Chapter 13

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"Where to today, Doctor Bob?" I asked and sat on the jump seat in the console room.

"Doctor Bob? You haven't called me that since you were seven!"

"I was actually eight, thank you very much. And why not? It's snazzier than just 'The Doctor'." I said, he frowned.

"Hey! The Doctor is a very cool name! It makes me sound impressive." He said smugly.

"No, it really doesn't." He pouted.

"It might." He grumbled while flying the TARDIS. It shook like it always did and I fell to the ground. I always seemed to fall, no matter how hard I tried to stay upright.

Once we landed I jumped up off the floor and ran to the doors, swinging them open.

Cold air blew into my face and I quickly closed the doors.

"I think I'm going to change first, it's cold outside." I told the Doctor, he chuckled and I went to my closet and changed.

I came back to the console room with a white coat and white gloves on, some skinny jeans and white combat boots with fluffy socks underneath. I love fluffy socks.

The Doctor hadn't changed except he had gloves on, he's so lame.

We walked out into the cold air, snow crunching under our feet. The freezing air was stinging my cheeks but I was more focused on the beautiful snow in front of me.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking at him, he was already looking at me with a smile on his face. "What?" I asked him, he shook his head.

"Nothing. Just... Nothing." He grabbed my hand and dragged me further into the snow.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he kept dragging me. I could only faintly see the blue rectangle behind us.

"To see something amazing!" He said and we kept walking.

I could see a town covered in snow in the distance, there were big fluffy things that were walking around the town. They looked like white buffaloes that were four times the size, the town was giant also. All the buildings were in proportion to the white things.

Once we got to the town I realized that the house building things were a lot bigger than I had thought. They looked like fat skyscrapers, but the doors and windows were ginormous.

"What are those white Buffaloes?" I asked the Doctor as we started walking around.

"Jimtums, they're harmless. This was the first planet to have snow, all of the Jimtums thought they were going to die. But now it's a normal thing to have snow here. It snows almost every day." He said, that's actually really cool.

"Can we go explore over there after we look around here? There are some really pretty mountains that way." I asked, pointing further ahead, the opposite direction of the TARDIS.

"Yeah! Of corse!" He said.

We looked around in some shops, I ate some weird black fruit that looked like it would turn me into a demon or something, we rode one of the Jimtums, and I found out that baby Jimtums are about as big as a quarter.

"It's so cute! Why do they get so big? They're a lot cuter when they're this small." I said, holding a baby fluff. I named it Captain Fuzzypants.

"I don't know, they just do. You should give him back to his mother, she looks like she wants to leave." He said, I sighed and set him on the ground.

"Goodbye, Captain Fuzzypants." I said and the fluff ball skipped/galumphed away to his mom.

"Let's go explore now! Before it gets dark." I said, he laughed and we headed towards the mountain.

"So, are you staying with me? Like, do you think you'll stay or leave to go somewhere else?" The Doctor asked randomly.

"Why would I leave? You're my husband and I love traveling, especially with you." I smiled at him.

"So you'll stay?"


"Good, but, like, well, I don't know, what if something happens?" He asked, why is he so worried?

"Nothing is going to happen, even if something does happen I won't leave you, I won't abandon you. I promise." I said and squeezed his hand, he squeezed back and smiled at me.

"Okay." He said quietly.

We got to the mountain and started climbing it, it was amazing. The view was incredible and I was in love. The snow was really thick on the mountain which made it a little harder to climb, but we managed.

We were about 2/3 of the way up when we heard some rumbling and saw snow falling down the side of the mountain.

"Crap." I said. "Why us? Why did the avalanche have to happen while we were here?" I whined before the snow got to where we were.

"I love you!" I heard the Doctor say before the snow impacted with us, throwing our bodies around in the cold snow. I couldn't breathe, the snow was around me and there was no air. It happened so fast and I couldn't even comprehend what was going on before it all stopped.

I gasped for air when I realized I could finally breathe. I was caved in, snow surrounding me. I was lucky to even be alive.

I didn't really know how I ended up in this cave thing. It's like there was an air bubble in the snow, and I was inside.

I sat up and tried standing up only to find out I sprained or broke my ankle in the fall, great. This complicates things a little. I was never very good at medical things.

Wait, where's the Doctor? I wanted him with me. What if he died, what if he broke his neck whilst falling down the giant mountain? Or what if he suffocated in the snow? He can't regenerate anymore. Crap.

"DOCTOR!" I yelled as loud as I could. Nothing. I tried again. "DOCTOR!!" Still no answer.

It was getting colder, like a lot colder. I guess being surrounded in snow didn't help. I wonder if I'll suffocate or freeze to death first? I'm betting on suffocating, the hole wasn't that big, who knows how much longer I had.

I put my hand on the wall of snow to try and get an idea of how thick it was, it was very thick. I had no idea as to what to do, like, I'm surrounded in snow with no was out, my ankle is very badly injured, no one even knows we are out here, and I'm completely alone. So many good things, I just love today.

I yelled for help a few more times, but my voice started cracking and I knew I wouldn't be able to talk soon if I didn't quit. I hated losing my voice, it was awful. I couldn't state my opinion and people couldn't understand what I was saying, it sucked. So I quit yelling for a little bit to give my voice a rest, I hated just sitting there and waiting. I felt so helpless.

I just laid there in fetal position, trying to keep warm. My skin was starting to turn kind of blue and I could hardly move my fingers and toes, I was starting to worry, I was pretty sure I was going to die.

I wondered what it would be like to freeze to death, though I was pretty sure I would find out soon.

You know how sometimes you stand up too fast after sitting down for a long time and everything blurs a little and the edges of your vision go black, and sometimes black spots dance in your vision? Well that what this was like, but times seven.

It scared me that I might change again, I hated regenerating, it was awful. I was afraid that the Doctor would find me but I would have already changed and he wouldn't recognize me or something. What if he thought I was ugly and left me behind?

I was now shaking violently and having trouble keeping my eyes open, I was just so tired. I had frost bite on my cheeks and fingers, and most likely on my feet. I felt like I might throw up, pass out, and have a heart attack all at the same time. Sounds lovely, right?

I felt my eyes close and I couldn't open them anymore. I was almost unconscious when I felt the weird heat coming out of my body, dang it, I didn't want this to happen.

I got the energy to open my eyes and saw the hole filled with the gold light coming out of me. It was melting the snow around me and I felt the water dripping onto my yellow face.

"No! I don't want to! Please, don't make me!" I screamed before full out regenerating.

I could see light glowing down on me and I realized the snow was completely melted that was surrounding me.

It felt like it was going on forever, like I would always be glowing gold and feeling like I was on fire.

I heard someone yell something but I couldn't hear them and I blacked out before seeing who the voice belonged to.

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