Just Say It

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Eijirou POV:

"Eijirou Kirishima means nothing to me. He's nothing more than a pawn in my game at UA." Margo called out effortlessly, over the speakers of the projector.

Even though I knew her statement was fake, my heart twinged in pain, hearing the words come out of her mouth.

I swallowed thickly, running a hand through my hair, as I blankly stared down at the table.

I felt Mirio nudge me lightly in the side, leaning in close to me now.

"Hey. Cheer up. She doesn't mean it. She's just trying to save herself." He whispered, trying to be as positive as possible.

I nodded softly, rubbing the back of my neck anxiously as I looked up at the giant projector screen.

Margo was sitting next to Toga on the couch, trying to persuade her that she was still on the side of the league of villains.

"I know." I mumbled back to Mirio absentmindedly, watching Toga's movements carefully.

I didn't want her to get Margo with another surprise attack.

"Dude, that girl loves you. Anyone with eyes can see that. The way she looks at you....I mean, man. I want a girl to look at me that way. I'm jealous." He chuckled softly, looking up at the screen with me.

I thought about Mirio's words, wondering if they were true.

Did Margo really love me?

I don't know if she does. Especially not after what I said to her a few days ago, during our fight:

"How do you know this isn't all just a big set up to either get you killed, or thrown in prison?! You were a villain, after all! It wouldn't surprise me that you have enemies!" I yelled, walking over to Margo.

I internally cringed when I watched her face contort into anger, realizing I probably said the wrong thing.

"Yeah, I'm aware I was a villain. Thanks for the fucking reminder." She spat out at me, clearly hurt by what I just said.


"Just forget about this, and leave it to the heroes. Please." I pleaded out, wanting her to see my point of view.

I was so worried about her. Why couldn't she see it!??

"Are you kidding me? Leave it to the heroes? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know this was hero work only." She called out, looking at me in pure disbelief.

Damn it, no!! I didn't mean the heroes would be more capable. I'm trying to take care of you!!

"That's not what I meant. I'm just saying let someone else take care of this—" I started saying, before she cut me off.

"Is that supposed to sound better than your previous statement!? 'Stand by and watch, while someone else risks their life instead?' Those are some interesting words, hero in training!" She called out in anger.

Our fight was stupid. I know that.

The whole time we were arguing, she kept looking at me in pure confusion, wondering why I was trying so hard to stop her from going on this mission.

It was clear she thought I would have understood why she was doing this.

I knew what she was thinking. How could I tell her to stay back and watch, while I'm training to be a hero? How could I tell her to do something that I wouldn't even do, myself?

I knew I made her feel bad with my words. I didn't mean to. I just didn't know how else to tell her what I was thinking.

The truth is, I think she is the most capable person I know. I didn't try and stop her from doing the Overhaul mission, because I thought a hero could do it better than she could.


I stopped her, because I didn't want her to get hurt.

I didn't want her to die.

I know Margo is doing this to be heroic. To redeem the demons she's still holding onto inside herself.

And I should admire that. I mean, I do admire that.

But, hero in training or not, I don't care. I would still give her the same advice. I'd still tell her to stay back and let someone else handle it.

Because, when it comes to Margo....things are different.

I want to protect her from it all. I want to keep her safe, and I would do anything to make that happen.

She is my weakness, through and through....

And I love her.

I love Margo. I am in love with Margo.

That's what I tried to tell her at the end of our fight, but I couldn't, because I know I hurt her.

That's what I tried to tell her today, before she left for the league of villains, but I didn't want her to be distracted.

But, I do love her. I have for awhile. I was just too dense to see it.

I don't know why I didn't realize it all along. The more I think about it, the more I understand how obvious it is that I love her.

I should have just told her. I should have told her that's the reason why I didn't want her to do this.

Not that I'd want that to make a difference in her decisions. I'd just feel better, knowing that she understood how I felt about her.

When she comes back to me after this mission, I will tell her my feelings.

I was brought back to reality, upon hearing Sir Nighteye let out an exasperated sigh of relief.

I quickly whipped my head back up at the projector screen, seeing Toga squeezing Margo in a hug now.

She did it. Margo did it. She was able to convince Toga she was on their side.

"That was way too close." Sir Nighteye sighed, leaning forward as he rested his hands on the table.

"Thank goodness Margo was quick on her feet like that. If she wasn't, Toga might not have bought the excuse. That would have made things a lot worse." Mirio mumbled out, anxiously running a hand through his blonde locks.

Rock Lock immediately scoffed now, rolling his eyes.

"If Margo and this kid, right here, had been more careful about where they swap spit, this wouldn't have even been an issue!" He called out, shooting me a soft glare now.

"Oh come on, Rock Lock. Don't act like you weren't young and dumb once." Ryukyu said in amusement, smiling softly at me.

I saw Sir Nighteye's head shoot up in my direction now, his gaze burning into me.

"Do you have anything to say about all of this, Casanova?" He scoffed at me.

My eyes widened, as I watched everyone in the room turn their attention on me now.

Great. Now everyone in this room knew Margo and I were dating.

But, then again....that's the least of our problems, right?

"Uh....Margo and I will be more careful next time about where we swap spit—I MEAN, kiss!! Where we kiss!!" I called out, slowly scooting down lower in my seat.

I felt my cheeks heating up slightly from embarrassment, wanting the attention off me now.

I groaned internally when I heard Aizawa chime in now.

"Oh yeah? And just where were you planning to swap spit next time? Certainly not the UA dorms, I hope? Because, starting right now, girls are officially banned from being in the boys rooms, at any time. Forever." Aizawa stated, being way over dramatic about this whole thing.

I saw Mirio bite his lip at Aizawa's words, trying to hold back a laugh.

"What?! Mr. Aizawa! Don't you think that's being a little unreasonable!?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's as reasonable a request as any." Aizawa defended, shooting me a challenging glare.

I was about to respond, before he cut me off.

"And while we're on the subject...once Margo comes to live with me, after this mission is all said and done, you two will have curfews. You'll need to have her home by 5pm on the nights I allow you two to go out." Aizawa explained, looking at me strictly.

5pm!?, "Nights were allowed to go out!?"

What is this, Aizawa!??

I let out a small groan of frustration, leaning back in my seat now.

"But, Mr. Aizawa...school gets out at 4:30pm." I sighed in defeat, looking up at the ceiling now.

I heard Mirio trying to hide his laughs from next to me, muffling them in his hand.

I heard Ryukyu chuckling too, as she spoke up now.

"Wow, Eraserhead. Playing dad with this girl already, huh?" She asked teasingly, watching Mr. Aizawa's eyes widen in surprise.

He quickly cleared his throat, waving a hand dismissively.

"Huh? No, no. It's nothing like that. I just...don't want this girl thinking she can do whatever she wants, when she lives under my roof. There will be rules." Aizawa stated firmly, turning his attention back towards the projection video of the league of villains.

Mirio leaned in towards me now, clearly wanting to tell me something.

"Hah! Does Mr. Aizawa realize that statement of his, sounded even more dad-like than the last one?!" He whispered to me, giggling like a little school girl.

I couldn't help but laugh quietly with him, realizing he was completely right.

Even if Aizawa didn't want to admit it to himself, it was pretty obvious he cared about Margo, too.

That's the kind of person she is. Once you meet her, it's literally impossible not to care about her.

The impression she leaves, on the hearts of people, is just that strong...and she doesn't even know it.

And I guess if Aizawa says I can only spend thirty minutes with Margo after school, then so be it. I'll take it, as long as I get to see her.

And you can bet, I already damn well know, that those thirty minutes will be the best moments of my day.

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