Chapter 9

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-Amy's POV

I walked into the TARDIS, bananas and jammy dodgers in hand, and brought them to the Doctor. He said we were out, but I knew he just wanted to be alone, but I get it.

He looked at me and thanked me, then looked back at Olive, who had been out for a few hours. Occasionally she would yell in her sleep for something to stop, or start silently crying, then the Doctor would have to calm her down. A few times she would start coughing really hard and the gold stuff would puff out of her mouth, like when the doctor first met me.

I sat down next to her on the opposite side of the bed. I looked at him, concerned about him. He hadn't eaten anything since we came, he hadn't slept, but he usually doesn't, he wouldn't leave her side.

I'll admit, at first I was a bit jealous and salty, but I found her to be really nice, at least I think she was nice, she wasn't paying attention to anything she was saying so who knows, but I had a feeling she was a kind person.

I sighed. "When do you think she'll wake up?" I asked, he didn't look at me.

"I don't know, honestly, I have no idea. It's been so long since she regenerated, I don't know how long it'll take." He looked so sad, I really wanted to comfort him, but he didn't look the mood.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go check on Rory, I'll be back." He nodded and I left, walking to our bedroom.

"How is she?" He asked once I got inside.

"The same, and he hasn't moved since I left." I sighed.

"It's okay, I'm sure it will all be fine." He said, sitting me down next to him on the bed and hugging me tightly.

-Olive's POV

I woke up, but not really, like I was still half asleep, I could just hear my surroundings. I didn't want to open my eyes, but I'm not sure why, just lazy I guess.

I could feel the Doctor holding my hand, I knew he hadn't left my side.

I started coughing again, not able to stop. It hurt my throat, so I guessed I had been coughing in my sleep too.

The Doctor started rubbing my hand with his thumb and shushing me calmly, he was trying to calm me down.

I finally quit, the golden smoke stuff coming out of my mouth. I fluttered my eyes open and saw the Doctor looking at me over my face. His face was all blurry and I had this massive headache.

"Olive? You okay?" He asked, I nodded and sat up, my head still throbbing.

"Yeah, I just feel, weird." I said. He laughed a little.

"Yeah, you regenerated remember? You have a completely different body."

"Let me see!" I said excitedly, he handed me a mirror and I took it.

I looked at my short, dark brown hair that looked like it had been dyed a red-ish color for highlights, I had a cute face, wait.

"I'm Asian! That's so cool!" I said excitedly, he laughed.

I was shorter than before, probably at the most 5'1, my hands were so cute and small, this was awesome! I had blue eyes and cute nose, I love cute noses.

"I love Asian people!" I said, he laughed again and helped me stand up.
I walked over to the closet and got changed after he left. I changed into some light pink Jean shorts, a white tanktop, a flowy cardigan with a teal and pink flower pattern on it, and white sandals, topped off with a dream catcher necklace.

I walked out the door and into the console room, Amy, Rory, and the Doctor were all sitting there talking, probably about me.

I walked closer and they all noticed me.

"Hey, Olive! How are you feeling?" Amy asked, running up and hugging me.

"Fine." I answered and walked over to the other two.

"Does your head still hurt?" The Doctor asked me.

"Yeah, a bit." It actually hurt like the devil was racking me with a frying pan, but I didn't want him to worry.

"Can we go on an adventure now?" I asked.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Amy said, so off we went, into the stars.

We stepped out of the TARDIS into sand, just sand. The hot summer sun was beaming down on us, I put my sunglasses on and we started walking around, the Doctor sonicing the area.

"There should be a town this way." He said, pointing to our right, we turned the way he said and started walking.

I cigar up the the Doctor and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Where are we?" Rory asked.

"A desert, I would assume." I said, he rolled his eyes at me and I giggled.

"Thanks, smarty pants." Amy said.

"Not sure yet, I guess we'll find out." The Doctor said, that was a new one, him not knowing something.

"Since when do you not know?" Amy asked, he shrugged.

"I don't know, but I don't like not knowing." He said.

We kept walking, it had probably been twenty minutes to a half hour before we came to the town. We walked through and saw a dirty and abandoned looking town, no one in sight.

"This reminds me of the town that was named Mercy." Amy said, Rory agreed.

"Yeah, a bit." The Doctor agreed.

"Olive, why are you crying?" Amy asked, I looked up at her confused.

"I'm not." I said, she nodded.

"Yes you are." I touched my face and felt the wet tears in my cheeks.

"I don't..." I said feeling the wetness on my fingertips. "Know."

The Doctor looked at me concerned.

"Are you okay?" He asked, I nodded, I don't think he believed me. But I wasn't upset, my head had stopped hurting, nothing was wrong, I was just crying without even knowing it.

"Yeah, I'm great." I said, feeling my face again.

"Okay..." He said, unsure.

We walked around the town some more, but no one was there, it was just empty. We all started wandering around alone, going into different houses and exploring.

I went into what looked to be a bar, the counter all dusty, everything left a wreck. Tables and chairs thrown around on the floor, broken windows, a door almost completely off its hinges.

I walked through with caution, looking around. I went behind the bar counter and saw a piece of paper on the ground. I picked it up and read 'help us' in sloppy handwriting, I looked around the room to see no one there. I walked into the back room, where they keep the extra beer and crap.

I looked around and saw another door that read 'powder room', I walked up to it and slowly opened it.

My eyes went wide as I saw the terrifying angel statue we had seen in that fake hotel, weeping angels I think the Doctor called them.

I stood there in shock, holing the door open and staring at the stone. I remember him telling me not to blink, that when you blink they can move, that they're really fast, that they can't move if anyone is looking at them.

"D- D- Doctor..?" I said quietly, tears stinging my eyes.

"Doctor? I found something." I said a little louder. I didn't want to be too loud, I didn't want any other angels knowing I was here.

My eyes started burning, but I couldn't blink, I knew that I would die if I did.

A tear streamed down my face as o stared at it, partially because I was scared and partially because I wasn't blinking for so long.

I decided that if I didn't get his attention soon that I would blink and die, so I made the choice to yell, even if the Angels came for me. If I didn't tell then I was going to die anyway.

"Doctor!? I need you!" I yelled, not as loud as I could but hopefully he would hear me.

I heard footsteps and I just prayed that it wasn't an angel.

"I'm here!! What is it?" He yelled running beside me. He looked at the Angel.

"Oh. That's what." He said.

More tears fell down my face as I looked at the Angel, determined not to die.

"Can I please blink?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll stare at it." He said, so I immediately started blinking and rubbing my eyes. My face was wet, but my eyes quit burning so I started staring at it again.

"You good?" He asked, I nodded.

"Good, I'm gonna make sure Amy and Rory are okay, you stay here and DON'T BLINK!" He said, I nodded again and stared at the scariest alien I had ever seen, I think I was more scared of them than the Daleks.

Then I made the big mistake of accidentally blinking. I quickly opened my eyes, the Angel almost touching my arm, it's sharp teeth showing, its claws out and pointy.

"Doctor?!? I need a little help over here!" I yelled, I heard him running into the bar and into the room I was in.

"Okay, so Amy and Rory are fine, I think this is the only one. I think I've got a plan, but you need to trust me." He said, I slowly nodded, still staring at the Angel. "I need you to duck and blink, I know I know, it sounds dumb, but you need to trust me. Do you trust me, Olive?" He asked, I think so.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Okay, on the count of three, duck and blink at the same time, okay? Ready? 1...2...3!" He yelled, I ducked and blinked, hoping I wasn't dead.

I opened my eyes and saw the Angel in the same spot it was before, it hadn't moved.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Look behind where you were standing." He said, I did as I was told and looked behind where my head had been. There, on the wall, was a mirror. That little genius.

"Oohhh!" I said, he grinned proudly.

The Angel was staring at the mirror, looking at itself. It was keeping itself from moving, not going to hurt anyone again, are you?

We walked back to the TARDIS, talking about what we found, what had happened, and where we wanted to go next.

We stepped inside and off we went, traveling the stars.

The end! Just kidding, I'm not that mean, but I could be if I wanted to! ;) have a great summer, guys! Love y'all!

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