It Might Just Be Me Out Of Line

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Jake's P.O.V

I was told that I'm making tacos for dinner so I'm at the store getting stuff for it when I see this man yelling at the store clerk.


"Sir, I don't know who this woman is, I cannot help you, I'm-"

"I will find her with or without your help, scumbag." He says this while holding the boy by the collar of his shirt. I walk over to them.

"Excuse me, sir, but I hear you need help finding someone? I've lived here for quite a while now. I can help you find her."

He shows me a picture of Ashlynn and my heart drops.

"This is her. Do you know where I can find her?"

"She doesn't live here. Believe me, I would know. But I'd be happy to ask around for you?"

"Yeah that would be good. This piece of shit over here was no help. Thank you. Here's her picture too so you can ask people."

"Thank you sir. She's very beautiful. Is she your daughter?"

"Yeah she is. What's it to you?"

"Oh nothing. I was just wondering. I will definitely let you know if I see her. How would you like me to contact you if I find her?"

"You can call my cell phone. My number is (567)798-2222. I'd like to get her home ASAP. So the sooner you find her the better. If you find her tell her that her daddy misses her."

"Alright sir. Have a nice day."

"Don't tell me what to do." He murmurs as he walks away.

I go over to the clerk.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just a bit shaken up. Thank you for getting rid of him. He's a bad man. Don't trust him. I didn't want to tell him that she was here. Protect her. Get her somewhere safe far far away from that man."

"Don't worry. I'm ways ahead of you. Have a good day. I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner."

"It's alright. Just go get her to safety ASAP."

"Thanks. I will. Have a good day."

"Bye, Jake....." I hear him say as I run out to the parking lot.

I pull out my phone and pull up a group message between the guys and Ashlynn.

Me: We need to leave NOW.

Ashley: Why? What's wrong?

Ashy: What happened?

Andy: You better explain this.

C.C: Dude. You need to chill.

Me: I'm on my way home now. Pack bags for everyone. We're leaving. I'll explain everything when I get there. Just HURRY!

I get into my car and head home as fast as traffic will let me.

Ashlynn's P.O.V

I have no idea why Jake what's us to pack and leave. But it must be serious because all the guys were concerned so this must've never happened before. I throw my skinny jeans, leggings, shirts, sweatshirts, socks, underwear, bras, makeup, straightener, hygiene products, and jewelry into my suitcase. I also grab my smaller suitcase and pack a couple pairs of shoes. I grab all my chargers, my headphones, my laptop, and my iPad and put them all into my laptop case.  I send a text in the group message that I'm all ready and that I'm really confused. The other guys all reply that they're ready as well and also confused.

Jake bursts into the house and goes straight to his room and starts throwing clothes and necessities into a suitcase. He comes out a couple minutes after.

"Alright. Is everyone packed and ready?" He asks all of us.

"Yeah." We reply all at the same time.

"Okay. Get into our road trip car and put all your bags in the trunk and I'll explain when we get in."

We all do as he says and soon after we're on the road.

"Okay. Now can you explain why the sudden interest in a road trip?" Andy demands.

"Okay. Well you know how Ashlynn's hospitalisation was made public? Well apparently her dad saw that and he was in the grocery store asking the clerk where she was. He had a picture of her and everything. So I went over and told him that I'll ask around and he gave me his cell number and the picture of her. So we need to get her as far away as possible so she's safe."

"Wait. My dad is here? Right now?"  Ashlynn asks as her face goes pale.

"Yeah so we have to get you somewhere safe. He can't find you."

"Oh okay then."

A/N: Hi guys! That phone number is not real so don't call
it! I just wanted to put a disclaimer in. Let me know whatcha think in the comments. I'm always open to suggestions! And thank you all for reading! I love you all! And stay beautiful, my lovelies!

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