Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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A/N: because we all missed Shiggy, right!?

I felt my heart start racing, as I began passing the familiar buildings and cross streets. I'd be at the league of villains any second now.

I shoved my hands in the pocket of my black hoodie, pulling the hood over my head.

Now that my face was hidden by my hood, I was able to adjust all of the different components Sir Nighteye gave me.

I quickly turned on the earpiece and the contact lens camera, taking a deep breath as I knocked on the door to the league.

As soon as I knocked on the door, I heard someone whoosh down from the roof above me, quickly getting behind me and holding a knife to my throat.

It was quiet for a moment, as I felt my hood being yanked off my head by the attacker.

"Hey, Twice." I said casually, already knowing exactly who it was, without even needing to look.

"Margo! You're back!" Twice exclaimed, putting away his knife and yanking me into his arms.

I chuckled slightly at his giddiness, half heartedly returning his hug.

Twice quickly dragged me inside the building, slinging a friendly arm around my shoulder.

"Guys, Margo's back!!" Twice exclaimed, as everyone looked up from what they were doing

Dabi immediately got up first, slowly walking over to me.

Even though he was nonchalant about my reappearance, I swear I saw his eyes light up at the sight of me.

"Hey." He simply muttered, lightly nudging my shoulder with his own.

"Hey." I replied, giving him a small smile.

Once I was finished with this job for good, Dabi would be the one I hurt for the most. Yes, he's the one who got me involved in the league of villains. But, he's also the one who saved me in the first place. I would always have a soft spot in my heart for him.

But, I still need to betray him. And I will.

Dabi was about to speak again, when his eyes widened.

Before I could ask what was happening, he quickly yanked me into his arms, away from the wall I was leaning against.

I heard the whooshing of a knife hit the wall where I just was, which could only mean one thing.

My eyes whipped around at Toga, who was sitting on the couch, dangling another dagger between her fingers.

She was looking at me with an unreadable expression in her eyes, as well as a small smirk plastered on her face.

I furrowed my brows at her in confusion, not understanding why she threw a dagger at my head.

She hasn't done something like that since we met.

"Toga!? What the hell?!" I yelled, wriggling myself free from Dabi's arms.

Toga was quiet for a moment, studying my face, before she tossed her other dagger on the couch.

She slowly got up and walked over to me, standing inches away from my face.

"It's good to have you back, Margo." She stated sweetly. A little too sweetly.

Even though her words conveyed a sense of warmness, her tone was ice cold....and I don't know why.

I felt uneasy, not liking the fact that I didn't know where I stood with her right now.

Was she suspicious of me? Did I slip up on one of my lies?

Before I could question it further, I heard Shigaraki's voice from the other room.

"Is that Margo I hear?" He called out, sauntering into the room now.

I gave him a small smile, still a little on edge from Toga's behavior.

What was she thinking? Has she told the other league of villains members her thoughts? Was everyone just playing me right now? Was this all just a set up to kill me—

My thoughts were cut off as Shigaraki came over to me, studying my face and body thoroughly.

Shit. What was he looking for!? Cameras? Ear pieces. He knew, didn't he? He knew I switched sides, and that I was working for Sir Nighteye. This mission was dead in the water now, and so was I—

"—You..." he started off lowly, causing me to hold my breath, out of anxiety.

Damn it. This was it, I bet. I'm dead.

I dreadfully waited for Shigaraki to continue his sentence....afraid for whatever was going to come next.

"You........gained a little weight. What are they feeding you over there at UA?" He chuckled obnoxiously, picking apart my body now.

Phew. That's all it was. I don't think he was suspicious of my intentions. Yet.

But even so....you're a dick, Shigaraki.

"I think it looks good on her. She looks a lot healthier than when I first found her." Dabi chimed in, his icy blue eyes trailing over my body.

I immediately became uncomfortable now, pulling my hoodie closer to my body.

"Whatever." I simply mumbled out, wanting the attention off of me.

"Oh, now you're mad, huh? That's right. I heard you're never supposed to mention a girl's weight or some shit like that. Oh well. Too late now, right? You can go for a run later." Shigaraki cackled out, before walking across the room.

I groaned in annoyance at his words, lightly rolling my eyes.

I blame Eijirou for introducing me to Takoyaki. Now, I can't stop eating it. Oh well, I regret nothing.

"So here's the deal, Margo. The guy Twice is in contact with will be here soon. I need this place to look a little more intimidating. You and Toga can rough it up a bit, right? Put those girly, yet maniacal, decorating skills to use." Shigaraki explained, gesturing to the clean, white walls that surrounding us.

I looked at him like he was a moron, not understanding how this guy managed to be the leader of the deadliest villain organization out there.

"You want me....to make this place look scarier, to intimidate a potential gang member. What is this...Halloween?" I sneered out, shaking my head in amusement.

Dabi smirked at my response, watching Shigaraki become offended by my attitude.

"Well, the place we had before was aesthetically perfect. Until those heroes busted it down, thanks to that Bakugou brat. We should have never kidnapped him in the first place." Shigaraki scoffed, before waving me off dismissively to get started.

I shrugged, trying to decide on how I would rough up this place a little.

Whatever I ended up doing to this place, I highly doubt it would be enough to intimidate someone as dangerous as Overhaul.


I sighed, as I checked the time.


Overhaul should be here within the next twenty minutes, and I couldn't say I wasn't nervous.

I was also nervous because I haven't found any time to place the camera Sir Nighteye gave me, anywhere in the room. Toga hasn't left my side all day. I was convinced she was spying on me now.

The camera was an important part of this mission, not just in terms of information, but in terms of proving my trust to the heroes who doubted me.

I groaned internally, as I heard my earpiece crackling now, signaling Nighteye was trying to communicate with me.

The heroes, along with Eijirou and Mirio were probably all gathered back in the conference room now, waiting for me to display the camera view of the league of villains headquarters.

"Margo. Overhaul is twenty minutes away. I can see your ear piece and the camera in your eyes, but I can't see the camera with the aerial view of the room. Is it up?" Nighteye asked through my ear, making my anxiety go up slightly.

I purposely turned my gaze towards Toga, so Nighteye could see my dilemma, as to why I haven't put it up yet.

"I see. Please try and hurry." Nighteye sighed.

Well, that doesn't help me at all.

I walked over to Toga now, trying to think of a distraction.

She looked up at me in question, ceasing her actions of destroying the floor.

"Toga, this is about good. Don't you think so?" I asked, referring to how beat up the room looked now.

Toga looked around nonchalantly, before shrugging.

"Yeah. It's fine, I guess. Where should we go now?" She asked, standing up and stretching her arms over her head.

'We.' She said 'we,' like she's gonna keep following me.

"Well, Overhaul will be here soon. Can you grab my daggers from my room. Just in case I need to use them?" I asked, trying to get her out of this area for just a second.

Toga narrowed her eyes at me, walking slightly closer.

"Why do I need to get them for you? You've never liked it when I've touched your things. What changed?" She asked lowly, looking directly into my eyes.

"Try a new tactic. She sounds too suspicious." Nighteye replied in my ear.

I simply shrugged my shoulders at her, slowly walking towards my room.

"Nothing changed. I don't know what your problem is today. I thought we were past all of this drama with each other." I sighed out, trying to make her feel guilty.

I tensed slightly, upon feeling Toga's hand on my shoulder now.

I turned around to look at her, seeing a crooked smile slowly plastering across her face.

"You know what? Nevermind. I'll get your daggers for you." Toga uttered out sweetly, quickly brushing past me, as she walked out of the room.

I watched her walk out, hesitating on what to do next.

"Margo, she's gone! Now's your chance to place the camera!" Sir Nighteye quickly said in my ear.

I grit my teeth in anxiety, completely unsure about this moment.

"She seemed really suspicious. I don't think it's the right time—" I began saying, when Sir quickly cut me off.

"—this is the only time! You won't get another chance like this! It's now or never!" He called out in my ear.

"Damn it." I groaned out, quickly running over to the beat up couch in the corner of the room, jumping up onto it.

I quickly yanked the minuscule camera out of my suit pocket, before carefully placing it on the picture frame above the couch.

I grabbed some tape off the desk next to me, trying to make it stick, without anyone noticing.

"Margo, your heart rate is sky rocketing. Try to calm down a little—" Nighteye said, before I snapped at him.

"Will you kindly shut up!?" I hissed out, trying to calm my shaking hands.

"Move the camera more to the right. I can't see the door." Sir Nighteye quickly instructed in my ear.

I rolled my eyes, feeling a bead of sweat roll down the side of my temple.

"H-How's it going on there? Did you find my dagger?" I called out to Toga, trying to gage where she was.

She never answered me, but I still heard her moving around in my room.

"To the left....up more—" Nighteye instructed, before I cut him off again.

"That's the best I can do." I retorted, quickly hopping off the couch, to inspect the camera placement.

Luckily, it looked like I was just looking at the picture in the frame.

"That's alright. The placement is perfect. Now I can see—MARGO BEHIND YOU!" Sir Nighteye yelled in my ear.

But it was too late, as I felt someone tackle me to the floor, pressing a knife directly to my throat.

I began wrestling with Toga on the floor, starting to ground fight with her.

I overpowered her after a few moments, before kicking her off of me.

I started charging at her again, before she quickly held up a grenade in her hand.

I inspected the grenade, seeing it was one of the ones from my costume.

She must have taken it off me.

The worst thing about this situation, is that Toga would definitely not hesitate to blow both of us up right now.

Toga giggled maniacally, placing her finger on the grenade pin.

"What is your problem?! Why are you doing this!? Twice and his guy will be here any second!" I yelled out, holding up my hands in surrender.

Toga continued looking at me, before sighing contently.

"You can't fool me anymore." She sang sweetly, before tossing me the closed grenade.

I quickly caught it, placing it back on my suit.

"Toga—" I began saying, before Toga cut me off.

"—I actually prefer to be called Camie."

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