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"where did you leave your love?"

— IT WAS JUST A NORMAL DAY FOR HER. But little did she know, something was about to happen sooner or later than she expected it to be. The Fray girl was editing another video when she felt her phone ring. The device started to play her ringtone, Far Too Young To Die By Panic At The Disco.

Her eyes glanced to see who it was or what was calling her at this time. It was about 5pm in the afternoon, the sun was setting and the world was starting to become dark. It was Colby Brock. Why is he calling me right now? Her mind didn't know what to do at that moment but her finger pressed the green ANSWER button and brought her phone to her ears and greets him, "Hello my dearest Colby."

The next second, she heard silent sobs. oh shit. Her mind went haywire. Why the hell is he crying? Is it him crying? Is someone hacking into his phone and kidnapping him or some shit? "Hey Ra-Rose," she heard him say through the phone.

Rosalyn Fray's heart broke into half. "I don't mean to be rude to you, but if you don't tell me what the fudge is going on and why you are crying then I might need to call in my back up emergency Rory session and I sure as hell know that you love that animal as much as I do."

Rory, was Rosalyn's favorite stuffed animal. She got that stuffed animal as a gift from one of her classmates in Elementary and till this day, holds a great relationship towards it. When she was still with her abusive parents, the only thing to do was sit in the closet and wait for them to bring her out, and the only thing that would keep her sane, was the stuffed animal itself, in her arms.

She wanted to continue her trail of questions but decided to end it off on that, not to put Colby on the spot and have to answer every question. "I'm rambling I know but forgive me, I just want to know if your okay or not." the girl begged. She stepped onto the flat ground of her bedroom, her other hand in her hair, slightly about to go insane.

"If I'm being honest, I'm not ok,"is what the girl heard him say. He sniffles, in which she heard, "I don't know what to do right now,"pausing midway. "I need you," her heart stopped, her pace around the room went into a complete stop as she repeats his words into her infinite trail of thoughts. "I just need you please, I don't know why but I need you ok." Colby pleaded.

Rose had to wait for a moment. She had to wait to think about it. Why was she all of sudden feeling this way again? What was happening to her? Colby needed her. HE NEEDED HER. At that moment in time, Colby Brock wanted and called Rosalyn Fray to be by his side for whatever reason he had to explain to her yet. Her eyes closed, sighing to call herself down before replying, "I'll be there as fast as I usual am, ok? Stay there and don't do anything that you might regret."

"Oh-oh-ok," he says in between his sobs.

"I love you Colby." "I love you too Rosalyn,"

She never gotten ready in such a fast amount of time. Tara got worried when she heard her fell over. "What in the actual fuck are you doing Rose?", hovering a slightly pained Rose who had her back on the ground.

"Don't ask ok, someone is in need of my comfort," she replies, as Tara rolls her eyes before giving her, her hand and pushing her up to her feet again.

The shorter girl gets the idea and says, "You're going to see Colby aren't you?" Rose tilted her head at her best-friend annoyingly after she asked that pitiful question.

"Of course you fucking knew that, but please my sweet gal, he needs me right now and he's not in a state of ok-ness or whatever you fucking call it at this point," she explains rather quickly, as she grabs her jacket with her and almost leaves.

"Rosalyn Fray always been the loving girl and comforter of the century huh?" Rose faced Tara before giving her a sly smile in response as to what she had said. "I'm proud of you Rose." Tara added.

The Fray's heart felt a lot of emotions at that second. Hearing that anytime made her feel that specific way, knowing that she is doing good and helping others, was kind of her philosophy in life.

"Thank you Tara, and if you'll excuse me, I have to comfort my other bestfriend," excusing herself from the room to walk fast out of the front door. Since Colby and them moved, Colby only lived about 5 minutes away from her, which was amazing, instead of driving 20 minutes to go to Tara and Roses apartment or to the old Trap-house place. Her mind was still at a hazy position and she felt rather anxious.

The woman almost ran to the apartment complex, her heart racing as she went up the elevator, and as the girl walked vastly towards his door, which was right down the by Sam's. Her hands were placed the door knobed and twisted it open. He wasn't in his living room, he had to be in his room, for sure. She locked the door behind her and closed it quietly. The boots she worn clicked through his wooden flat ground surface as she slowly walked to his bedroom door.

Apart of her didn't want to see him, not because of hate or anything but if anything, this was the first time she was going to see Colby sad. "Colby? Can I come in?" her voice slightly quiet but loud enough to echo the hall.

"Yes please," she heard him say inside his room. She opened the door to see a red eyed Colby laying down on his bed sadly. That's when she lost it, her soul broke, her body broke, everything inside her broke. As Rose walked over to him, she went to her knees by his bed and placed her fragile hand on his pale face.

"Colbyyyyy—"She slurred on her words. "Why are you so sad? What happened to you?" Her voice slightly quieter as she continued to talk.

"I-I," Colby stutters at first. "Ad-Adelaide d-dumped m-m-e," tearing up again mid sentence. That's what broke her heart even more, seeing him almost full on crying, and just seeing him fall apart, made her want to finish off Adelaide herself.

Then, the realization came that she had to act like she didn't know that they were dating. "W-What?! Are you kidding me? I thought y-you guys were just Friends with Benefits or something? Why didn't you tell me?" The questions kept coming out of her mouth.

"I liked her m-mo-re than a friend and she d-did too, but she didn't like how I-I had o-other girl..friends and I-I-I didn't agree when she said to stop ha-hanging with them so she left me, all fucking alone," that stupid bitch is about to a fist to her face, I swear to god. "Including you," he adds on. Her eyes glanced into his more closely. "She hated you and she got so jealous whenever I-I talked a-ah-about you," she bit her lip as he continued to explain himself. "I couldn't let her get in the way of me hanging out with girls, it was just stupid, and now I finally realize that she just fucking used me." her hand traveled to his hands as they collided with each other's.

"I didn't like her either," releasing a small chuckle looking down at herself. She realized that now, it was the time, to tell him what she had caused. "She treated me so badly, even threatened to beat me up the first night I saw you too were together." she admitted. "And I know your probably going to get mad at me for not telling you this, but Adelaide has been cyber bullying me."

"She did?!" Colby exclaimed at her. She nods her head in Yes in guilt. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would've dropped her sooner." he asked, slightly frustrated at Roses decision to keep that to herself. "Show me the texts please, I need to know what the hell she was even saying."

And she did, indeed gave him the phone and showed her the Instagram DM's. Oh, the anger that was already built up from the breakup, just had increased. Colby couldn't believe that he could've been this stupid to let anyone do this to him, or his bestfriend.

Rosalyn could tell by his now angry, facial expression that he was furious. "I'm sorry. I really am." She spoke up, hoping it would help him, but at the end, knew that it didn't.

"She told you to kill yourself many times Rose. She threatend to fight you so many times. She even told that I didn't care about you and that I was using you. How could you have not told me this?!", Colby's voice roared loudly, loud enough to make a shiver go down through Rosalyn's spine.

Letting out a sigh, she starts, "Colby, to me, you looked so happy to be with her, I didn't want to spoil the happiness." explaining why she did it in the first place. "I saw how you looked at her, I saw how happy you looked to be around her, I didn't want to ruin that for you, I wanted you to be happy, and if it meant having to deal with a psychopath for the rest of my life being the girlfriend of one of my best friends, I was fine with that."

Colby sat up from his position in bed and places his hands on her face, she immediately closed her eyes in bitter bliss of his cold hands. "If anyone were to hurt you, or even place a hand on your face as an act of violence, I would've broken them into pieces." at this point, her eyes teared up, looking down still. Colby uses his thumb to bring up chin up to look at him in the eyes. "You mean so much to me, Rosalyn Fray." she starts smiles while in tears.

It was hard but she managed to sputter out, "You mean so much to me too, Colby Brock," as she moved in forwards to wrap her hands around his neck and hug him. Colby's blue eyes closed at that moment, his body overflowing with immense happiness in her arms. Though, he didn't know why he felt that way as of this moment, but he also didn't complain, wrapping his arms around her waist, his head placed on her shoulder.

"I love you, so god damn much Rosalyn." he quietly whispers into her ears.

A few tears dropped down her eyes as she sweetly replied back with a, "I love you too Colby"

𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚? | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤

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