What happens with Aya part 2

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Third person POV

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I walked for twenty whole minutes for this. I swear to humanity that I will never trust random dudes in trees anymore." Aya shouted loud enough for her parents to here.

"Great, I also have to deal with you now, don't I?" She groaned at this and started to trudge away.

"Yup, we gonna be besties." (And I know what I did there with my so no)

"Yeah no. Please burn in a hole and die."

Before I could respond, our main character was enveloped in flames, or hearts. I can't tell. Anyways, Aya got reasonably creeped the heck out and decided to run. Like a sane human being. Is she a human? What a sane hopefully alive thing would do. However, unfortunately she trips over a random rock conveniently there. Who place the rock there? I see you John, pretending to be innocent. Anyways, she falls back on her back groaning like hell before she sees someone clawing at her.

Now, you see, Aya is a bit...........unique. Interesting. Fine, she's weird and probably needs help. If you're wondering why I'm being so rude and definitely not getting revenge, it's because as she was getting clawed and yelled at, she started to awwww at the claws at how pretty they were. She even began to stroke them.

"Ooooo so pretty. You should try painting them. Are these real or just fake nails?" She asked completely creeping out the hybrid.

"Ummmm, this isn't Mikage. It's a human girl."

"Can I be considered human?"

"No. No. No. We are not doing this again. Just go with it okay."

"What was that?" The familiar asks.

"Oh nothing." Nmhhjxfjcddgh. Ghssyvbdsaguwfbnvcc rvihsv ho sgbjtfxw. Peh! Don't flipping gag me you messed up freak. You know what, I want a break from her. I'm taking a vacation.

A/N: Ahaha guys so I'll make a part three for her but I'm gonna try to do the other twos beginning cause I feel bad. And so the narrator doesn't kill me.

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