that to happen. So this is my last letter I will send to you guy. Know that I love you guys so much.

Love, Alice.

P.S please don't forget about me ok?"

We couldn't believe what we just read. Toriel was in tears and Asgore was comforting her. As for me, I took the letter from Toriel and read it again. I clench the letter and tears start to came out.

"It's not true right? She cannot just disappear on us like that. Right?" Toriel said. Asgore said nothing. As for me, I just get up and leave.

"WingDing! Where are you going?" Asgore said.

"I need to be alone for a while." I said.

"No you cannot leave my friend! We have to stay together and handle it together! We cannot be separate not right now!" He said strait up his back still holding Toriel. I sigh and I knew he is right.

We stay together as long as we can. At the end of the day, I went home and cry at my room. My only regret is that I could never tell her my feelings for her.

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