Like A True Hero

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Free to go?

I'm free to go?


My face slowly lit up, as I processed the judge's words, trying to get my head around them.

The sound of the gavel slammed down, as the judge adjourned the meeting now.

"Margo!!" Kirishima exclaimed, racing over to my side now.

I giggled lightly when I felt him grab my waist and pick me up off the ground, twirling me in his arms.

"Margo! Holy shit, you did it! You did it!" He celebrated happily, his face lighting up as bright as the sun.

I couldn't help but smile with him, as I felt myself bubbling with happiness...I was still reeling from everything that just happened, on the verge of complete and utter excitement.

Until I saw my classmates approaching.

Eijirou noticed them too, quickly setting me down.

I walked over to them slowly, not quite being able to read their blank faces.

I nervously rubbed the back of my neck, not knowing where to start.

"G-Guys, I'm really, really sorry." I said apologetically, bowing my head in guilt.

It was quiet for a moment, before Kaminari spoke up.

"Yeah, you should be." He said blankly.

Eijirou's eyes widened at his words, as everyone remained silent for a moment longer.

I looked up now, seeing Kaminari's face about to burst from holding in his laughter.

I saw Mina start cracking up now, smacking Kaminari in the shoulder.

"You let that go on for way too long!" Mina retorted to Kaminari, laughing loudly now.

"Sorry! I just wanted to be the serious one for a change." Kaminari pouted, before ruffling my hair kindly.

Midoriya spoke up now, a smile grazing his face.

"Margo, what you did...not just for Eri and I, but for everyone. You're brave. You protected us, and that is something I won't forget. You have my trust. I-I think you'll make a wonderful hero." He said, giving me an encouraging nod.

"Oi, Deku! Don't forget that I knew Margo's secret before you did. Stop making shitty speeches, like you're better than me!" Bakugou retorted.

"I didn't know you went through all of that, Margo. You really sacrificed a lot for us. I'm glad to have you on our side...fully this time." Ochako smiled, before enveloping me in a hug.

I hugged her back, before Iida's hand outstretched towards my face.

"Margo....while I, the class rep, believe you should have told me this information, regarding the league of villains...I appreciate the effort you went to, in protecting us, here at UA. You have my full support!" Iida stated formally.

I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind, feeling Eijirou pull me into him, as the class continued talking to me.

Finally, Mina came over....a small pout on her face.

I looked at her, shooting a sheepish grin.

"Mina....come on." I encouraged playfully, already seeing her pout breaking.

She turned towards me now, lightly rolling her eyes, before throwing her arms around me.

"Don't do anything like that again, you got it! I'm more upset that you kept me out of such juicy gossip!" She cried out dramatically, causing me to roll my eyes in amusement.

Typical Mina.

Eijirou and I talked to our classmates for a while longer, with forgiveness and the honest truth, being the main topic of conversation.

As Midoriya started telling the class about his crazy fight with Overhaul, I suddenly felt someone place their hand on my shoulder.

Eijirou and I turned our heads, seeing it was Scientist A.

"Hey. Can we talk?" He asked me quietly, not wanting to interrupt Midoriya's story.

I nodded, hesitating for a moment, before wriggling free from Eijirou's arms.

"I'll be right back—" I started telling Eijirou, before Scientist A interrupted.

"—oh, uh...both of you. I wanna talk to both of you, actually. If that's alright?" He said, looking at Eijirou in question.

Eijirou looked slightly surprised, before he nodded.

We followed Scientist A outside into the fresh air, noticing how quiet the street was right now.

We went over to a picnic table, that was shaded by some trees, giving us some good privacy. Scientist A had a slightly hard time getting there, due to his missing leg.

Eijirou sat next to me on one side, while Scientist A sat across from us.

He let out a deep, shaky breath...looking from Eijirou to me.

There was a slight tense pause, before he finally started to speak.

"W-Well, first of all....I guess, I owe this guy a thank you." Scientist A said, gesturing to Eijirou.

Eijirou already seemed to know what he was talking about, as he chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, not understanding.

Scientist A laughed softly at my confusion, looking slightly amused.

"What? He didn't tell ya? Your boy toy, over here, called me up last night. He asked me to come to the trial and testify against Nyushin. I'd been tryin' to track you down for awhile, Margo. I wanted to make sure you were okay, and I even wanted to try and make things right between us. Kirishima, here...was the one to help make this all happen." Scientist A smiled, finally meeting my eye contact now.

The shock was present on my face.

So, that's who Eijirou was talking to on the phone, at the hospital. He was asking Scientist A to come to my trial.

I turned to Eijirou now, shooting him an amused look.

"You really think you were gonna keep that a secret from me? You can't keep that big mouth shut, when it comes to telling me things." I retorted playfully, lightly nudging his shoulder.

Eijirou looked at me, lightly groaning at my comment.

"Oh come on, Margo. I would have kept that secret for at least a week." He justified, before continuing.

"Besides, I can't take all the credit for that phone call. I visited Sir Nighteye in the hospital for the last time, and he's the one who gave me the number and explained the situation. He's the one who found Hiroki, first. I simply finished the job, and called him." Eijirou said, bringing another surprise into my life.

Damn, Nighteye. You mysterious bastard.

I smiled softly at Sir Nighteye, before turning back to Scientist A.

"H-Hiroki....?" I stuttered awkwardly, realizing that I'd been with this guy ten years, and never knew his real name.

He smiled upon hearing me use his name, his demeanor so different from how it was in Nyushin.

He seemed more himself right now, than he did at Nyushin. I always felt like he was forcing this emotionless, tough guy facade towards me.

"Hah...yeah. Hiroki. That's my real name. Please, call me by it. You don't have to call me Scientist A, anymore. I-I really don't want you, too." He said softly, before continuing.

"Margo...when I first met you, when you were five, I knew I was in trouble. By that, I mean...I knew I'd end up developing a bond with you. I was a lonely fifteen year old orphan boy, with nothing. With no one. You were this little, bright light that came into my life. I know you didn't want to be there, and of course I didn't want you there...but I just couldn't stop myself from getting attached to you, no matter how hard I tried. Your spirit, your kindness...even if it wasn't towards me....your good soul...I'd never met anyone like you. I guess, I fell for you. Not in a weird way. I just....fell for you. You were like a little sister to me. I know you probably can't accept that. I mean, I can't accept it in my heart, either. Not after what I did to you all of those years. But, I guess...I'm just telling you my feelings." He explained, meeting my gaze again.

I felt my heart squeeze at his words, involuntarily reflecting back on my shitty past, as Hiroki continued.

"Well, I didn't think you belonged at Nyushin. But unfortunately, I had no control there. I had no power to get you out of there. Since you were stuck at Nyushin, I did my best to protect you, secretly. I didn't want any other scientists around you, because I knew what disgusting and vile pieces of shit they were. So, I volunteered to be....basically your caretaker, during your time at Nyushin. You know how much time we spent together. Everyday for ten years. You and me. Most of the time. Sometimes, it'd be someone else, like Scientist B. But, when it was...I always noticed how much more pain you were in after your experiments, so I tried to always make it me. But, I didn't want you to become too attached to me. I didn't want you to think the life you were living was okay, and I didn't want you to accept it. So, I never told you my real name. I always tried to be noticeably cold to you, so you'd think I'm an asshole, and hate me. I don't know, I thought that'd just be easier for both of us. I thought it would make us not like each other, and that you'd want nothing more than to try and escape. Escape away from me." Hiroki said, his eyes clouding over in depression.

I felt Eijirou link his hand with mine, from under the table, resting our intertwined fingers in my lap. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, as Hiroki spoke.

"Kai asked for you, practically monthly, for ten years straight. But, I knew exactly what he wanted to do to you. I knew the inhumane things he would do to you, and I couldn't bear to give you up. I'd never forgive myself for doing something like that. So, I continued testing on you myself, trying my best to minimize your pain. I sent Kai samples of your dna to keep him happy. I even forged fake documents to make him think I was making groundbreaking discoveries with you, so he'd let me have more time with you. Anyways, he finally got fed up with it, and came to retrieve you. The day you escaped, I injected the drug into you. Margo, I'm sorry for doing that to you. But, I was desperate to get you out of there. I was trying to find away to help you escape Nyushin, without getting myself killed. So, my plan was to inject the drug into you, and pretend it was an accident. I knew it would make you incredibly strong, and that you'd have no problem escaping Nyushin." He mumbled softly, lightly shrugging.

"Well, you escaped...and I was so happy. Kai found me lying unconscious in the alleyway, you debilitated me in. He was so furious with me for letting you go, that he killed me....but then he quickly brought me back to life, and decided to take just my leg instead. Something about us being brothers, or whatever bullshit he gave me. But...that's about it from my end. The short version, anyways. I guess, I just wanted you to know the truth. I wanted you to have some type of closure from this horrific situation you were forced into. And selfishly, I guess I also wanted some closure, too." He said sheepishly, before looking directly into my eyes.

I forced myself to look back at him, patiently waiting for him to finish.

"Margo....I am sorry. I am sorry your parents gave you up, I am sorry for the hell I put you through, and I am sorry for not taking better care of you. I know it doesn't mean much, coming from scum like me, but I just want you to know....I-I'm sorry." Hiroki said weakly, his eyes starting to lightly cloud with tears.

I looked down at the table, lost in thought....trying to take in ten years of someone's feelings, in a matter of minutes.

I looked over at Eijirou, seeing he was already looking at me softly, his crimson gaze gentle and supportive.

Ten years. I've been holding a grudge with my past, for ten years.

Was it finally time to let go?

I turned back to Hiroki Samuels, seeing nothing more than a broken man.

While him and I both grew up drastically different, we both also had pretty similar lives. There are things we regret, things we wish we could take back.

So, who am I to deny us both a right, to finally be at peace?

I flashed him a soft smile, outstretching my free hand across the table, towards him.

He looked at it in slight confusion, hesitating on what to do.

"What's done, is done. I forgive you. I really do.'re not such a bad guy. It's okay to be a little nicer to yourself." I whispered softly, gesturing for him to take my hand in acceptance.

He looked at me in awe, clearly shocked that I could say such a thing.

I saw him swallow thickly, as his throat tightened at my words...before he ever so softly grabbed my hand in his, squeezing it lightly.

He let out a soft, breathy chuckle of peace...closing his eyes in slight content, as he spoke once more.

"Man Margo, those are words, spoken like a true hero. But then again, you've always been that way from the start, y'know."

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