Chapter 8 (ENDING #1)

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HELLO FRIENDS! Yeah sorry for the long wait but I finally got friends to edit it and stuff. I MAY rewrite this fanfiction in the future, though... Shoutout to people who leave comments, especially to Grace (suckmydirnt on instagram)! You're awesome! And shoutout to my good friend Alina who is drawing art for this fic. :)

So's the first ending on the FanFiction, or which I like to call it 'canon.'


"Hey," Mike said in a shy voice.

I gulped. "Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked him. "You didn't talk to me or anything for a long time and you're supposed to be taking care of her, aren't you? I don't get you-"

He sat down on the edge of the bed and shushed me gently. "Look, I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in so long...I needed time to work things out," he said to me. "I was taking care of her, and I talked to her about things."

I looked down. "Talked to her about what kinds of things?" I asked quietly.

He then took my hand and sighed. "...I was talking to her about our relationship between her and I. Then I told her and I," he said and I closed my eyes. "She smiled at me. She told me that I should go and be with you, the one who I've fallen for." He said and he lifted my chin, looking into my eyes. "She said she was being unfair to me, that this relationship wouldn't last if it continued, and so we unanimously ended it. She told me that she wanted to do it on her own, and that she wanted to start a new life and be a better person. She isn't upset. She gave this letter to me..." He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it. "'Michael, I wish all the best for you. But we both need to move on into better lives, and become happier people. Please go and see the one you love, I know that they will keep you happier than I ever will. I hope we will still keep in touch from time to time. Kindest wishes from the bottom of my heart, Kaylee VanBelle.'" He folded the letter back.

He looked at me, as if waiting for my response. "What about...your baby?" I asked in shock.

"She told me that she didn't want me to be involved-that she wanted to do it on her own. I insisted to help her, but she wouldn't listen. She told me that she needed to go through with it alone. We compromised...I still get to see the baby when it's time. But I'm no longer involved with her romantically anymore." He held my hand, and I didn't let go.

He scooted closer to me and brushed my hair from my face. "You look so beautiful," he said to me as I blushed.

"Mike, I-I..." I couldn't find my words. "I like you..." I blurted out. "...yeah. Oh my gosh, I'm so stupid! That must've sounded so childish..." I covered my face with my hands.

He took my hands away from my face and I felt his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and slowly kissed him back. I've made my decision-I wanted to be with Mike.

He was special. He was unpredictable, but also sweet and caring. He could come off as cold, but he was misunderstood. I know that there was Tré and I who flirted and everything...but we were just friends.

I'd fallen for Michael Ryan Pritchard.

He kissed me more and I felt him smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands on my waist as we continued to kiss. He tasted like cigarettes and coffee...

His hands combed through my curly ash brown hair and he deepened the kiss as I turned my head and gasped, only to have him leave kisses on my neck.

I giggled shyly. "Mike..." I pulled away and I was probably as red as a tomato, since he was too. "Sorry...I got a little bit ahead of myself." He said as he scratched his head and chuckled.

My face was still hot and I tucked in my knees and rested my head against his shoulder. He put his arm around me and stroked my hair.

"'s the new songs coming along?" I asked him. "Really well. I'm really proud of Billie; and thank you for helping him," he said to me.

"I-I don't...just tell him I said no problem," I said. We stayed like that for a few minutes...just me resting my head on his shoulder and his arm around me.

I checked my watch. " should probably go..." I told him. "...Tré is coming over in about fifteen minutes."

He sighed. "Okay. But...I just have a question to ask you," he said and he held my hands in his. "...I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay with me."

"Huh?" I felt myself ask in confusion.

He licked his lips. "If Green Day gets to go on tour, I want you to come with me. Billie, Tré and I. I don't want to lose you-you're the most precious thing that's ever been in my life. I...Logan...I need you in my life. You keep me sane, you make me a better person. I don't know what I would do without you," he said to me.

I was shocked. "I have to think over this, okay? It's a really big decision...I need some time."

He nodded. "I understand. You think I could swing by tomorrow?"

I nodded. He smiled and kissed me goodnight.

- - -

The doorbell rang a bit later and I answered, smiling at Tré.

"Hi, Tré." I greeted as he stepped inside. "Hello, my little miss Logan. How are you on this fine evening?" He asked me.

"I'm quite well, but...I wanted to talk to you about something," I said. I took his hand and led him over to the couch.

He looked more serious as he looked at me. "Everything okay? You've been resting and eating well?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I am now, thanks. But...I wanted to ask"

"Yeah?" He shifted in his seat. "What's wrong? You look nervous."

I gulped. "I kind of am. I wanted to there anything going on between us? Are"

His eyes widened and he scratched his head. "L-Logan...I'm going to be completely honest with're really fun and cute and amazing and everything..."

I looked at him nervously. "...but?"

"I mean...we've been really close and flirty as everybody says, and I've had a little bit of a crush on you...but honestly, I don't think I'm ready to be in a serious relationship," he said with guilt in his voice. "...there's this girl I've known for a while, and she's...I...I might be in love with her."

"Really?" I asked. He nodded. "It's just fun to poke fun at you and tease you and we're friends, right?" He spoke in a serious tone. "I just don't...I'm not ready for commitment or anything right now," he pursed his lips. "That's cool with you, right?"

"Yeah, of course. Totally...because I was going to say...Mike and I are...kind of together now," I said as I shuffled my feet.

He smiled at me. "Ha. Of course you two are. Damn it, now I owe Billie ten bucks."

I tilted my head in confusion. "What? Why?"

"We kind of made a bet. I mean, I honestly thought you hated Mike's guts. But Billie insisted that you two should be together and shit, and uh...yeah. He bet that if you really did like Mike, I owe him ten bucks. And I bet against it, so..." He shrugged.

"You did?" I asked curiously. He smirked as he leaned back on the couch. "I didn't know you liked him, but ever since that night on Valentines Day, Mike talked to us the morning after and it was really fuckin' obvious he had this crush on you."

I blushed deeply and looked away.

He stood up. "I was gonna ask if you wanna go see a movie or something tomorrow?"

I stood up and smiled. "Yeah...that'd be really great, Tré."

He smiled and left a quick kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight, Logan. Don't be so glum!"

"Goodnight, Tré." I said as I waved to him.

- - -

So Tré and I got to watch our movie, and Mike took me out on a date. A real date this time!

We went for a walk downtown together, holding hands, eating hot dogs and window shopping. It was really sweet.

We walked into the music shop and listened to some records that he liked, and I admit, I was pretty into it. We then went for coffee (I drank milk; Mike had coffee). He escorted me back to the house, and we kissed a lot on my bed.

Adrienne came to see me off, to my relief. I hugged her. "I'll miss you," I told her. And it was true, Adrienne became my best girl friend.

She was tearing up as she handed me a piece of paper. "My home phone number. Anytime you need a friend."

I hugged her again. "Be safe," is what I managed to say before she left.

I sighed. I was going to miss her, but I knew I would see her again someday.

- - -

"Will I ever see you guys again?" I asked the boys.

"I sure as hell hope so," Tré said. I hugged Tré and smiled as he gave me a huge bear hug. "Stay 39 smooth, little missy."

I hugged Billie and he smiled at me as he pulled away. "You'll always be my friend. I'll never forget you," Billie said to me as he began to tear up.

I then moved on to Mike and we stared at each other for a while. He held me close and embraced me tightly as my tears began to stain his white T-shirt.

"Wait for me, Mike..." I whispered to him. "I want to be with you more than anything."

He kissed my cheek softly and stroked my hair. "Please come back for me. I'll be waiting for you."

Billie wiped his eyes. "Ugh, I've been wanting you two to get the fuck on for so really is about time!" Tré laughed and swatted Billie over the head.

My dad was waiting in the car. I hugged Ollie goodbye before I gave my final wave.

I opened the car door and sat in the seat next to my dad. I took one last look at the house before my dad backed out of the driveway. "I'll be missing you, all of you," I whispered.

Mike was on my mind the most.

- - -

I was almost ready to go to bed until I heard the phone on my bedside ring. It was eleven thirty at night, who could be calling at this hour?

I picked it up and held to to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, stranger."

I felt myself smile. "Heya, Cali boy. How's it going down there?"

"Pretty lame without you, to be honest. I really wish you were here in my arms. How's it feel being back in Seattle?"

I blushed a little. "It's going pretty well. Dad is getting better, and I've been studying. The only thing missing is...well, you." Ah, I felt shy when I said it, but it felt right.

"I do miss you, Logan. A lot. I really hope that we'll get together again really soon." Mike said with a small chuckle at the end.

I lay down on my bed and sighed dreamily. "Me too. Hey, you're still keeping your promise, right? That when you guys go on tour you'll take me with you?"

"Of course," Mike said. I smiled. "How are Billie and Tré?"

"Great as ever. Billie's working on his music, same as Tré. Tré's totally in love, you know?"

I giggled. "I'm really glad he's finally found someone to settle down with."

"And so am I," he then said. I closed my eyes. "Logan, I love you."

I smiled really, really wide. He told me he loved me, and I loved him so much.

"I love you too, Mike. I truly can't wait for us to get together again."

"Me too," he whispered. "Well, I just wanted to say goodnight. We got a gig tomorrow, and I got early practice."

"Goodnight Mike, I love you," I said again. It felt so right to say. "I love you too," he said. We then hung up and I had the most peaceful sleep I've ever had in my life.

- - -

(Third person)

Eventually, Billie, Mike and Tré finished all the songs for their album. They recorded them in 1993, then released the album January 1994.

Their album was an explosive success. It was called 'Dookie.' Billie wanted to call it 'Liquid Dookie,' but the producers thought it was too gross.

And with new success, comes new conflicts as well-such as Green Day becoming banned from the Gilman. But they kept their heads held high. They got to go on tour as promised.

Logan did get to go on the tour. Everybody was kind of surprised Mike and her got together, but she was accepted and got to meet their other friends too. Mike and Logan were happy together; however, teenage couples never really last forever, do they?

Logan was studying therapy and social work studies. She was in community college and applied for multiple universities.

Her dad moved in with Ollie. Ollie's husband? Got charged and arrested for domestic violence. They are now separated.

Kaylee's baby was born November of 1992. The baby was a girl, and she named the baby Christie. Kaylee and Christie moved to Fresno, where Kaylee had met a bartender whom she fell for and they moved in together.

Billie and Adrienne got back together, as everyone had hoped for. All of them were ecstatic. He'd finally decided he was ready to commit to her...forever!

- - -

July 1994


Billie and Adrienne finished exchanging their vows as they kissed and all of us cheered.

I was one of her bridesmaids. I was so happy for them! Billie and Adrienne ran down the aisle.

I walked over to my handsome boyfriend and he smiled at me. "You look beautiful in that dress," He then chuckled nervously. "No...I meant you look beautiful every day. But you look even more beautiful in that dress."

I blushed. "And you look very dashing in that suit," I complimented as he linked arms with me, escorting me to the table.

"Hi, Tré!" I greeted him with a hug and I sat down beside him, in between him and Mike.

"Hello, miss Logan. You look very pretty in that dress," he said. I smiled. "Thank you. You look handsome as well." He kissed my hand and I giggled.

Tré married a girl named Nel a year ago. He had finally found someone he could be in a serious relationship with. She was very shy, but also very nice.

Mike held my hand and I squeezed his hand back. "I haven't even congratulated the newlyweds yet!" I told Mike. "Let's go then!" He said as he laughed.

We waited until the couple finished photo-taking and I excitedly hugged both of them individually. "Congratulations, you two!"

"Thanks, Logan." Billie said with a smile as he put his arm around Adrienne. "It really means a lot," Adrienne said as she smiled at me.

Mike wrapped his arm around my waist. "We got your wedding gift in your new home, warned, it might get messy," Mike told them. I giggled. We got them a new puppy!

The couple looked confused but they shrugged as people came up to them and greeted them.

We went back to our table and I chatted with Tré and Nel, and also with some of Billie's siblings and to my dad.

My dad loved Mike, and would always praise him like he was his own son. I met Mike's mother and sister as well-they were both very sweet.

"Hey, lovebirds...Adrienne's gonna throw her bouquet," Jason told us. Yup, still wearing that backwards cap. I looked at Mike and laughed as he pulled me along down to where there was Adrienne on a balcony, and the bridesmaids and a group of women were gathered.

"Okay!" Adrienne shouted as she laughed and turned away. I laughed as all the girls were jumping up and down, waving their arms around.

"3...2...1..." Adrienne threw the bouquet behind her and the women went wild.

You know who caught it?

Jason's girlfriend, that's who!

I giggled at the quiet girl who looked bewildered. Adrienne clapped and laughed and Jason ran up to her, kissing her.

I walked away from the crowd of women, and Mike walked up to me and let out his hand. I smiled as I took it, and he pulled me close.

"I love you," Mike said to me. I smiled broadly as we hugged. "I love you too."

And we stood there, embracing each other. It felt so safe, so right, being in his arms.

Mike and I then went for a walk around the garden. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

Mike picked a pink rose and gave it to me. "A beautiful flower for a beautiful woman."

I smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you." We sat on a bench together and he held my hand. "So...what are the plans for your 20th birthday in a few months?"

I groaned. "You're making me feel old," I whined as he laughed.

I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder. "It feels like just yesterday it was Billie's 20th birthday," Mike said. He was going to ruffle my hair, but it was already done up with hairspray and everything so he held my hand instead. "Remember what happened on Billie's 20th birthday?" He asked me. I looked up and smiled. "We kissed for the first time." He stroked my cheek with his thumb. "And that very first night you came here...and you put me to bed..." He then was about to kiss me until I suddenly remembered something.

"Oh my goodness..." I then said as I pulled away. "What? What's the matter?" Mike asked me with concern.

"I forgot to tell you something...I got into the University of California!" I told him and he smiled and hugged me tight again. "Which one?" He asked.

"In Berkeley," I told him. He kissed my cheek. "Congratulations, babe." He said and I blushed at the affectionate nickname. "I'll treat you out later."

"I can't believe it. University! And I'm here too, at Billie and Adrienne's wedding with so many people around, and I'm not getting nervous! Not even a little bit!" I jumped up and down and laughed. I felt like the happiest person on the planet. "And I have an amazing boyfriend here with me...and I just can't believe it! Especially when I'm a loser who messes everything up."

Mike shook his head and held my hands. "If you're a loser who messes everything up, I'm a loser who messes everything up too. And we losers need each other to fix the mess in both of our lives." I smiled and he smiled back, kissing me tenderly.


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