Wrong Direction

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I began stirring around in the bed, lazily opening one of my tired eyes.

I came face to face with Eijirou, but he was still sleeping. He also looked more beat up than I remember.

"You stupid kids....did you hear me? Wake. Up." I heard someone faintly say, before I groggily opened my eyes.

I was met with Aizawa's glare, causing my eyes to fly open.

"Woah!! Mr. Aizawa!?" I exclaimed in panic, quickly making sure Eijirou and I had remembered to put our clothes back on, after our steamy sex session.

Thank goodness. We did.

Eijirou's eyes flew open at the mention of Mr. Aizawa. I saw him quickly do a double take of our attire too, probably thinking the same thing I was.

Mr. Aizawa narrowed his eyes at us suspiciously.

"Yes, it's me. Don't sound so surprised." He mumbled cautiously, shooting Eijirou and I a light glare.

My eyes trailed to the window, noticing the morning sun peeking in.

"I guess I'm just surprised that you let Eijirou and I spend the night in the same bed. Didn't you say I was only allowed two hours in here?" I asked in surprise.

"I came back after two hours to get you, but you guys were seriously passed out. After the exhaustion of the Eri rescue...I figured it would be good to just let you rest. So, I came back to check on you every hour. You know.....just to make sure you guys weren't doing anything naughty." Aizawa remarked suspiciously, looking from me to Eijirou.

I felt Eijirou nudge my side lightly now, before I turned my attention towards him. 

"Hey, a lot can happen in an hour. Am I right?" He whispered, shooting me a suggestive smirk.

Hah, those were my words from last night-

"Speak up, Kirishima. You want to say that again?" Aizawa seethed lowly, causing Eijirou's face to go a ghostly white.

"W-What!?? Ah! Oh—I-I didn't say anything!!" Eijirou panicked, lightly pushing me away from his body.

I rolled my eyes, lazily sitting up in the bed now.

I noticed Aizawa was holding a pile of folded clothes in his hand, along with a pair of plain white, slip on sneakers.

"What's that?" I asked him, gesturing to the clothes.

He looked at me, before giving a frustrated sigh.

"These are clothes....for your trial. Uh...the government is demanding that you wear them, until your sentence has been decided." Aizawa mumbled, begrudgingly tossing me the clothes and shoes.

I sorted out the outfit, noticing it was a baggy, grey jumpsuit. There was writing on the back of it:

Musutafu Correctional Department.

Eijirou and I looked at the clothes in distaste.

"Ah, man. Seriously?" I mumbled disappointedly, really not wanting to show up to my trial looking like I was already in jail.

Aizawa shoved his hands into his pockets, watching me mull over the jail jumpsuit a little more.

"Yeah. Right now, we need to be on our best behavior and comply with the government's order, if we want any hope of you getting free. Having you wear the jumpsuit is just a small price, Margo. We need to show them you're cooperative. That you're not a dangerous threat to humanity." Aizawa explained firmly, leaning back against the wall.

I nodded in understanding, turning to Eijirou.

"Well, I guess I should go get ready." I whispered to him, suddenly feeling nervous now.

What if I was seriously sent to jail, or Nyushin?

Aizawa sighed, before walking towards the door.

"I'll be waiting for you outside, Margo. Make it quick." He said, before leaving Eijirou and I alone for a moment.

Eijirou pulled me into his arms, planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

I savored the feeling, hoping it wouldn't be the last time he did such a thing.

"You're going to be okay. You and I will get through this. Together." He whispered into my ear.

I nodded softly, bringing my lips to his for a chaste, last kiss.



I felt my heartbeat a little faster, as I approached the courtroom door, with two guards holding my arms on either side.

I was in the jail jumpsuit. The guards were so kind in providing me some quirk handcuffs, as well. I already looked like a real criminal, and I wasn't even technically convicted yet. 

The door opened, and as much as I was hoping the courtroom audience would be practically empty....

I couldn't have been more wrong.

Every seat in the audience was filled, as they all looked back at me now.

I groaned internally, feeling the guards starting to drag me lightly down the aisle.

The walk to the chair at the front of the room, felt like an eternity, as I passed by all of the familiar faces.

The pro heroes who worked secretly with me and Sir Nighteye, the pro heroes who had no idea about my undercover situation, all three members of The Big Three, the principal, all of my teachers...

And my entire class was sitting right at the front.

My eyes quickly found Eijirou, who gave me a reassuring smile.

I quickly turned my head away, not being able to look at the rest of my class.

I heard murmurs and whispers from the audience, hearing my name mentioned in almost all of the them.

I sighed softly, finally taking a seat at the front of the room.

The judge looked at me, studying my face and my outfit, before beginning the trial.

"Everyone please take a seat. This trial will now begin. Margo Kimika, you are here under allegations that you participated in serious criminal activity. These allegations say that you are an active member of the most notorious terrorist organization, the League of Villains. Is this true?" The judge asked, getting painfully straight to the point.

I was taken aback by the sudden question, expecting more of a warm up one first.

I looked over at Aizawa, seeing him nod for me to tell the truth.

"Uh...y-yes—" I mumbled, as soft as a bird.

"Speak up when you are talking." The judge called out firmly.

"Oh—yes! Yes." I quickly said, hearing my classmates gasping in shock.

"I'm going to read through some of your charges here. I would like you to tell me if they are true, or false. The attack on the USJ?" The judge asked me.

I grit my teeth, really not wanting my friends to hear this.

"True." I simply stated.

"Breaking into UA high school, in a failed, solo assassination attempt on All Might?" The judge asked, causing Midoriya to let out an audible, offended "what!?"

"True. But—"

"Reporting information about the UA students to Tomura Shigaraki, in an attempt to harm them."

"Margo!?" I heard Mina whisper in sad disbelief.

"Harm them?! I wasn't trying to—"

"Did you, or did you not, feed information about the UA students to Shigaraki?" The judge asked much more firmly this time.

"I gave him false information!—" I tried to defend, before the judge slammed his gavel.

"True or false, Ms. Kimika!?"

"True!! True." I retorted frustratedly, leaning back in my seat in irritation.

"Conspiring and carrying out the Nomu attack on the city of Hosu?"

I was forced to do that. I didn't conspire it. And I really didn't even carry it out. I actually saved a life that day.

"True." I stated clearly.

"Planning and participating in the kidnapping of Katsuki Bakugou."

Actually, saving Bakugou's life and helping him get back to his friends, alive, is more what that was.

Once again, Shigaraki really made me pay for that.

I sighed in annoyance, forcing myself to answer.


"The murder of Ken Yokoyama."

I furrowed my brows in confusion, not recognizing the name.

"I don't know who that is." I said honestly.

Without a word, the judge showed me a picture of Ken Yokoyama.

Scientist B.

I swallowed thickly, closing my eyes in guilt.

"T-True."I croaked out.

"And the last major thing. Aiding Kai Chisaki, aka Overhaul, in the attempted kidnapping of the child, known as Eri."

Shigaraki definitely threw that accusation into the mix, himself.


"It says here, you are a member of the eight precepts of death—"

"Also false." I stated clearly, looking directly into the judge's eyes.

The judge looked at me, before nodding slightly.

Everyone was quiet, as he leaned back in his seat.

I cringed softly, upon hearing the judge let out a small, empty chuckle...seeming to already have made up his mind.

"Alright, well the way I see it...you're only options here are to return to Nyushin Labs, or prison. But, I'm a nice man. Which sentence seems less harsh to you?" The judge asked me, his eyes showing he thinks he already had everything figured out.

My eyes widened at his words, realizing I was fucked.

"What!? Wait a minute! I didn't even give you my side of the story! What about the witnesses!? The evidence?!" I exclaimed, standing up from my chair.

"I have all the evidence I need right here." The judge shrugged, displaying the picture of my villain, mugshot type picture, that has become all too familiar.

"That's Margo?!" I heard Kaminari say in disbelief.

"She looks so scary." Ochako whispered.

"I don't even recognize her." Mina sighed.

Mr. Aizawa jumped in now, realizing this trial was heading in a bad direction.

"Your honor, surely you can't base the rest of someone's life off of a simple picture. I urge you to take a look at the evidence I, along with Margo's teachers, have provided you." Mr. Aizawa said, trying to be as professional as possible.

"I don't believe that is necessary. You know what, Margo...since you won't choose where you'd like to go, I will choose for you. I'm going to get you some help." The judge said, before ushering to someone from the audience.

"H-Help!?" I asked in disbelief.

I looked up to see the same woman from yesterday, in that same stupid lab coat.

The woman from Nyushin Labs.

She smiled kindly at the judge, before turning to me.

I grit my teeth upon seeing her shoot me a subtle, dark smirk, before she spoke to the group.

"For those of you who aren't familiar with Nyushin Labs, we are a wonderful system that helps troubled children learn to control their difficult quirks, in the most humanistic way possible." She said, with a sweet facade.


I looked at the woman like she had two heads, popping up from my chair.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE CALLING IT!?!" I screamed, losing my temper.

"Ms. Kimika, sit down!!" The judge yelled, gesturing for the woman to continue.

I let out an audible groan of anger, slamming back down in my seat.

"You see, Margo's parents kindly asked us to help her, when she was four years old. They were terrified of her quirk. As you can see from just a second ago, Margo still has her outbursts. She is a very troubled girl. She was making fantastic strides at Nyushin, before she ran away....due to a crazed, psychotic episode she was experiencing." The Scientist lied, causing me to ball my fists in fury.

Oh my god.

Lies. Flat out lies.

I understand now. Nyushin Labs has been able to operate all of this time, because they've been putting up a fake front to the public.

Sure, they were already a hidden company for the most part, anyways. But, in order to cover all of their tracks with the government, they've been lying and saying they're an organization to help kids.

When in reality, all they do is test on them.

"We believe that it is in the best interest of Margo's future, that she come back to Nyushin. Of course, we would place her in maximum security, to ensure she doesn't run away again." The Scientist concluded, smiling sweetly at the judge.

My eyes widened in simultaneous fear, shock, and anger. I didn't know what to do.

"Mr. Aizawa!?" I heard Eijirou say in panic.

Mr. Aizawa looked at me, trying to quickly think of something to do.

"Uh—your honor, please—" Aizawa started saying, before the judge cut him off.

"Margo, I want to help you. I really do. Why send you to jail needlessly, when I can send you back to a place that was giving you help? I'll tell you what, I'll even knock off the charge for the USJ attack. You'll only be held guilty for accounts of the other crimes you committed, and you'll be getting treatment at Nyushin. I think that's a fair sentence." The judge said dismissively, getting ready to make it official.

"No!!! Please don't do this!!!" I yelled out in panic, already imagining the horrors of going back to Nyushin. Especially under 'maximum security.' Whatever that means.

"WAIT!!" Aizawa and Eijirou yelled at the same time.

The judge quickly held up his hand to silence everyone.

"Silence in the room, please. By order of the court, I hereby sentence Margo Kimika as guilty on all charges of—"

"I wouldn't do that just yet." Someone quickly called out, walking in from the back of the room.

I furrowed my brows in focus...feeling like I recognized that voice from somewhere.

Everyone was silent, with the only sound coming from the person who was slowly...very slowly, making their way towards the front of the room.

It sounded like they had a limp.

I turned around, curious to see who was coming to the front of the room.

My heart almost stopped from pure shock, when I saw the person who was coming towards me.

Is this real?

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