I Can Do This, Right?

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Ashlynn's P.O.V

I'm getting discharged from the hospital today. I hope nothing changes between me and the guys. I can't believe that they actually care about me. It's so.... Weird. Andy is bringing me home today. They're bringing me out in a wheelchair. I tried to insist that I didn't need one, but Andy was very adamant that I needed one. I'm very excited to finally be getting out of the hospital. I'm hoping that the guys will be able to forgive me for what I did. They don't deserve me and they don't deserve to go through what I put them through. I'm going to do everything in my power to make it up to each and every one of them.

Andy's P.O.V

I'm so excited to bring Ashlynn home. I can't imagine living without her. I don't know what I'm going to do about our fans though. I know they're going to be curious as to why I went to the hospital. They know I didn't stage dive and break my ribs again. Maybe I can ask the guys what to say. I wonder if she knows that I love her? No she couldn't have known. She knows that I'd die for her.

"Are you excited to come home?" I ask while wheeling her out to the car

"Yeah. It's so boring in the hospital. Plus I missed you guys so much. Can I ask you a question, Andy?"

"Yeah, sure go ahead."

"Why did you try to end your life too?"

"Well..... Ashlynn, I just couldn't imagine not having you in my life. So I guess I thought that if you weren't here, then I shouldn't be either. But I'm glad that you're okay and that I'm still here on this planet with you. And I'm really sorry that your dad is a major douchebag. You don't deserve to have that ass in your life. When I see that son of a bitch, I'm not holding back. He deserves to pay."

"Andy, don't worry about it. He's not going to bother me anymore. Now that I have you guys on my side, he won't even bother. Plus, I don't want you getting in trouble for me. I can handle myself. I've been around him my while life. I don't want you fighting my battles for me. He wouldn't dare come and try to hurt me now. He knows that I have five wonderful guys to protect me. You guys are the best thing that's ever happened to me. Just think, if I never went to that concert, we'd never have met and I'd be dead now. And thank you for sticking with my sorry ass. I'll be forever grateful to all of you. I honestly cannot thank you guys enough."

"Ashlynn, you're not a burden to any of us. We love having you in our lives. We would all be devastated if anything happened to you. You're not just some new fad. You're our family now and we'd do anything for you. You see how much we all love you. We value you. You bring light into all of our lives. I jut wish you'd love yourself as much as we all love you."

I can see that I hit her hard. She looks so fragile right now and I hate it. She's so perfect, I don't understand how she can't see it. She's such a sweet girl. Considering all she's been through, she still managed to be the light in all of our lives. Now it's our job to be the light in hers. I wish we met her sooner so that this would've never happened. We could've saved her before it got this bad. I hate her father so much.


"Yeah, Hun?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything. You and all the guys, are just so amazing."


"No, Andy, seriously. I mean it. You guys are too nice to some bottom feeder like me."

"Ash... You need to stop being mean to yourself. You're beautiful, funny, amazing.... I just wish you'd see it."

"Andy, I don't know why you all say those things. They're all not true."

"Ashlynn, they are. And we all wish you'd see it. It makes us all so sad when we hear you say those things about yourself and when we see the way you look at yourself. You're not fat. You're not ugly. You're perfect. So please, at least try to see yourself in a better light. For all of us."

"....Fine. But only for you guys."

"Thank you. From all of us."

We pull into the driveway and I help her get out of the car.

"Andy, I don't need help. I'm fine."

"Ash, just be careful then, okay?"

"I will. Don't worry about me."

We walk into the house and the guys all jump up from the couch and bear hug us both.

"We've missed you so much, Ashy." C.C. says into her hair.

"I'm so glad you're both okay." Jake says while crying.

"C'mon guys, you didn't miss me that much." She says while laughing. "Now get off me I have to pee."

I'm so glad she's okay. Now I jut have to tell her how I feel.

A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is a little longer than usual. I'm glad you guys stuck around! More to come. Suggestions always welcome! I love you all! Stay perfect, my lovelies!

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