I'm Trying, Please Don't Give Up On Me

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C.C.'s P.O.V

Ashlynn has been home for a day now. She seems happy but I don't know if she really is. Last time I thought she was happy I was wrong. I hate feeling like she lying to us. I love her so much it hurts. I hate seeing her like this. I wish I could take all her pain away. I wish she would've let me in. I haven't told her how I feel yet. Andy hasn't either. I should do it soon before it's too late. Before I back out. Here she comes. Better now than later.

"Hey Ash, what's up?" I ask with as much normalcy as I can.

"I'm heading to get some water and then I'm going to shower. What's up with you, C.C.?"

"Um... Can we talk? Like alone?"

"Yeah, of course. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah everything is fine."

"Okay. Where do you want to talk then?"

"Um.. We can talk in your room if that's alright with you?"

"Sure that's fine. Let me get a water bottle first. You can go ahead and wait if you want. I'll only be a minute."

"Okay then."

I wonder if she suspects anything. Well I'm about to find out. No backing down, C.C., you can do this. It might work out better than you think.

"Alright. What's up?" She asks while sitting on her bed.

"Well I have something to tell you."

"Okay... Go on I'm listening."

"Well, I don't know if you know this, but, well...."

"You can say it. I'm not going to judge you."

"Well, you know how we've been friends for some time now, right?"


"Well.... I think I'm falling in love with you...."

"Oh... Really?" She says while a blush creeps up to her cheeks.

"Yeah..." I say and look down at my feet.

"Wow. Nobody's ever said that to me. I'm flattered. But you might be confused. There's no way you could fall in love with someone like me." She looks away.

"Ashy, I'm serious. The most serious I've ever been in my entire life. I've felt like this for some time now. I just wanted to tell you before it was too late."

"Oh. Well, C.C., I have to think. I will admit I've been feeling different towards you as well. Like I get butterflies...... And I don't know how to feel anything but depressed, hate, and loneliness. And bad feelings. So it's weird feeling something good. And I don't want to lose any of you so I've been keeping to myself. I'm sorry that I've caused all of you so much trouble. That was never my intention. But thank you for telling me. I'm flattered."

"Alright. I'll let you be. Thank you for talking with me. It's always a pleasure." I give her a hug and leave her room.

Jinxx's P.O.V

There's something weird in the atmosphere of the house now that Ash is back. Now that I think about it, it's been there ever since Andy brought Ashlynn into our house. I wonder what's going on.

I start walking to Ashlynn's room. I want to see how she's doing. She's on her bed playing on her phone.

"Hey, Ash! How are you doing?"

"Oh hello, Jinxxy. I'm doing great. So glad to be out of that bland hospital. Thank you for your concern. And thank you for coming to visit me while I was there. You didn't have to."

"Oh sweetie, I wouldn't dream of not visiting you. You're like my sister. I would do anything for you."

"Haha yeah. You're like the big brother I never had but always wished I did. You're very protective of me and I love that. I love you like I would love my own blood. Well with exception to my dad, but you know what I mean."

"Ashlynn Rose, I'll always be here for you. Whether it's to talk, have fun, or you need advice, or even a shoulder to lean on, my metaphorical door is always open. And I love you too. You're my little sister now and I'll do anything to protect you."

"Thank you Jinxxy. Now come give me a hug."

She gets up and jumps on me.

"Ahhh you're stronger than you look, Ash."

She giggles. "Haha you underestimate me, dude."

"I guess I did."

I turn to leave her room and she stops me.

"Hey Jinxx?"


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Everything. I'm glad you're in my life."

"No problem girly. Without a doubt, I'd do anything for you."

"Love you man." She giggles after she says 'man'

"Ha I love you too, sis."

I walk out of her room and bump into Ashley.

"Hey, Ashley. What's up?"

"Oh hey Jinxx. I'm just worried about Ashlynn. She's so tiny. Has she eaten anything since she's been home?"

"No, man, now that I think about it she hasn't."

"Well we need to do something about that. What's her favourite food?"

"Um I think it's pizza?"

"Hey, Ash?" Ashley yells towards her room.

"Yeah, Ashley?"

"What's your favourite food?"

"Well I love tacos. Why?"

"Because Jake is cooking tonight and you're eating. So it's tacos tonight!"

"Oh okay. Yeah sounds great."

"I wonder if she's actually going to eat tonight." I ask Ashley.

"Dude, I hope so. But I'm sure Jake will make her eat. He's like her dad. He's such a teddy bear, he'll make sure she eats."

"I sure hope so."

A/N: Hello, my lovelies! I don't know how long this chapter will be once I'm done publishing it, but I tried to make it longer. Tell me what you think! Good or bad. And recommendations always welcome! Thanks for the support. I love you all! Stay beautiful, babes!

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