Cover Your Ears

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Oh shit.

No. She couldn't be serious right now.

"Huh?" I uttered out dumbly, blankly staring at Toga.

Toga giggled, walking closer to me now.

"Man. That provisional license exam was pretty fun, right!? Getting to see Izuku was the highlight for me." She swooned, twirling around in a circle.

I was quiet, not daring to say a word right now.

"But, you know. The best part was watching you blow your cover right in front of me. Seeing you shove your tongue down that red haired guy's throat was really something else." She laughed, plopping down on the couch now.

I internally cringed, remembering the moment Shiketsu Camie, now revealed as Toga, walked in on Eijirou and I kissing in the hallway.

"Ugh. You're an idiot." Sir Nighteye called out in my ear now, causing me to slump my shoulders.

He knew what was going on.

"Don't worry. Toga saw you and Kirishima kiss. But, it seems like that's all she saw. You can turn that into something. Can't you?" Sir Nighteye asked.

I was quiet for a moment, thinking about how I could spin this situation into a way that makes Toga think I'm still on her side.

But, I didn't want to hurt Eijirou by saying bad things about him either. I knew he was listening.

As if reading my mind, I heard Eijirou's voice coming through the line now.

"Margo, this is my fault. If we didn't kiss in the hallway, Toga wouldn't have caught us. Say whatever you need to, in order to get out of this. Don't try and spare my feelings now. I understand." He said carefully in my ear.

No. This is my fault. I knew better.

"Oh boy." I muttered under my breath, before turning to Toga now.

I was still a little lost on how to proceed with this conversation, clearly drawing a blank.

It must have been obvious, as Eijirou spoke again now.

"Margo. Tell her you're just using me. Tell her you're using me to get back at all of these stupid UA heroes. I think she would believe that." Eijirou suggested.

I ran an anxious hand through my hair, as I dreaded this conversation I was about to have with Toga.

I looked over at the clock on the wall, seeing there were only ten minutes until Overhaul was supposed to arrive.

I needed to act now.

I took a deep breath to calm my fears, forcing myself to be confident about this.

"Boy, Toga. Do you have it all wrong!" I laughed out, taking a seat next to her on the couch.

Toga looked at me blankly, simply waiting for me to continue.

"As someone who's obsessed with Izuku Midoriya, I thought you of all people would understand the act of mixing business with pleasure." I smirked, nudging her shoulder playfully.

Toga narrowed her eyes at me, clearly curious as to where I was going with this.

"I mean....what did you expect me to do during my time at UA? Sit there and twiddle my thumbs. Of course I'm gonna enjoy myself a little, too.....I know you would." I called out confidently, shooting her a smug smile.

Toga furrowed her brows lightly, trying to hide her confusion at the situation.

"I saw you with him that day, Margo. You were all over that guy. He's clearly in love with you." Toga mumbled, trying not to be swayed.

Toga thinks that Eijirou is in love with me?

I quickly shook the thoughts away from my head, trying to focus on the task at hand.

"And who says I'm in love with him? He's just something I'm using to pass the time. He's naive and gullible. He's a pathetic hero in training. Of course he fell for me." I grinned proudly, my heart stinging at my words geared towards Eijirou.

I didn't even want to imagine him listening to this. But, I knew he was.

And there was nothing I could do about it.

Toga was quiet now, clearly conflicted about my intentions.

"Look, if you were in my position and the guy was Midoriya, I know for a fact you would do the same thing. Would you not?" I asked challengingly, trying to relate to Toga so she would be furthered convinced.

Toga was about to speak again, before I quickly cut her off.

"You see, Toga. You and I....we're a lot alike." I started off, now really having no idea how I was gonna spin that sentence into something.

"We go after what we want. We don't care who we hurt in the process, because it's not our problem. We manipulate. We connive until we get what we came for. That is why we're in the league of villains. And that is why I think of you as my sister." I whispered, lying through my teeth at this point.

Toga was quiet for a moment, taking in my words.

I felt my heart sink, as I didn't hear anything from my earpiece.

I wanted nothing more than for Eijirou to reassure me right now and tell me we were okay.

But, he didn't.

"'re saying Eijirou Kirishima means nothing to you? You don't love him?" Toga called out curiously, her maniacal attitude finally calming down for the first time all day.

I almost had her now. I needed to keep this going. I needed to save my life.

"Obviously not. And obviously you weren't convinced I really loved him, either, since you didn't tell Shigaraki or Dabi about it. Trust me, if you had told them...I'd know already, because I'd be dead." I chuckled out, before continuing.

I prepared my mind for what I was about to say....forcing myself to speak the words.

"Eijirou Kirishima means nothing to me. He's nothing more than a pawn in my game at UA. Using him is a fun way to get back at the heroes, but that's all it is. The fact that he loves me is just the icing on the cake, I guess." I chuckled out, shooting Toga a crooked smile now.

Eijirou, please don't hate me. I'm so sorry.

If only I could tell you how much really I love you.

Toga was quiet for a moment. The only sound I could hear was the pounding of my heart beating out of my chest in anticipation.

My knuckles were white, as I quickly hid them in my lap, not wanting her to see my nerves.

She wore a blank look on her face, looking as though she still didn't believe what I said about Eijirou. It looked more like she was debating on how to spill this information to Shigaraki.

After a moment...Toga let out a soft sigh, before I heard her snicker slightly.

"Well damn, you had me fooled." She smirked, looking down at her hands.


She actually bought it? Really? She didn't seem that convinced.

But, if she didn't believe me, she'd just kill me...or tell Shigaraki. Right?

I assume this is the case. Which means, I assume she still believes I'm on her side. Thank goodness.

I let out an internal sigh of relief at her words, realizing I was in the clear now.

I shrugged my shoulders lightly, trying to appear nonchalant about this whole situation.

"What can I say? I guess I'm a pretty good liar." I laughed, throwing my head back against the couch.

Toga groaned softly, starting to return to her old self now.

"Now I wanna go undercover at UA! I want to see Izuku!" She pouted, sloppily leaning into my side.

I laughed lightly, wanting to move on from this subject now, before I say the wrong thing. 

"Soon, Toga. Soon, you can see him again." I quickly said, tensing slightly when she wrapped her arms around my waist.

I quickly patted her, feeling uncomfortable, before trying to wiggle free from her grasp.

"Wait. Can't we stay like this for a little longer? I never gave you a proper greeting when you came back, because I was mad at you. Plus, now you've finally acknowledged me as your sister." She mumbled against my shoulder, hugging me tighter.

Even though Toga was a psychopath, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty at her words.

This girl was lost. She's pretty far gone, and I don't think I have the capacity to change her the way I want to. But, it's very easy to tell she's lonely.

She wants someone to care about her, and she wants someone she can care for. Even if she'll never admit it.

And even though I'm not on her side anymore, I can't help but comfort her in this moment.

I sighed softly, as I returned her hug, rubbing her back.

Everyone needs it sometimes.

So, for right now Toga, for this minuscule moment...

I'll be your sister.

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