Better Late Than Never

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I groaned in annoyance, checking the time on my watch.

2:18 am.

I chuckled dryly, as I leaned back against the wall, looking over to Shigaraki.

He was sitting on the couch, blankly staring at the door...

Just like he has been, for the past nine hours.

"Clearly, this guy isn't coming." I retorted for the fifteenth time that night, twirling my dagger expertly between my hands.

"We'll wait just a few minutes longer." Shigaraki simply uttered, continuing to stare at the door.

Even if he wouldn't admit it, I could tell how pissed Shigaraki was right now.

Overhaul was supposed to be here at 5:30pm. It's now almost 2:30 in the morning. To say the guy was late, would be a huge understatement.

"Twice still hasn't returned either." I mumbled, throwing my dagger into the wall in front of me.

"That's another bullseye for you!" Toga chimed out, watching my dagger hit the wall in awe.

"Will you quit throwing daggers into the wall like that? You look like a creep." Sir Nighteye scoffed in my earpiece.

"Isn't that how I'm supposed to look?" I whispered out to him, getting an irritated sneer for my response.

"Twice is fine. I'm sure of it." Shigaraki replied calmly, clearly in his zone right now.

He wasn't making any of his usual insulting jokes, he wasn't even making conversation with the rest of us. He was just....focusing.

He must know how important Overhaul is. He must know how dangerous he is.

"He's here!! They're coming up the walkway now!" Magne called out, quickly moving away from her spot near the door.

Everyone immediately sat up straight now, doing their absolute best to look "as menacing as possible," per Shigaraki's orders.

Toga ran over to me, plopping down on the arm rest of the couch.

I looked over at her, slightly confused as to why she switched spots.

"What? You afraid or something?" I teased, pulling out another dagger just in case of a future fight with Overhaul.

"No. But, you're one of the strongest ones here. If this goes wrong, I know who I'm sticking by." Toga mumbled out, her attitude completely serious as she waited for Overhaul in anticipation.

Everyone looked over to the door now, hearing the voices of Twice and Overhaul getting closer.

"This place is absolutely disgusting. You people live here?" Overhaul scoffed out, as he walked through the door now.

Twice came in right behind him, chuckling nervously.

"Hah! W-Well it was actually a lot cleaner earlier! But we were trying to intimidate you, so we made it look more—" Twice began babbling, before Shigaraki calmly cut him off.

"—That's enough, Twice." Shigaraki called out smoothly, his gaze never leaving Overhaul.

I began assessing this Overhaul guy, also known as Kai Chisaki. He looked more menacing in person, compared to the pictures Sir Nighteye showed me.

His eyes were completely piercing, burning into the head of whoever he looked at. His mask covered the majority of his face, only adding to this mysterious, alluring vibe he conveyed.

Everyone was quiet, as Overhaul slowly walked closer to our group, his eyes starting to carefully trail over each one of us.

"Weakness. Weakness is what I see." He stated quietly, his gaze slowly moving from Magne, to Shigaraki, to Toga, to—

My body tensed up, and my heart beat picked up, when I felt Overhaul's eyes land on me now.

As much as I didn't want to admit it....

Damn, he was scary.

"Cool it. He's just checking you out, along with everyone else. Keep your heart rate down. We can see it spiking." Sir Nighteye stated firmly, trying to help me keep my wits.

I took a deep breath to calm myself, waiting for Overhaul's eyes to finally leave me.

Except, they didn't.

I felt my teeth start grinding together in anxiety, when he kept his attention on me...much longer than he did to everyone else.

"Hmm." Chisaki simply breathed out, lightly tilting his head to the side as he kept his gaze on me.

Shit, shit, shit. Please stop staring at me. Ahh!!!

"Why does he keep looking at her like that? Does he know something?" I heard Eijirou ask Sir Nighteye, his tone coming off stressed.

Sir Nighteye quickly shushed him, clearly wanting to see what would happen next.

I simply matched Chisaki's gaze, shrugging my shoulders at him in question.

He narrowed his eyes at me now, starting to walk a little closer.

"I think I understand." He said to me lowly, his voice coming out smooth as butter.


"What do you understand?" I asked him curiously, actually surprised that I managed to keep my voice level.

He didn't respond, simply walking closer and closer to me.

I felt myself involuntarily reverting back into the wall, feeling smaller, the closer he got to me.

"If you're done drooling over my associate, I'd like to get to talking. Don't waste my time, more than you already have." Shigaraki spat out, looking at Overhaul from the corner of his eye.

Wow, I've been upgraded to "associate?" What happened to "servant," Shigaraki?

Overhaul stopped walking, upon hearing Shigaraki's words, slowly turning towards him now.

"There's not much to talk about with you. I just came here to confirm something, and I've done that." Overhaul simply said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Confirm something? Confirm what?

"Twice said you mentioned a team up." Shigaraki mumbled through gritted teeth, clearly losing his patience.

Overhaul hummed slightly in response, shooting Shigaraki an amused look.

"I wouldn't call it a team up." He scoffed, his eyes trailing back over to me.

Why does this guy keep looking at me?

I felt Toga subtly nudge my side, letting me know Overhaul was watching me.

I swallowed thickly, involuntarily averting my gaze away from his face.

"Margo, are you sure you've never encountered Chisaki before? Even on accident? He seems taken with you. I don't know why." Sir Nighteye said in my ear, sounding slightly on edge with the situation.

I brought my hand up to my face, pretending to scratch my cheek, in order to cover my mouth.

"No. I've never seen the guy in my life. I swear. I-I'm a little nervous." I admitted, trying to hide my mouth so no one knew I was speaking.

My heart ached in longing when I heard Eijirou butt in now.

"Sir, we should get her out of there. Shigaraki and Overhaul are starting to sound ticked off with each other. This isn't looking good." Eijirou called out, bringing me back to reality.

I realized now I wasn't even listening to the conversation going on between Chisaki and Shigaraki. I quickly turned my attention back to their words.

"So, you understand now? I'm not looking for a team up. I'm looking for a team that will work under me. I need money. I need raw, mindless power. That's where you guys come in." Chisaki explained, looking around the old, stuffy room now.

"I can't do anything to get her out of there. All we can do is watch this play out. I wouldn't worry just yet. I don't think things will escalate much further—" Sir Nighteye began saying, when Magne began screaming and charging towards Overhaul now.

My eyes widened in shock, as turned my attention back to the conversation again.

Wow, I really didn't listen to anything that was said during this meeting. How stupid am I?

It happened so fast, as all the rest of us could do was watch the horrific events unfold—


My jaw dropped, practically to the floor, when I saw Overhaul touch Magne, sending her guts and blood flying across the room.

Well, there's no coming back from that.

Toga and I yelped slightly upon feeling Magne's blood splatter all over us.

I felt my breathing picking up now, as I surveyed the scene.

"What the hell?!" I called out in panic.

There was so much blood, it looked like this was something out of a horror movie.

I already knew my heart rate was sky rocketing now, before Sir Nighteye could tell me so.

"Margo!!! Are you okay?!" Kirishima yelled in my ear.

I was in so much shock, I couldn't bring myself to answer him, as I continued blankly staring at Magne's remains, lying next to Overhaul.

"B-Big Sis Mag!!" Toga choked out, starting to shake in fury at the scene before her.

I saw someone moving out of the corner of my eye, causing me to whip my head around.

"C-Compress!!! Don't—" I began saying, as I watched him charge at Overhaul.

I immediately covered my head with my hands upon feeling more warm blood splatter into my face, hearing Compress' blood curdling screams of pain.

Everything became chaotic now, with the sounds of screams and yells filling the air.

"Compress!!" Shigaraki screamed, charging at Overhaul.

Toga immediately leapt up from her seat, going to join in on the action.

I quickly grabbed her arm, yanking her back.

"Don't." I simply muttered to her, stopping her from charging at Overhaul.

She simply scoffed, trying to push me away, before I gripped her arm tighter.

"I said, don't. He will kill you. No questions. He's stronger than you, Toga. Don't be so reckless." I warned her, trying to save her life.

Toga looked at me, before gritting her teeth in frustration.

But even so, I felt her body relax, signaling she wasn't going anywhere near Overhaul.

"Hah. Why save that blonde, pigtailed brat?! If she wants to try and kill that Chisaki bastard, go ahead and let her—" I heard Rock Lock begin saying through my ear piece, before Shigaraki's loud scream cut him off.

"MARGO!!!!" Shigaraki screamed in fury for Overhaul, wanting me to get involved.

"Shit!" I blurted out in panic, not wanting to get involved.

"Margo, don't get involved!" Eijirou yelled in panic.

Hearing Eijirou's desperation made me hesitate, causing Shigaraki to scream again.

"MARGO, ARE YOU DEAF!?? FUCKING DO SOMETHING!!!" Shigaraki screamed at me, lunging at Overhaul now.

"Just do it!" Sir Nighteye yelled at me.

I groaned, standing up from my spot on the wall, and outstretching my hand towards Overhaul.

"What a mess." I mumbled out, starting to activate my quirk and cause Overhaul immense pain.

Overhaul's eyes widened as he began feeling the effects of my quirk, before his gaze immediately landed on me.

"She's the one I've been looking for!! Do it now!!" Overhaul yelled out, cringing slightly from the pain I was causing him.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, completely taken aback by his words.

Who's he talking to? "She's the one?" Me? I'm the one for what—


My thoughts were immediately cut off, as I felt something sharp go into my arm.

"MARGO!!" I heard several people scream into my ear.

I couldn't respond to anybody, as I felt myself falling to the floor. There was a numbing ringing sound in my ear, as I felt myself becoming slightly dazed.

What the hell just happened? Did I just get shot?-

My eyes widened, as I now felt complete, excruciating pain being inflicted on myself.

It was the same feeling of pain that my quirk gives off....but it felt maximized about a million times worse.

This was the most pain I have ever felt in my entire life.

I looked over at Overhaul, seeing him completely fine now, as he watched me in agony.

He's not affected by my quirk anymore?!

I felt myself start choking and hyperventilating now, as my body hunched over in pain.

"Margo!! What happened!!? Margo!!" Eijirou yelled out.

"AHHH!!!!!" I shrieked out, writhing around on the floor, as I lay in the fetal position.

What in the world was happening.

I literally felt like I was dying.

What was shot into my arm, a few moments ago?

"Margo, your heart rate is too high!! You're gonna have a heart attack if you don't calm down!! Your vitals are all off!!" Sir Nighteye yelled, as I heard Overhaul speak now.

"You know, Margo Kimika.....I've been looking forward to the day we'd finally meet. Better late than never, right?"

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