Familiar Faces

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My jaw was completely ajar, practically hitting the floor, as this familiar man slowly walked over to my side.

He didn't look at me right away, avoiding my gaze, as he kept his eyes on the judge.

"And just who are you, son? I don't remember giving you permission to be in this area of the court—" the judge started saying, before the man quickly cut him off.

"—my name, is Hiroki Samuels. I was head scientist, Scientist A, of Nyushin Labs for ten years. I worked directly with Margo Kimika, for all ten years. I've come to tell you, that what this lab woman is saying about Nyushin, is a lie. I want to tell you my side of the story....my version of what really happened to Margo Kimika at Nyushin." Scientist A explained calmly and clearly.

"Finally, he's here." I heard Eijirou mumble, letting out a sigh of relief.

Eijirou knew about this?

I studied Scientist A, my mind still not processing his existence in front of my face.

I thought he was dead. Twice! First, I thought I killed him. Then, Overhaul told me he killed him.

But, here he is. Alive, and well—

Actually, now that I notice....he's missing an entire leg. That's why he was walking with a limp. He's got a prosthetic in, and a cane. He still refused to look at me.

The judge laughed lightly, studying Scientist A.

"No offense, kid. But you don't look like you're older than fifteen years old. You expect me to believe you're some world class scientist?" The judge said, causing Scientist A to shuffle around in his pocket.

"Heh, good genes, I guess. I'm 26, actually. Maybe this'll rack your mind." Scientist A retorted, handing the security guard a file to give to the judge. A very big file.

As the judge began reading through the file, Scientist A spoke up now.

"As you can see, I was a member of Overhaul's Eight Precepts of Death." He started off, as the judge displayed the picture of the Eight.

There was Scientist A in the picture, next to Overhaul, wearing a plague mask similar to his.

"Okay. Now I'm interested. Go on." The judge said, nodding for a guard to restrain Scientist A lightly.

I mean, the dumbass did just announce his affiliation with the eight precepts of death. What does he expect.

"Kai Chisaki put our father in a coma, when I was fifteen. He wasn't our biological father, but he was our adopted father. He was my dad, and I loved him very much. Anyways, dad and I didn't agree with Kai's ideas, and Kai didn't like that. Kai practically killed him right in front of me. He then threatened me into joining his gang. Said if I didn't, he would put me in a coma, too. I joined him out of pure fear." Scientist A started off, looking down at the ground.

Everyone in the court was silent, including Eijirou and Aizawa, interested in hearing this man's story...and how he got here.

"Not more than a few months later, Margo's parents exposed Margo's power to Chisaki. I hadn't done anything important in the precepts yet. Kai told me he was getting sick of me. He said my first order of business was to get Margo Kimika for his own use. I refused, telling him there was no way in hell I'd take a little girl from her family like that. He then said, if I failed to get Margo Kimika to him, he'd kill me. So, I persuaded Margo's dad into giving her up. Gave him....only $3,000 dollars, for her." Scientist A croaked out in guilt, looking at the ground sadly.

That's it?! $3,000? Thanks, dad.

"Nyushin isn't a place for troubled children, or whatever that fucking bitch—pardon me, I mean...whatever that fucking woman said it is..." Scientist A sneered, pointing to the woman from Nyushin.

"Ten years. For ten years, I tortured this poor girl. I carved her up like a Christmas ham everyday, and listened to her pained screams and cries. I-It killed me, and I cried about it almost every night." Scientist A mumbled shakily, looking at the ground blankly.

I was completely taken aback by his demeanor, only having seen his carefree, lax, and condescending personality for ten years straight.

"Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that the very definition of evil on this damn planet...is the existence of Nyushin Labs. It is a secret organization, that is directly connected to Kai Chisaki, as a lot of his men work there. Everyone there, including this scientist bitch, should be arrested and thrown in jail. Don't believe me yet? Take a look at the evidence I've put together. There's pictures in there of Margo's wounds. Pictures of the quirk bullets. Confidential information that Kai wanted to keep hidden. I spent ten years. Ten years building up this evidence slowly. I needed to do it in a way that Kai wouldn't catch me. I took pictures, stole samples, and did everything I could to try and get this bastard caught!!" Scientist A cried out, his eyes clouded with his own type of agony.

My mind flash backed to all of the times Scientist A was taking random pictures of the things in Nyushin. All the times he was slipping files and items into his lab coat. He was trying to be secretive about it, but I saw him do it.

All that time....he was trying to get Overhaul thrown in jail. I had no idea.

The judge was quiet, his eyebrows raising in horrid shock, as he read through the file on Nyushin.

After looking at a particularly gruesome image, he cringed and quickly shut the file.

"Well, Mr. Samuels. By saying that everyone who works at Nyushin should be arrested, aren't you talking about yourself, as well?" The judge asked in confusion.

"I've already had my sentence. I turned myself in, as soon as I got out of the hospital for my leg. I told the police what happened, gave them every bit of evidence I collected, and hoped for life in prison. Unfortunately for me, the police requested my services. They said that if I fed them crucial information about Overhaul and the eight precepts, I'd only have to serve six months in prison. I didn't care much for the lighter sentence, but if it meant I got to take down, Kai...I'd do it. So, I did. I just got out of jail a few days ago." He explained.

Silence consumed the room, as the judge mulled over Scientist A's words.

The woman from Nyushin jumped in now, feeling nervous.

"Y-You're honor....Mr. Samuels clearly has a very warped idea of what our facility does—" she started saying, before the judge cut her off.

"I didn't say you could speak. Someone put this woman in cuffs for the time being, please. I don't want her going anywhere." The judge demanded, as an officer came over and cuffed her immediately.

She grit her teeth in anger, shooting me an evil glare.

"Well....I'm not saying I'll let you off, scot free, Margo. But...I am interested to hear your side of the story now. If you don't mind." The judge said, gesturing for me to speak.

I smiled gratefully, looking over at Scientist A now.

He felt me looking at him, as he finally forced his head to turn towards me for the first time.

He looked at me now, his green orbs consumed with guilt and sorrow.

He quickly gave me a nod, gesturing for me to stand.

"Uh—the f-floor is yours." Scientist A said to me softly, waiting for me to speak.

I stood up, looking at Eijirou.

He gave me a soft, encouraging smile, listening fully.

I forced myself to finally look at my classmates, expecting them to glare at me or give me looks of betrayal.

Instead, I was met with their soft, reassuring smiles...as they were also eager to hear my story, too.

I let out a small sigh, turning back to the judge.

"Let me start from the beginning."


I took my time, explaining my past to everyone in great detail.

I was a little nervous, as the only one who knew my full story was Eijirou. I didn't expect everyone to be as accepting and understanding as he was. And that's okay.

I started with my childhood, talked about what happened after I got my quirk, how my parents gave me up.

I talked about my time at Nyushin labs, my escape, the murder I committed. I explained how Dabi saved me, and I joined the league of villains, because I felt I owed him a debt...because I felt like he was the only person I could trust.

I told everyone of Shigaraki's idea to have me go undercover, as a UA student....but that I began having second thoughts and regrets quickly after.

Aizawa stepped in, with his own evidence, to explain my process of becoming a double agent for the heroes. He explained that it was a very top secret mission, which is why not a lot of heroes knew about it.

He explained how I risked my life to save Bakugou, how I dove head first into the Overhaul mission, how I constantly risked my safety to ensure the safety of the UA students from Shigaraki, even if it meant my own life.

Finally, the witnesses were questioned.

Bakugou angrily volunteered to be the first one to be come forward which, originally, made me extremely nervous.

But, I was surprised of how he talked about me, especially when it came to his rescue...

"Yeah, Margo's a dumbass—I mean, she's stupid for doing what she did for me. She risked her life to save me—EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T NEED SAVING. DO YA HEAR ME!? But anyways, she's alright, I guess. She's a moron, but a harmless moron. She definitely deserves better treatment, instead of going to prison with those extras, or living as a lab rat. Take that information how you want it." Bakugou said, causing the judge to look at him in question for his mental health.

The witness questioning ended with Eijirou, who lit up the courtroom like the literal sun he is.

"So this girl never tried to do you harm? She never tried to recruit you into joining the league of villains?" The judge asked him patiently.

"Nope! Margo actually saved my life a few times, before I found out who she was. She risked her safety with Shigaraki several times, because she prioritized my well being. She saved me during the Eri rescue operation, and she saved Eri, too." Eijirou said confidently, shooting me a big grin.

I smiled back at him, wanting nothing more than to jump into his arms.


After all was said and done, the judge was quiet...lost in thought about his decision.

"Well....I'm not sure what to do with you, Margo. I mean, you'll be an adult soon, but with your past, and your quirk...I'm not sure I want you being on your own right away. You were essentially locked up, away from the world for ten years." The judge said, before Aizawa stepped up.

"Your honor, I'd like to request permission to be Margo's legal guardian. This way, I can keep an eye on her quirk, as well as her natural progression into society." Aizawa stated.

The judge was quiet for a moment in thought.

"I don't see a problem with that, Eraserhead." He shrugged.

I was surprised when Aizawa continued a moment later.

"I'd also like to request that Margo be allowed to stay a student at UA high school, to continue becoming a hero in training." Aizawa said, causing me to look at him in shock.

I saw Scientist A smile softly, upon hearing Aizawa's words, still keeping his gaze to the floor.

"Based on what argument?" The judge asked hesitantly.

Aizawa pulled out another piece of paper, getting it to the judge.

"This is a petition of all the people who would like Margo to stay in her hero training courses. One of the signatures is from the little boy she saved, during the attack on Hosu." Aizawa said, gesturing to someone in the audience.

A woman stood up now, getting the attention of the judge.

"I-I have a video of this girl, Margo, saving a curly, green haired boy, and a white haired little girl with a horn in her head. I was one of the bystanders watching. I captured it on my phone." She said, giving me a soft smile.

Aizawa spoke again now.

"Margo Kimika has an amazing quirk, that has no right going to waste. She has been able to take down some of the strongest villains, with barely a flick of her finger. She has the natural instinct to being a hero, and she already fits in very well at UA high. It'd be a shame to lose her." Aizawa said, giving me a soft nod.

I looked back at the judge, waiting in anticipation for his answer now.

He was quiet for what felt like an eternity. Looking at all of the evidence before him, lost in thought.

After a moment, he looked back at me, an answer clear in his mind.

"After reviewing all of the evidence on the case of Margo Kimika.....I hereby sentence her to one year of community service, and one year of strict probation under the pro hero, Eraserhead. I declare her....not guilty of any charges involving the league of villains, the villain, Overhaul, or the death of Ken Yokoyama, which was deemed an act of self defense. As long as Margo keeps at least a 3.75 grade point average, keeps her record clean, and sees a licensed psychologist every three months, to evaluate her mental health....she will be allowed to stay at UA high school, in order to become a hero in training. All current employees of Nyushin Labs will be taken into custody for further questioning. By order of the court, this case is now dismissed." The judge said, before turning to me.

A soft smile was present on his face now.

"Margo Kimika, you are free to go."

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