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A/N: (What do you mean this isn't how it ended?)


I lazily turned over in the bed, not feeling tired in the slightest.

I was currently recovering in the hospital at the moment. This was only made possible, thanks to the pro heroes who originally knew my situation. Ryukyu and, to my surprise...Rock Lock, convinced the officials that, for ethical and moral reasons, I should be allowed to rest and recover, before my future is decided.

All talk of my possible jail sentence, or my possible re-admission into Nyushin labs, has been temporarily put on hold.

For how long? I'm not sure.

I was still reeling from the events of the past 24 hours. I couldn't wrap my head around most of it. Eijirou was taken to the hospital, too. So, I'm sure he's in here somewhere.

But, my room was heavily guarded, in order to make sure I don't escape. So, I'm sure there's no way I'd be allowed to see him.

I looked over at the door, hearing someone faintly talking behind it.

There was a person outside....talking to the guards.

In the next instant, my door abruptly opened, revealing someone I was so incredibly happy and relieved to see.

"Mr. Aizawa!!" I exclaimed, sitting up in the bed excitedly.

He quickly closed the door, before coming over to me. I noticed he was also in a hospital gown.

"Are you hurt?" I asked him in concern.

He scoffed lightly, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"No. I got scuffed up a bit during the Overhaul mission, and when I came in for a check up, the hospital staff insisted I stay over night to make sure I heal appropriately." He shrugged, handing me a letter.

I took the letter....feeling something hard in the envelope, some type of object.

I furrowed my brows, about to open the letter, before Mr. Aizawa stopped me.

"Don't open it yet. It's from Sir Nighteye. He told me he didn't want you to open it, until you feel you're in a good place. I'm advising you...I don't think that time is now." Aizawa said gently, placing the letter on my side table.

My eyes lit up, upon hearing the name.

"S-So, Sir Nighteye is okay!?" I asked hopefully, seeing Aizawa's face cloud with soft pity.

He was quiet for a moment, letting out a tired sigh.

"Sir Nighteye.....passed on. This morning. He went peacefully though. I told him you accomplished his foresight. He was very happy to hear. Very proud of you. Mirio was by his side." Aizawa tried to reassure, already seeing the tears cloud my eyes.

I nodded softly, not feeling in the mood to speak.

There was a soft somber silence in the room now. It wasn't uncomfortable though.

"Margo..." Aizawa said after awhile, causing me to lift my head.

"I am also...very proud of you. I saw what you did—well, the tail end of it. I heard what you said to Eri. I used my erasure on her, but not until the very last moment, when I could get there. I needed to keep my eye on her, in case her quirk acted up again. That's why I couldn't come to your aid, when the police were escorting you away. You saved Midoriya's life. And you saved Eri's conscience." He explained, giving my shoulder a light tap with his hand.

I smiled sadly at him, still feeling incredibly upset about Sir Nighteye.

"I want you to know, that I'm going to fight for you. I'm going to try and get you out of this. Your trial will be held tomorrow, to decide your future. I will do everything in my power, to make sure that future is bright." He promised.

I softly threw my head back against the pillow, looking out the window.

"Is....everyone—does everyone hate me?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Aizawa was quiet, trying to figure out how to tell me lightly.

I chuckled softly, looking over at him.

"Since when are you one to try and mince words?" I teased, not wanting him to feel bad for telling me the truth.

"They don't hate you, Margo. They just don't understand. They haven't been with you on the other side, for these past months, like Kirishima and I. They haven't been able to see what's happened behind the scenes. They are a good group of kids. They will come around. Just give them time to process." He reassured, ruffling my already messy hair.

I nodded, actually feeling a little better from his words.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"And anyways, I know there's one person who is dying to see you. Ugh, I know this, because he won't shut up about it. He's been keeping the nurses up all night, with how passionate he is about this request." Aizawa groaned, causing me to chuckle.


"When can I see him?" I asked longingly, knowing I probably wouldn't be able to for awhile.

Aizawa checked the time on his phone, before turning to me.

"How about now?" He casually said.

I looked at him in pure confusion, not understanding.

"Now?! Am I allowed!?" I asked in disbelief.

"I don't know if you heard me talking to the guards outside, but I requested permission to watch you, while the guards go home. No one knows I've been working with you the past year, so they allowed me to do this. Now, I'm in charge of you. At least, for awhile." He shrugged, nodding for me to stand up.

My eyes lit up softly at his words, weakly standing up from the bed.

"Mr. Aizawa..." I said quietly, causing him to turn around.

"Thank you...for always being there for me." I smiled, giving him a small nod of respect.

He looked at me for a moment, a small smile gracing his face, before he lightly rolled his eyes.

"Just go see your boyfriend. You get two hours. That's it."


I walked into Eijirou's room, expecting him to be asleep.

Instead, he was out of his hospital bed, standing at the window.

He had his back turned to me....and he was also on the phone.

Wonder who he was talking to?

He didn't hear me come in.

"Mhmm.....okay.....yes, I understand. I'll see you then....goodbye." Eijirou mumbled into the phone, clearly talking to someone on the other line.

"Who was that?" I asked him curiously when he hung up.

He turned around at lightning speed, shoving the phone into his pocket.

"Huh? What? Nobody—Margo!!!" He exclaimed, running over to me now.

I smiled, immediately opening my arms for his hug.

"Be careful! You're still hurt—" I started saying, before he threw his arms around me....trying to be as gentle as possible.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I care more about you." He whispered into my ear, burying his face into my neck.

I threw my arms around him, letting out a long comforted sigh.

"I'm alright. I'm okay, now that you're here. I was so worried about you." I cried out, feeling him pick me up carefully.

He held me by my waist, gently setting me down on his bed.

He climbed on the bed with me, keeping his arms around me, as he leaned in close to my face.

"You did it, Margo. You completed the task. Sir Nighteye's task." He whispered, brushing the messy hair out of my face.

I couldn't stop myself from leaning in close now, pressing my lips against his. 

Eijirou kissed me back, running his hands along my back.

I pulled away after a few moments, needing to breathe.

"We did it. I couldn't have done it without you. You saved my life. You were amazing. Your unbreakable form..." I whispered, still in awe of what I saw Eijirou do, when we were moments away from dying.

Eijirou smiled now, his cheeks turning slightly red.

"So you like the name? Unbreakable? I-I tried to tell you about it after the city attack, but we were interrupted." He chuckled softly.

"I love it. You were amazing. I said it once, and I'll say it are my hero." I smiled, pressing my forehead to his.

Eijirou closed his eyes, sighing softly in contentment.

"You're my hero, too." He whispered, caressing my face with his thumb.

I looked at him in soft amusement now, reveling in the feeling of his touch.

"Hmm, is that so? Then, I guess it looks like I have my first fan." I teased lightly, shooting him a tired smirk.

He laughed gently, his shark tooth smile lighting up my entire heart.

Man, I missed that smile.

"I may be your first fan. But, I definitely won't be your last." He reassured, pulling me closer into his chest.

Eijirou and I caught up for a bit. We mourned and reminisced Sir Nighteye, talked about what happened during the Overhaul mission....I also told him Shigaraki's parting words for me.

"I-I really screwed up, huh. I just kept falling deeper, and deeper into this web of lies I created for myself. I should have known it would end like this." I sighed out, resting my head on his chest.

I listened to the sound of his beating heart, finding comfort in the way it thumped steadily against my ear.

"Hey, everyone makes mistakes, right? But, not everyone takes the opportunity to turn them around. You did. You should be proud of yourself for that. I am. I mean....working as a double agent, crossing Shigaraki...the leader of the league of villains. That's pretty badass, if you ask me." He smirked, trying his best to cheer me up.

I laughed softly, feeling him absentmindedly run his fingers through my hair.

"Do you think.......they'll put me back in Nyushin?" I whispered softly, not even feeling afraid anymore. 

Eijirou was quiet, lost in thought for a moment, before he spoke.

"I don't know, Margo. I can't see the future, like Sir Nighteye. But, I know that no matter what happens, I'll always keep fighting for you. I'm always gonna stand behind you, and have your back. No matter what. You will be free. I will make sure of it. You don't have to worry about that." He uttered softly, lifting my head from his chest to kiss me.

I kissed him back warmly, smiling happily into the kiss.

"That's enough for me." I said against his lips.

He pulled away slightly to study my face.

"Hey, don't give up yet. I'm working on a plan for your trial. There's something good coming." He reassured, raising his brows in slight anticipation.

I became curious now, eager to find out what he meant.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I asked, absentmindedly running my finger along his bandaged arm.

Eijirou was about to speak, before he quickly stopped himself. He suddenly seemed a little uneasy. A little nervous.

"I'd rather you just see for yourself. Trust me on this one." He pleaded softly, trailing his thumb on my lip.

I nodded my head, gazing into his crimson orbs.

"I trust you. I trust you with my life." I whispered, mimicking the words he said to me during the Overhaul mission.

He grabbed my face, pulling me in for another kiss.

A/N: Super soft smut warning right here. Nothing serious though.

Things started getting heated after a few moments, as neither of us found the willpower to break away.

Our lips hungrily moved against one another's, as our heavy breaths mixed in each other's mouths.

I was already lying on top of Eijirou, as I felt him grip my hips lightly.

He pulled the sheets up to cover our bodies, running his hands up my hospital gown.

I bit his lip lightly, upon feeling his hands on my bare waist.

He groaned softly in want, lifting my gown higher up my body.

His eyes burned into mine, clouding with lust, as he lifted my gown all the way up to my arms now. It was practically off my body.

He trailed his hands back down my figure, touching every bare curve along the way.

"Fuck. I want you." He said huskily into my mouth, trailing his fingers to the waistband of my panties.

I knew my cheeks were flushed red now, as my own body heated up drastically, from his words.

"So, have me." I stated, starting to move my hips against his.

His breath hitched at my actions, biting his lip to hide his pleasure.

He began grinding back against me, his eyes becoming half lidded now.

I reached in between us, sliding my hands under his hospital gown...feeling how hard he already was.

I began stroking his length lightly, watching his face contort into pleasure.

He let out soft, quiet breaths of lust, as he let me continue...trying to keep quiet, as best he could.

"B-But won't Mr. Aizawa....ahh, c-come back....s-soooon?" He asked, his voice coming out as a moan towards the end of his sentence.

I quickly slapped my free hand over his mouth, muffling his sound.

He chuckled softly at the situation, his eyes rolling back in his head as I picked up the pace of my strokes.

"Mr. Aizawa won't be back for an hour. A lot can happen in an hour." I smirked suggestively, removing my hand from his mouth.

"You don't have to tell me twice." He breathed out huskily.

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