Chapter 8

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The picture above is what olive looks like now after her regeneration.


I woke up in a comfy bed, I think it was mine. I didn't open my eyes, it was too hard. They felt so heavy, I just couldn't open them.

I heard someone in the room, probably the Doctor, but I couldn't be sure. Someone put a cold washcloth on me again like before, holding my hand with their other one. I knew it was him, his hands felt the same.

"Olive, I know you're awake." He whispered.

"I know." I said, my eyes still closed.

"Open your eyes, please."

"I can't, it won't work."

"Yes, you can, you just don't want to put in the effort." I sighed and pushed my eyes open, it was hard.

"See, you're fine." He said, I shook my head.

"No, I'm not, something is wrong." He frowned.

"What? What's wrong?"

"My chest, one of my hearts is wrong, it's not doing what it's suppose to." I said, a sharp pain starting to spread across my chest.

"Aah!" I yelled, curling into a ball and squeezing his hand tightly.

Tears started welling up in my eyes, but I wasn't going to let them escape.

"Olive, it's okay, you're going to be fine." He whispered to me, he soniced me then ran me to the infirmary.

"Doctor!" I yelled as the pain got sharper.

"I know, I know." He said calmly.

"It's stopped, my heart stopped. I only have one." I said quietly, trying to control the pain that was increasing.

"I know, I'm sorry." He said, I was squeezing my eyes as shut as possible, trying to contain my screams and tears.

"I'm going to hit you in the chest, so here's a warning. And try not to scream too loudly, Amy and Rory are sleeping." He said, I nodded and he put his hands together into a fist.

He put his hands above his head and then brought them down onto my chest on the left side, it hurt, a lot. I screamed, a tear escaping my eyes. My heart started, then stopped again, then started again. It kept stuttering and skipping a beat, the other one started skipping a beat every once in a while too. Great.

"The Doctor kept talking under his breath, trying to get me to stay alive, but I had lost hope.

The left heart completely stopped again, leaving my right one to do all the work. It skipped beats and stuttered, then it would go normal, and do it all over again.

I tried to quit screaming, but the years never quit, they just streamed down my cheeks onto my shirt.

The Doctor came over and put his fingers on my temples.

"I'm sorry." He whispered before I was drowned in darkness.

-Amy's POV

I woke up in my room in the TARDIS to a loud scream, it sounded like a girl's scream. The screams kept going and then just stopped, I jumped out of bed, shook Rory to wake up, and ran out of the room towards where the scream came from.

Rory caught up to me as I got to a door that say 'Infirmary' on it, I pushed the door open and saw Olive laying on a hospital bed, the Doctor beside her doing something.

"What's going on?" I asked, he whipped around and looked at us.

"Olive, her regeneration went wrong, I don't know how or what, but it's stopping her hearts from beating, I don't know what to do. She was in so much pain so I put her to sleep so she wouldn't feel the pain." He looked like he might cry, but he didn't.

"I can help." Rory said. He washed his hands and walked over to her, examining the unconscious girl.

"Amy, you should go back to sleep." The Doctor said and shoed me into my room.

"I'll tell you if anything happens, okay?" He said, I nodded and closed the door to my room. I flopped on the stupid bunk bed that was in there. I wasn't even tired, I was just confused as to what had happened.

Olive had been shot by someone we didn't even see, we had looked for them but they were no where to be seen. She had started going unconscious, but before she did the Doctor helped her open a watch. He had told us that it was he old life, it was filled with memories and who she used to be, there was a timelord inside. Then she started screaming  and crying, gold and yellow pouring out of her body, it was like she was on fire. Once the gold went away there was a different girl standing there. The Doctor said she regenerated, that it was how timelords stay alive, they just change every cell in their bodies. She looked at us, said 'hello?' And then collapsed to the ground. The Doctor rushed her to her room, said that she just needed sleep. We all took turns watching over her, wiping sweat off of her face, calming her when she started screaming or crying again. The Doctor said she woke up once but only for a minute or two. Then she got out of bed once, came into the console room in the middle of the night wanting to help him or something. Said she had an awful fever and needed to sleep, she refused many times but finally convinced her. He started walking her to her room but she stopped and said something was wrong, then collapsed again. Rory and I were so worried, but I'm sure the Doctor was more worried about his friend. Rory and I had just met her, we hardly knew anything about her.

I talked to her while at the waterfall, she was talking about how she was bullied in the orphanage, but she didn't seem to actually notice she was talking. She seemed to be completely spaced out, just speaking cause she could, just speaking her mind. She told be about her depression, about her cutting, about everything. It was a lot to take in and I didn't know why she was telling me, I don't think she knew either.
But that was really all I knew about her, just her depression.

The door opened and Rory came in.

"She's stable, for now. You can come see her if you want." I agreed to go visit her so he lead me to the room she was in before.

I opened the door and saw her laying there, unconscious, he short hair sprawled around her head. The Doctor was sitting in a chair beside her, holding her hand. He looked up at me, his face filled with concern. I smiled slightly and walked over to where she was laying. I sat at the edge of her bed and squeezed her other hand.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"When she regenerated it started her other heart, more like made the heart, but when it started beating and everything, something happened and it started skipping beats and stuttering. When that one started faulting it messed with the other one, making that one start not working either. The left one stopped completely twice, the right one stopped too, but we started it again, fixing the other one with it for a short period of time, giving us a chance to figure out what to do. We gave her surgery, Rory mainly, fixing the heart that was made incorrectly." He said, staring at Olive the whole time.

"Who is she, Doctor?" I asked, he sighed and looked at me.

"My wife."

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