What happens with Aki

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A/N: this is purely based on what I think it'll be like.

Third person POV

Now our second main character happened to be separated from the two as well and ended up in a strange place.

"You know what's stranger? Someone's commentating my life. Or after life. Anyways where the heck am I?" She questioned at her surroundings of blue. Just blue. Nothing but blue. Hey at least it was sparkly blue.

"Well this is great. I get killed by a truck and come to a really blue place. Hey, at least it's sparkly. Anyways, is anyone here or did everyone abandon me? Again. Wait I see something. Am I gonna be stupid and get trapped in some place and then be held captive? Hell ya. It's my best option." The girl followed her idiotic idea and headed to the place.

~Timeskip bought to you by Aya secretly painting Tomoe's nails as he sleeps~

"Woaaahhhh, this looked a lot smaller back there. Who the heck owns such a thing in the middle of nowhere?" Aki decided it would be polite to at least knock on the door before entering.

"Hello.......HELLO..........HELLLLLOOO ANYONE HERE?" The door suddenly opened, angry and tired of getting beaten up multiple times by this loud, obnoxious thing.

"Hey at least don't describe me as a thing ya know. I have feelings ya know."

"Do you really?"

"Oh shut up. Anyways, sorry about that Mister or Miss or Mrs door. I was just trying to see if anyone was alive in here." She apologised, softly stroking the door to soothe the pain.

"Now am I continue being stupid and enter this house-mansion thingy in the middle of nowhere which opens by itself? Yup because why not." Aki put her head in to check and then slowly entered. "Damn this place is huge."

She started to look around before the door opened again. She froze from fear and slowly turned her head. "Ahhhh a human....butterfly.....thingy? A human transforming into a butterfly? I don't know man, it's a something."

At the same time the man screamed more surely and consistently, "Ahhhh a human!"

They stared at each other for what seemed like years, reminiscing their childhood memories together....wait wrong fanfic. Where the hell am I? Oh yeah, chapter whatever on this story. Why do I even sign myself up for this? It doesn't even pay me well. Actually, it doesn't pay at all. Anyways back to whatever I was doing.

Ah yes, the two started to throw random things, which appeared out of nowhere cause anime, at each other in fear shouting to stay away. We have reports from a witness named door-chan who says that they saw a pink bunny and a small blond boy in a high school uniform? Do we have that right? Anyways the two finally got tired of shouting and throwing things and decided to sit down for a bit as a break as some random drinks and food came out of nowhere.

"Who are you?"

"Shouldn't that be my line? Along with, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I don't know I just randomly appeared out of nowhere and I saw this place and decided to check it out. The door let me in."

"And you just walked in? Without questioning it?"

"That's what anime does. Anyways what's your name?"


"I'm Akira by the way. Nice to meet you. Wait a second, oh my goodness." For Aki everything began to slowly click into place. "Do you by any chance know a person named Tomoe?"



"Yeah.......how do you know him?"

"Ummm.....I.......ran into him?" She said in a questioning manner. "Yeah I ran into him before coming here." She clapped her hands at the amazing lie she made up.

A/N: this will also need a part two cause I'm too lazy to finish it off now. Hope you like it and shout out to harr001 who made me a new cover, which looks a hundred times better than before. Thanks a lot. Hope you guys also like it.

Hope you guys enjoyed and please vote (is it called voting or just like), comment and maybe share? Idk man, I managed to make this awkward I really can mess up anything.

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