Chapter 12

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I woke up, surrounded in darkness. I felt my neck, but there weren't scratches there anymore, weird.

"Doctor?" I whispered, I heard a groan that sounded like him. "Are you there?"

"Yeah, where are you?" He whispered, but how am I suppose to answer that?

"I don't know, right here!" I whisper/yelled, he laughed slightly.

Then I heard the sound of his sonic and saw a small green light not too far from me.

"Come to the green light, okay?" I nodded and started walking. I could hear the blur monsters walking around the room, but I ignored it and focused on getting to the Doctor.

I finally got to him and grabbed him into a hug, he hugged back and kissed my forehead. I let go but held his hand to make sure we didn't get separated.

"What's going on? What happened?" I asked him.

"I'm not completely sure, but they have this venom on their claws that makes you pass out for a while. They got you, then while I was trying to keep you awake and get you away from them, they scratched me too. I guess they brought us here after that."

"What do they want?" I asked, I could still hear them crawling around us.

"I'm not sure yet, but it'll be okay, I promise." He said, squeezing my hand.

We started walking forward, the Doctor was scanning everything with his sonic, meanwhile I was making sure I didn't pass out from hyperventilating.

As he was sonicing a door opened and light filled the room. All the monsters fled into the corners, trying to get away from the light.

We both ran to the door, it closed once we went through it.

The room before us was white with bright lights beaming down on us, but no monsters were in there.

"Doctor!" I said realizing something.

"What?" He asked, looking over at me.

"They don't like light! That's why none of them are in this room and why they all ran away fro. The light when the door opened!" He smacked his forehead with his hand.

"Of corse! Stupid, stupid Doctor!" He yelled at himself.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"It's cloudy outside, that's why they chose this place, it was dark and gloomy so they didn't have to worry about the light." That actually made a lot of sense, he usually just confuses me more.

"So what do we do?" I asked as we found a trapdoor above us.

"Bring back the light." He smiled at me, sonicing the trapdoor, it opened and he jumped up there. Once he was all the way up he helped me up, pulling me by my hands.

I finally got up there and flopped on the ground, exhausted.

"Okay, now that we escaped, how do we bring back the light?" I asked him, he just smiled.

"You'll see." He said and started running towards the TARDIS. I got us and followed him.

I ran in the TARDIS and closed the door behind me.

"Okay, what do you need me to do?"


"Alright, that's it. Now, do you remember the plan?" He asked me.

"Yeah, ready?" He nodded and we went to action.

I took a deep breath before going back down the trap door. We had a rope tied to a tree going down the hole so I could get back up after I did what I needed to.

Once I was in the bright room I opened the door to the dark room, I could hear the monster things screeching when the light went into that room.

I ran over to the light switch and flipped it off, the room immediately went pitch black except for the tiny bit of light coming out of the hole in the ceiling.

I ran to the rope as fast as I could, climbing and trying to stay away from the Xylima.

I felt three claws cut through my jeans and into my thigh. I immediately felt dizzy and like I might just collapse, but the Doctor was counting on me and I needed to do this.

I used all my energy to climb up the rope. The Xylima scratched me again but I didn't care, I just needed to focus on this rope.

I finally got to the top and pushed myself on the ground. I was getting weaker and weaker every second but I wasn't done yet.

The Xylima followed me out of their little cave thing and I quickly closed the trap door, keeping them up here.

I tried to walk over to where I was suppose to get the Xylima but I couldn't, I was too weak and I could hardly move.

Black spots danced in my vision as I tried my hardest to keep going. The world blurred in and out of focus, but I was almost there, I couldn't give up now.

I screamed as they scratched me again and I collapsed onto the gravel. The Doctor ran over to where I was and I heard him call my name, but I couldn't answer.

I vaguely saw him turn on his device and the town got extremely brighter before everything went black as I went unconscious.


I woke up with a start, I was in the TARDIS in my room.

I sat up and looked around, wondering what happened.

Then I got a wave of nausea and ran to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. I felt a hand on my back and they handed me a washcloth that was wet. I wiped my mouth and looked up to see it was the Doctor, but I mean, who else would it be?

"Side affect from fighting the sleep venom." He said as another wave of nausea hit me.

Once I was finished being disgusting, I brush my teeth and the Doctor made me go to bed.

"But you have to stay with me, okay? I can't sleep if you aren't with me." I said, he smiled at me and laid down beside me after taking his shoes, jacket, and bow tie off.

"I wouldn't think of leaving you alone." He said, I smiled and held his hand in mine.

"I'm scared." I whispered.
He looked at me with worry.


"Because, I still don't really know what's going on, it scares me." He smiled and cupped my face with his free hand.

"Cleo- I mean, Olive, don't be scared, I know we haven't figured it all out yet but I promise you, we will. Trust me, okay?" I nodded.

"Okay, I trust you." He smiled before closing his eyes.

"Goodnight, Theta." I whispered, he smiled again.

"Goodnight, Cleo."


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