Chapter 7: I will be fine

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It's being a few weeks since Alice talk with Toriel about how to confess her feeling for Gaster. She have being trying to confess her feelings but the timing never seem to be here. Desipse to live on the same appartement, it's seem to never have the right time to tell her feelings...

Some exemple that happen thru the weeks, WingDing would come back with some homeworks and Alice didn't want to disturb him. Maybe next time... She thought. Then the next day, they were watching a movie. Gaster was so into the movie that he didn't notice that Alice scoop over closer to him and about to put her hand on his. However, Gaster move his hand away at the last minute to take some popcorn. Alice get scare and move away from him blush on embarassement. To close. She thought herself as she try to focus on the movie. She once again fail to be intimate with him and confess him.

Now, Alice was at Grillby's working as a bartender. She have being working there for a few days as she wanted to help WingDing with the finances. He didn't like it at first since most that go there are drunk, perverts and more importantly monsters that hate humans. Alice didn't want to be a freelancer and rely on him and her two goat friends. She want to help too. After many argument and reassuring the worry skeleton, she manage to get a job at Grillby's. She mostly tend the bar and get to the kitchen to cook. There is sometimes she would go and serve some clients but that's only happen during the day when there is barely customer to serve. Which make the skeleton a little bit relief she doesn't have to deal with drunk all the time.

Alice was cleaning one of the glass behind the bar as she hear the door for the kitchen open. She glance over and saw Grillby with his well dress up uniforms. Alice smile at him but was also confuse of why he was there at this hour.

"Hi Grillby! Why are you there? Should you be still at school?" Alice said.

Grillby nod in respond and his flame flicker at her last question.

"Father need to fetch some supplies and need me to cover the kitchen." Grillby said.

"I see." Alice said frowing. She remember back of this morning when she arrive at the bar. Grillby's father told her that he was going out and she would have to take care of the bar.

"I can handle the bar you know." Alice said feeling they don't trust her at all to take care of the bar. Grillby rub behind his neck feeling awkward. Alice sigh after she feel like she offend him.

"I am sorry... I just thought that boss give me more responsability by now." She said.

"It's alright. I didn't have alot of class at school." He said. Grillby is actually in college studying business. He wanted to help his dad with the bar and having knowlege would help to expand their product. Grillby once told her he wanted the bar to be friendly zone for both monsters and humans. It's warm her SOUL that their is still people like Grillby that believe equiality between the species. Alice smile at Grillby before both of them hear the front door open. They turn to see boss with a crate on his arms.

"Need help." He simply said and both of the employees didn't have to think twice to go help the elder flame monster.

~time skip~

It was almost the end of Alice's shift when WingDing center the bar. Once she saw him, she couldn't help but blush a bit at the sight. He is wearing a turtleneck sweater with a leather jacket with white fur on the hood and have his black pants with brown boots. He was carring his backpack on his left hand behind his shoulder. The sight make Alice be in awe of how handsome he look like. Before he look at her, Alice look away as she hear a customer calling her. WingDing greet some of the regular as he walk toward the bar where Alice as she was serving drink. He glance at her. WingDing couldn't help as he look at her. She was wearing a black waitresses dress with a white napron to the front. Her hair was tie up in her back. She emit this sweet aura that make her loveable. WingDing sit down at barstools and look at Alice serving some customer. She was smiling at them as she took notes of their orders. He smile at the sight until he hear someone clearing his throat beside him. He look up and saw Grillby with a smug grin plaster on his face.

"Enjoy the view?" Grillby said. WingDing blush a bit as he look away for a second before he return to him and have a grin on his face.

"If the view you are talking about is you then yes it is a pleasant view." WingDing said as he laugh at Grillby shocking face. Grillby shake his head before start talking again.

"You are impossible" he said

"Hey you started not me" WingDing said as he put his hands in front of him. Grillby roll his eyes at his attitude.

"Anyways I assume you came here to fetch Alice." The flame monster said. WingDing nod as he look back at Alice who just come back from the kitchen with some orders. He smile upon seeing her until he saw her turning toward the bar where both the monster where talking.

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" Alice said.

"Nothing just talking about y---" WingDing punch grillby's chest to shut him up. The flame monsters flinch at the sudden slap and then rub his chest. Alice didn't understand the sudden actions but shrugs it off since she thought that was a guy thing.

"Anyways... Are you almost done?" WingDing said.

"I am actually pretty much done for today." She said as she look at her watch. "I am going to grab my stuff." Alice said as she went back to the back door. WingDing sigh as she leave before he hear Grillby softly laughing.

"What's so funny?" WingDing said looking at the flame monster.

"It is so obvious that you like her but you don't try to make a move." Grillby said.

"N-no! It's not like that! I care about her because she is my friend!" WingDing said as he start blushing and panicking.

"My friend... you cannot hide it from me. It's clear you care of her more than a friend." Grillby argue back.

"It's just... I don't want to scare her away..." WingDing said.

"What do you mean?" Grillby said confuse.

"Right now, she doesn't need a lover but a friend... I want her to feel more comfortable and at peace than pull her in a relationship with me... I don't think it's the right time and right now I don't have nothing to give her. I want to give her a actual home which she would be happy." WingDing said as he look down on his laps. Grillby was a little bit in shock of how this teenage skeleton care deeply of Alice. However, he know that once his friend would be ready he would confess to her with all his being. Until then, he would silently support them as a good friend he is.

Alice came out with her purse at hand and when toward the boys. She smile at them as she arrive.

"Are you all set?" WingDing said. Alice nod before she follow him out of the bar. They wave at the flame monster at the way out.

Both of them walk silently during their way back home. The silence was somewhat awkward since usually they would both talk about their day. However, WingDing was still thinking about what he just said to Grillby and now he feel more aware of what he do toward Alice, especial when they are alone. Don't get him wrong, he love her deeply but he doesn't want to scare her about his feeling and lose their friendships. He was in deep thought, until he hear Alice calling his name.

"Yes Alice?" WingDing said.

"You seem in a deep thought care to share? It's ok if you don't too." She said as she said the last part quickly. WingDing smile at her as he pat her head.

"It's nothing to worry about sweetheart. Just over thinking like always." He said.

"Ok... If you said so" Alice said smiling at him. The awkward atmosphere lift out and the two friends start talking about there day. They both on the way to the downtown street shop where they buy there grocery. Most over there are monsters kind. So each time they saw Alice they are being hostile toward her but they didn't show it in front of her when she was with WingDing. The last time one of the merchant was impolite toward Alice and WingDing saw it. He wait for her to go to the next stand that he threatened the merchant that if he show any hostility toward Alice that he will give a bad time to him. Ever since then, the merchants would be polite to Alice when WingDing was present. However, if she go alone, which is really rare since WingDing always go with her or one of their goats friends, some merchants would not pay attention to her or ask her to move away. It's hurt Alice saying they are hostile with her.

Anyways, they were done shopping and on their way home. It was getting late and WingDing know that if they don't go home soon they would encounter some street gang. WingDing could teleport them if necessary as Alice always refuse to be teleported to place to place since she wanted to walk and see the neighbor and memories the place just in case he was not here to help. WingDing as fastest a bit their pace.

As they make the turn to the hallways, they encounter with a bunch of street gang members that was smoking at the end of the hallways. WingDing was about to teleport them to home but one the gang spot them. He already call the others and they all start to snickers when they saw WingDing.

"Hey bud, if you want to pass you must pay a fee." One said. They all snickers of the comments.

"It's a public place. No one own that place so anyone can go wherever they want." WingDing said as he hide Alice front behind him. Alice didn't dare to said nothing and hope WingDing can deal with them.

"If we said we own it then we own it!" The leader said.

"Then we will go somewhere else." WingDing said as he grab Alice hand ready to leave.

"Hey hey why do want to leave so soon? The fun just started~" The leader said. The other member start to get closer to them. Alice stick really close to Gaster as he was preparing to fight back. One of the member notice Alice and start whistle at the view.

"Hey boss look at that~ it's a girl! A human girl on the top of that!" The rest of the gang start to get curious and wanted to get more closer but the leader which look like a lizard push them away so he can see. As soon he lay a eyes on her, he smile with all his teeth out.

"well well didn't know that you have such a good catch for yourself skeleton! Care to share it with us?~" The leader said. Alice start to shiver as she hear this comment and panic if what they should do.

"Sorry but we were just going home so we have no time for you guys" WingDing said.

"Aww come one man~ let's just have a taste of her~ it's not everyday that we see a human especially a pretty one~" they all snicker as Gaster was about to lose his temper.

"Look buddy... the answer is not and we are leaving" WingDing said. He took Alice's hand and try to move away from them but then the lizard guy grab Alice's other arm. She squeals in surprise. WingDing's eyes start to glow purple as he turn around.

"Let her go!"

"We are going to take her and taste her like it or not!" The leader start to growl. Alice was trembling in fear. She try to free herself from the lizards guy but his grip was to strong. WingDing start to growl too.

"I. Said. Let. Her. Go!!!" Gaster said as he summon some bones and throw at the leader. He barely manage to dodge but lose his grip around Alice's wrist. She took this change to free herself and run behind WingDing.

"Alice run at home and lock up until I am back alright?" WingDing said as he keep a eyes on the gang.

"No! They outnumber you!" Alice said as she didn't want him to fight them all by himself. WingDing glance at her and smile.

"Don't worry about me sweetheart. I would be fine." He said as return his attention to the gang. Alice stood here for a second before she clench her fist and turn to the opposite side.

"You better come back to me!" Alice said as she run away from the fight. WingDing smile at the statement. He gather his magic as soon as Alice leave the hallways. The other members take out their weapons and some active their magic ready to attack.

"So who ready to have a bad time?" WingDing said as he summon bones and a giant blaster behind him.

(A/N) Cliffhanger! I am so so so sorry that take me a month to updates. Being trying to balance work, writing and sleep. XD Anyways hope you like the chapter!

Inugamisama 🐺 out ~

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