I'll Be Watching

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My eyes flew open at the sound of my alarm clock going off.

I groaned softly, slamming my hand down on the off button, before lazily sitting up in my bed.

I sighed tiredly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Today was the day I go back to the league of villains, and I was definitely less than thrilled about it.

But, what I was even less thrilled about was the fact that Eijirou and I haven't spoken to each other since our fight, from a few days ago.

It's not that we've necessarily been avoiding each other. UA life is busy. But, we definitely haven't been making much of an effort to seek each other out either.

Anyways, I needed to focus on the task at hand. I chose to go through with this job. I needed my head to be in the game. Any distractions on my part could get me killed.

I forced myself out of the bed, quickly washing my face and brushing my teeth.

Next, came my alter ego. I stood in front of my small mirror, meticulously placing all the piercings back in my ears and face.

I couldn't help but reminisce on the time Dabi took me to get them:

"The first step to becoming someone new is changing your look. Don't worry, we'll get you out of this drabby hospital gown, too." Dabi said, sitting me down in the piercing chair.

I looked up at him in curiosity, as he shot me a small smile.

"You're not at that shitty lab place, anymore. Change yourself. Reinvent yourself. Make sure no one recognizes you." He said lowly, a small smirk plastered on his face as he nodded to the piercer to get started.

I applied the dark makeup to my eyes, preparing for when I needed to put my mask on, before sliding on my black bodysuit and fingerless gloves.

I quickly attached the deadly weapons, daggers, and bombs to my body, before lacing up my boots and tying up my hair.

I walked over to the mirror, sighing in shame as I looked at the person staring back at me.

I didn't even recognize her anymore.

But, I needed to do this. I had the opportunity to save someone. While I don't exactly know who it is I'll be saving, knowing I'll do it at some point is enough for me.

I took one last look at myself, before grabbing the burner phone and heading over to my last meeting with Aizawa and Nighteye.

Here goes nothing, I guess.


I mentally cursed myself as I began running down the hallway now, realizing I was late for this stupid meeting.

I thought that getting a good breakfast in was priority today, over Sir Nighteye's demands. Sorry not sorry.

I quickly threw open the door to the conference room, expecting to see Aizawa and Sir Nighteye...and I did...

....along with twenty other people.

My eyes visibly widened in pure shock, as I let out a gasp of panicked surprise at the situation.

All eyes were on me now, especially since I was late to this meeting. Which is apparently much more important than I thought.

Eijirou and Mirio were here, along with a bunch of famous heroes. Everyone was sitting at a giant conference table, with Sir Nighteye standing at the front of the room.

I swallowed nervously, as I watched all of
these heroes react to me.

Some of them smiled, a good amount of them shot me a dirty look, some looked at me with pity, others with judgement.

I wasn't expecting my identity to be basically torn apart in a matter of seconds.

I thought this meeting would be private.

"Finally, our star pupil is here. Margo, please come in and take a seat next to me. I'm just briefing everyone on your situation." Sir Nighteye announced, gesturing for me to sit next to his seat at the front of the room.

I looked up now, seeing a giant projector with my UA school picture on it, along with some basic information about myself.

I became slightly uneasy when I noticed my blood type and dental records were also on there...

As much as I didn't want to be honest with myself, those things were probably there to identify my dead body, in the case it were too mangled to be recognizable.

I began stiffly walking over to Sir Nighteye, feeling Eijirou's eyes burning into me as I made my way past him.

I grit my teeth in annoyance, as I heard some of the heroes start whispering, my own name being mentioned in their gossiped conversations.

"I wasn't aware this was going to be a public affair." I called out in annoyance, glaring at Sir Nighteye.

He simply shrugged, disregarding my feelings.

"This case involves many different people. Overhaul is a very difficult man to catch. We need all the help we can get. Anyways, there's no need to worry. These heroes are bound to a confidentiality agreement. They won't speak a word about what goes on in this room." Sir Nighteye reassured carelessly, before continuing on with the meeting.

I plopped down in my seat, as I listened to Sir Nighteye vaguely run through my history—or, as much as everyone knew already.

My eyes slowly trailed over to Eijirou, catching him looking at me already.

His eyes were soft, looking at me with concern, as his crimson gaze traveled over every inch of my face, and down my weaponed clad body.

I know he still disapproved of what I was doing, causing me to reluctantly avert my gaze away from him.

"Alright, now to the plan." Sir Nighteye announced, getting back my attention.

I leaned back in my seat lazily, waiting for him to continue.

"So, Margo. I have a few things here for you. The first is this camera. I need you to place it on the wall, across from the door. That's where Overhaul will come in, when he comes to meet the league of villains. By doing so, we can have a bird's eye view of everything that is happening in that room." Sir Nighteye explained, handing me the small device.

I twirled the camera between my fingers, trying to familiarize myself with it, and decide when I would have the time to place it in the room.

"The next is this device. It looks like a ring, so you can put it on your finger like an accessory. This device tracks your heart rate, blood pressure, all of your vitals and things like that. It can help me determine where you are physically, and make sure you're okay." Nighteye announced, tossing me the device.

I quickly put it on my index finger, seeing my vitals flashing across the giant projector screen now.

Nighteye then gave me a contact camera lens, similar to what Aizawa gave me, so he can see what I'm seeing. Lastly, he gave me an earpiece that can hear what's going on, as well as give me information when needed. It is applied in an earring fashion, also similar to what Aizawa gave me.

I quickly placed all of the items on my body, just wanting to get on my way now.

Truth be told, these new heroes made me uncomfortable. It was obvious most of them didn't like me.

I couldn't blame them. They didn't really know anything about me.

My heart jumped slightly, when I heard someone from the audience start speaking now.

"This is all a grand plan and everything, but how do we know this kid isn't just going to walk back to the league of villains and betray us. She'll ruin this entire operation when she does that." One of the heroes scoffed, throwing his hands up in frustration.

I groaned in annoyance, before Aizawa quickly spoke up.

"Rock Lock, please. Margo is putting her life on the line by doing this mission. I can assure you she won't betray us—" Aizawa started saying, before someone else cut him off.

"I'm with Rock Lock on this one. This girl betrayed the league of villains to supposedly work with us. How do we know she won't switch sides again, and betray us next time? She could be working purely for her own benefit here." One of the heroes said, speaking like I wasn't even in the room.

I was about to respond, before someone else spoke up.

"Hey, give this girl a break. She's doing us a favor here. She could die, you know. Show her some respect for being brave and let her handle it." Pro hero, Ryukyu, called out firmly, trying to stick up for me.

Sir Nighteye quickly stepped in, before someone else could.

"I can assure you Margo is on our side. She's a good kid. I can affirm that, because I used my foresight on her. I can't tell you what I saw in Margo's future, but I can tell you she has definitely proved herself. So, I don't want any more comments doubting her abilities, or her loyalty. Is that understood?" Sir Nighteye stated firmly, placing a protective hand on my head.

I smiled weakly, realizing I haven't really said much during this meeting to convince people I'm actually on their side. In fact, I've barely spoke two words since I've been here.

Oh well. They will see in due time that I am. I'll definitely prove it today.


It was time for me to head out now, as the meeting finally adjourned.

Everyone was taking a short break, while I was to head back to the league of villains.

They would all return to this room to watch everything happen, once Kai Chisaki was to show up.

I stood up, quickly adjusting my body suit, before I felt a warm hand on my shoulder now.

I looked up seeing Eijirou looking at me blankly, nodding for me to follow him.

I followed him out into the hallway, away from the loud atmosphere of the break time going on in the conference room.

As soon as we entered the quiet hallway, I already felt a little less stressed.

I leaned against the wall, watching him slowly pace back and forth.

"What's up?" I said softly, my eyes following his figure.

Eijirou stopped pacing now, coming right in front of me.

"Just be careful, okay?" He mumbled quietly, keeping his words short and firm.

I could tell he was still a little mad at me.

Even so, the worry and concern were present on his face.

I didn't have time for sappy, romantic stuff with Eijirou right now. He knew that, and so did I. We both also knew this wasn't the time to talk about our fight.

I simply nodded, hearing my watch beep...signaling I had to go.

We both looked down at it blankly, before I turned my attention back to him.

"I'll see you later, okay?" I said, placing my hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

Eijirou was quiet for a moment, studying my face.

It looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn't get the words out.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, waiting for him to speak.

"What is it?" I asked quietly.

He opened his mouth to speak....before closing it a few moments later.

Eijiirou sighed, shutting his eyes in defeat, before looking back up at me.

"I'll tell you later. Now isn't the time." He whispered softly.

I felt slightly disappointed, curious as to what Eijirou wanted to say.

But, I didn't have the time to think much about it right now.

"Okay." I simply replied, before pulling him into a quick hug.

I closed my eyes, inhaling his familiar scent of fresh clothes and manliness, before forcing myself to pull away.

I was about to start walking away, before Eijirou grabbed my arm...pulling me back to him.

Before I could even process what was going on, I felt Eijirou's lips lightly connect with mine.

I was about to start kissing back, when he quickly pulled away. He knew I really had to go.

"I'll be watching." He said softly, gesturing to the giant projector in Sir Nighteye's conference room.

His words actually made me feel a little better, as I began walking off to head back to the league of villains.

"Okay." I whispered softly.

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