Chapter 10

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-Olive's POV

We came running through the the TARDIS doors, giggling like crazy.

"I can't believe you kissed him! You just kissed prince William!" The Doctor said, still laughing.

"To be fair, he kissed me first, I just didn't protest!" I said, he gave me a teasing glare and I laughed again.

We all calmed down and sat down somewhere. Any and Rory sat on the steps and the Doctor and I sat on the jump seats.

"I'm tired." Amy said, Rory agreed.

"You can go to bed, we'll go somewhere tomorrow." The Doctor said and smiled at them. They nodded, said their goodnights and headed for their room in the TARDIS.

I yawned and the Doctor looked at my with a smirk.

"Time for bed for you too." I sighed and I flopped on top of his lap, he laughed and poked my nose.

"Come on, I'll carry you." He said and picked me up bridal style.

"I'm not tired!" I wined, but he didn't care.

He carried me down the halls and into my room, setting me on the bed.
He headed for the door, but then turned around.

"What do you remember? How do you even exist?" He asked, that was a hard question.

"Well, I remember being in Gallifrey, but I don't really know. I remember you, I remember my family, I remember our town, but I don't know yet." He frowned and looked at the ground.

"Will you stay? Please? I don't like being alone." I asked, he looked up and smiled.

"Yeah, I'll stay, but you need to scoot over." I scooted over, he took his jacket, shoes, shirt, and bow tie off. He grabbed a white t-shirt out of the dresser drawer and put it on, why it was in my drawer, I have no idea.

He hopped into bed and slipped the covers over himself.

"Hey, I'll be back, I need to change too." I said, he nodded and I hopped up, grabbing some clothes before going into the bathroom.

Once I got changed into my grey sweatpants and a blue tank top, I walked back into the room and laid on the bed, pulling the covers over my shoulders. I flipped over to face the Doctor and saw his eyes were closed.

"Doctor." I whispered, poking his forehead, his eyes squinted open and he grunted.

"Goodnight." I whispered.

"Goodnight, um, what do you want me to call you?" He asked, I realized I had two names, but I like my human name.

"Olive, keep me as Olive, I like it better." He nodded.

"Goodnight, Olive." I smiled and he wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to him. He rolled on his back, leaving one arm under me. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes, listening to his steady hearts beating.

My mind wandered off into sleep.

I was running, flames surrounding me, the sounds of screams following me everywhere I went, bodies lifeless on the red grass. I looked around, hoping to find a way out of it, I knew I couldn't escape what was happening, but I had to try.

Tears stung my eyes and my face, the flames around me burning my legs and face.

I kept running, I don't know what I was running from, or where I was trying to go, I just wanted to see him one last time, I just wanted him to speak to me again, to tell me everything would be okay, that we would survive this. I knew it wasn't true, I just wanted to hear him comfort me.

I ran and ran, my legs burning from the flames. I tripped, my right foot falling into a hole, I screamed out as pain story through my ankle and leg. More tears streamed down my face as I held my ankle, I think it was broken.

I decided that my ankle didn't matter, I needed to find him, I needed to see him again before I died. I stood up on my unhurt left foot, wincing when my right foot touched the ground. I hopped forward, falling after only moving a couple inches. I yelled when my right ankle slammed onto the ground as I fell onto the red grass.

I looked at my foot, it had swollen, a giant bruise covering my entire ankle and the top of my foot, a little crimson was dripping down my foot and onto the burnt grass.

I tried to stand up again, but only fell again, screaming more and crying harder.

I was laying in the floor, staring at the orange sky, tears streaming down my face. I had given up, I wouldn't see him again, I couldn't, there was no way, he was probably dead anyway.

The flames were getting closer, burning my skin. I screamed again as it started to get to my abdomen, it hurt so much, but I just wanted to see him before I died, that's all I wanted.

A Dalek rolled up to me, it's silver metal exterior not even scratched. 
It screamed 'EXTERMINATE!' And I saw a flash of blue light, it was a beautiful light until it touched me, it electrified my entire body, my heart started to slow down and the world around me started to fade.

I screamed and jolted awake, sitting up and panting heavily. My face was wet with sweat and tears, I was still crying.

I felt someone hold me in their arms, shushing me and stroking my hair.
I held onto their shirt and kept crying. I couldn't get the images out of my mind, the flames, the Dalek, the dead people.

I was shaking violently, still sobbing into the person who I found out was the Doctor, he kept trying to calm me but it wasn't working, I was terrified, it felt so real. He rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head.

I heard the door open and close and the Doctor grabbed something out of the person's hand. He put it to my forehead, it was wet and cold, I think it was a washcloth.

"Is she okay?" I heard Rory ask, the Doctor shook his head in a 'I have no idea' way. I heard the door open and close again, I assume that was Rory leaving.

I calmed my crying down, still shaking a lot. My throat hurt, seeing as I had been screaming and crying. My head was starting to hurt, but I didn't care, I was just glad he wasn't dead.

Once I was calm enough, I let go of him, looking into his eyes, a few tears still dripping down my cheeks every once in a while. His face was full of worry, his eyes looked concerned.

"What's wrong, Olive?" He asked gently.

"I-I just... Had a night-m-mare." I sniffed. He wiped the tears for my cheeks and smiled softly.

"It's okay now, it was just a dream." He said, his voice calm and soothing.

"But I-it actually hap-happened." I said, my voice cracking, he furrowed his brows a little.

"What was it about?"

I rubbed my face, trying to collect myself, my eyes super red and puffy.



Okay, guys, I have great news!!!

So this week at dance, my teacher Marden (he's Cuban) has been testing us to see how well we can do this dance. It's called the floor piece, I'll show you guys a video sometime, we've been learning it all summer, but I had to learn it in a couple weeks when everyone else had more like a month, anyways! He's testing us cause there is this's show, it's at the brick yard in Mansfield (I strongly doubt any of you live near Mansfield, it's in Ohio.) and it's a huge show. We are opening for this really good dance group, Neos, and we're doing the floor piece. He doesn't have enough dancers from the class that was originally doing the dance with cause a lot of them are away for the summer. He had an audition for our class to see who was good enough for the show.

Guess what?!?? HE PICKED ME!!! He also picked three other girls, but that's not the important part. I'm so happy!!!! It's a super big deal and I didn't think he liked me, so this helps a little.

Sorry, that was really long, but I thought I should share my excitement.

Other news, my good friend Noah_The_Glader is having a cover contest, it's a really cool contest, I like the concept. I'm judging it, I know, I'm just cool like that 💁, but you all should check it out! Anyways.

Have a great week, love y'all bunches!!!!!!!!!

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