Chapter 8 : More than friend?

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Alice run and run toward the block apartment. She was exhausted but arrive to the apartment building. She reach out for her keys trembling as she try to unlock the door of the apartment. She manage to open the door and close it as she quickly lock it. She was panting heavily as she slide down to the floor. Tears came out of her eyes as she feel worry about her friend. She also feel useless and a coward to leave him all alone with those gang.

Why I am so useless?! I should have being there to help him!

If you did stay what could you do? You don't have any magic nor fighting ability to protect yourself nor other! Said her little voice in her mind. That is not true! I could help him! Oh yea? You barely use them and you don't  know how to control it! Why do you do think grandpa seal them!? She hate to admit it that her little voice was right and she would just become a burden to WingDing.

She keep debating herself for a while until she get startle by the ring of the phone. She get up and went to the kitchen to answer the call.

"Hello?" Alice said.

"Oh Alice dear! How are you?" Toriel said on the other end of the phone. When Alice hear her voice, tears start to came out but she try to keep her voice from trembling.

"I am ok.. I just come back from work!" Alice said trying to be happy. However, Toriel could feel a hint of sadness in her friend voice.

"Alice? Are you ok?" Toriel said. With only that, Alice start crying.

"T-t-tori! I dunno what to do!" Alice said as tears came out faster of her odds eyes.

"Calm down! Take a deep breath and start for the beginning." Toriel said with a reassuring voice.


WingDing beat up the last of the gang. He left them laying around on the hallway. He saw the leader trying to get away from him but Gaster take him and lift him as he was nothing.

"P-please! D-don't kill me!" The leader said. WingDing look at him up and down before return to look at him with his cold expression.

"If I ever see you again near MY girl, I will not be as merciful to you..." WingDing said with a threatening voice.

"Got it! We didn't thought she was yours! We are so sorry Reaper!" The leader said as the others groan in response. He let the lizard go as he drop heavily on the ground. WingDing left them and walk out as far as he can from the hallway. He sigh as he have this urge to smoke a cigarette. He rarely smoke ever since Alice live with him. He didn't want her to think of him as a heavy smoker. He feel like with her by his side he doesn't need to do those bad habit anymore and he have something better to live on. Which is protect and make Alice happy. He smile at the thought and decide teleport to the front door of the apartment since he doesn't want to freak her out. He took out his keys out and unlock the door. She lock the door. Good girl he thought as he open the door. The light was off which make him worry. He frown a bit before he could call her something rush toward him. He could feel two arms warping around his waist. He knew right away it was his sweetheart.

"Hey I --"

"I was so worry!" Alice with tears in her eyes. WingDing was surprise of the sudden shouts but he recover as he saw her worry face full of tears. He hug her back shushing her. They stay like that for a while until Alice start talking again.

"Please don't make me worry anymore" she said in a whisper. He hesitate to respond to her.

"I won't hurt myself sweetheart but I will do anything to protect you and the people I care." He said with a serious face. Alice blush a little bit. She never see him so serious even in the past when he was suppose to be serious he will just end up smiling and joke around. She doesn't why but her SOUL beat so fast for his statement. She snap out of her thought and try to be serious.

"Well you better be careful! I hate to see you injure." She said looking away trying to hide her blush. WingDing chuckle of her attempt and hug her. Alice blush harder but hug him back. It's always warm him how adorable she can be around him and he never feel that happy after the day she left. Sure Ashore and Toriel as being around him to cheer him up but once they start high school, they just end up having different group of friend and barely have contact with each other. After Alice came back, thing change and the four of them being together more often even call each other.

After a while, both of the friend let go of the hug.

"Alright that's enough tears for tonight. Let's eat a snack and go to bed ok?" WingDing said. Alice perk up and went to the kitchen. WingDing chuckle and follow her behind. She take out a bag of chip and pour it on a bowl. They both eating it and mostly enjoy their time together. Until they hear a bang at the front door. WingDing raise a eyebrows and glance at Alice.

"I didn't aspect a visit and you?" WingDing ask. Alice's eyes widen and remember the phone call.

"Oh it must be Tori..."

"Why is she here? And late too?"

"I told her about our encounter with the gang and told me she will come as soon as possible..." Alice said looking away. WingDing sigh but get up and went to the open the front door. The door get bang more louder as he get close. He hesitate a bit but know if he doesn't open soon Toriel will destroy his door and he doesn't know what to tell to the landlord if that happen. As soon he open it, Toriel storm in the apartment. She look angry and worry. When she turn and saw WingDing and at first she was glad he look fine but then turn out to be mad again.

"Why did you end up fighting with gangster?! You know it's dangerous!" Toriel said. She cross her arms and look sternly at WingDing. The skeleton look down a bit a shame of what he did but then he look up at Toriel with determination.

"So what if I fight them?! It was to protect Alice from being hurt!" WingDing reply back.

"She might be not hurt physically but she is hurt emotionally! Do you know she was crying out loud on the phone before you arrive?!" Toriel said with a stern look. WingDing feel guilty. He never once wanted Alice to cry for him and get worry about him.

"I know what I did was wrong but if I didn't fight back Alice would be hurt or worse!" He said.


"Please stop fighting!" Alice suddenly said. Both of the friend turn around and saw Alice in the door frame that lead to the kitchen looking sad.

"Please stop fighting I feel like it's my fault you guys are fighting" Alice said with tears coming out of her odds eyes.

Both the skeleton and goat start to panic and went toward their friend.

"Alice shh don't cry! We stop fighting see?" Toriel said as she comfort her friend by hugging her. WingDing patting Alice's head. Alice was sniffing and hiccup. She hug Toriel back and stay like this for a few minutes. Alice push away to look at them.

"You two really not going to fight anymore?" Alice said as she look up at them. Both of them so look at each other before looking back at their small friend.

"Of course we won't  fight anymore! I am sorry my dear you saw us like that we should have consider you too." Toriel said.

"It's  ok as long my friends doesn't fight each other!" Alice said with a huge grin on her face. Both the friends were relieve she was not upset anymore.

"Shall we watch a movie tonight?" Alice said.

"Sure I don't  see why not!" Toriel said.

"Toriel can stay for tonight since it's late or you have a way to come back home?" WingDing said looking at the goat monster.

"Well I rush there and it is pretty late... I guess I will stay for tonight" Toriel said. Alice jump in joy.

"Let me grab some snacks!" Alice said as she went back to the kitchen. Both of them was looking at her going to the kitchen and sigh.

"Don't  you think our conversation is over WingDing." Toriel said with a sharp look.

"I figure but at most let's talk about it when Alice not around." WingDing said.

"Deal. Now shall we grab a movie?" Toriel said. WingDing nod and they found a movie by the time Alice came back with the bowl of chips and some other snack with drinks. The three of them was watching the movie until it was late at night. WingDing was still awake so as Toriel but Alice was asleep and lean on WingDing side. Toriel quietly chuckle of the scene.

"I guess it's time for her to get to bed." Toriel said. WingDing simply nod and slowly wrap Alice around his arms. He carry her in bridal style and then went in a dilemma. Should he transport her to her room or his? Since Toriel need a room to sleep. He worry Alice and Toriel wouldn't fit in her bed since it's not as big as the one in Toriel house. He then feel a hand on his shoulder.

"You should take her to your room~" Toriel said teasingly. WingDing blush hard of the sudden comment and turn his head toward his friend.

"Toriel that is not funny!" He whisper yell at her. She giggles before she push him toward his room.

"You should rest and Alice cannot fit in the bed with me so you sleep with her in your room." Toriel said with a grin in her face. WingDing  blush even harder and wanted to reply back but Toriel close the door before he could do anything. He was about to turn around and give some piece of his mind to Toriel but then he feel Alice stir in his arms. WingDing stop moving and look down. He said Alice slowly open her odds eyes open.

"Ding-Ding? What time is it?" Alice said as she rub her eyes. WingDing start blushing and try to not be so nervous.

"It's late and we should go to sleep." He said. Alice still in a drowsy state but then look around. She took a second before she realize that she was in WingDing's room. She blush hard and now fully awake.

"Ding-Ding why I am in your room?!" The panic and blushing expression Alice was emitting that he could help but having a mishevious smile on his face.

"Toriel and you cannot sleep on the same bed and it was late. The couch is out of question. Your best option would be sleeping in my room~" WingDing said as he put his face closer to hers. Alice hide her face on his shoulder and he laugh at her shyness. He kiss her on the top of her head.

"You know you are cute right now. It's make me want to eat you~" he said teasingly.


"Alright I will stop. It's late time to sleep." He said as he put her down to his bed. She was wearing a pyjama as she change before the movie so she didn't  have to change but WingDing was still have his turtleneck sweater and black pants. Alice hide herself in the blanket as WingDing change clothes. She could feel her heartbeat going faster in her chest and she could hear WingDing's clothes dropping in the floor. She couldn't help but imagine what's under his clothes. She could picture his ribs, vertebrae, hip bone and the rest moving. She shiver a bit of how hot he would look if he was on top of her naked and could see his SOUL so bright... Bad Alice! What are you doing?! She scold herself as she know she was fantasy about her best friend. She blush redder and try to calm down but then the bed start to move. Alice internally screaming before she could feel WingDicng getting closer to her. He wrap his arms around her and pull her closer to him.

"Alice? Why are you red?" WingDing said.

"I am not! It's just hot!" Alice said panicking

"I can put the fan on if you feel hot" He said as he was about to get up.

"N-n-no! It's just..." Alice suddenly said as she turn around and stop WingDing to get up but she didn't know how to explain it. WingDing  was confuse of her sudden action but stay beside her.

"Alice what's wrong?" WingDing said. Alice stay silence for a moment before she sigh and look up at him.

"WingDing... I-I want to tell you something!" She said with determination in her eyes. He get curious and let her continue.

"Wing... I l-like you!" She said blushing red. WingDing froze for a moment. He try to process what she just said. He didn't  want to conclude anything yet tho.

"I like you too, Alice." WingDing said. But then Alice could feel he didn't understand what she really meant.

"No! I meant I like like you! Like A lot!" Alice said looking straight at his eyesockets. WingDing become dumbfounded as he understood what she really meant. His SOUL start rising in happiness. He wrap his arms around her and pull her closer. He kiss her on her soft lips. Alice's eyes widen of the sudden kiss but soon recover of the shock and kiss him back.

They broke the kiss as Alice need to breath. They both smiling at each other. They lay down next to each other as she snuggle  WingDing's chest. He chuckles a bit and kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight Alice"

"Goodnight Ding-Ding"


"Hey Alice"


"I love you"

"I love you too"

(A/N) Sorry I didn't publish for a while. There is like 2 more weeks before my work is done and I will get more free time! I enjoy writing and I hope you guys like my story!

Inugamisama 🐺 out~

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