Can you?

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"Heroes were patrolling the black market you went to?" Dabi asked, removing his jacket that was now covered with ash.

"Yeah. That's why I couldn't get the Nomu serum for Shigaraki." I lied, watching Dabi collapse in exhaustion on the couch.

If he knew I was really with Kirishima this whole time, he would probably kill him.

"Fine. We'll need to try again. Just not tonight. I'm beat." Dabi groaned.

"Yeah. Me too." I whispered, sitting next to him on the couch.

Dabi was quiet for a moment, before he lazily turned his head towards me.

"You know, I was worried about you." He mumbled softly.

I furrowed my brows, looking over at him. "You don't need to be." I said.

I felt Dabi shift closer to me, making my body tense slightly.

"I do. I promised you I would take care of you." He whispered, remembering the day we met.

His normally cold, turquoise orbs, looked at me with a subtle softness, making me a little surprised.

Dabi has never looked at me that way before. Or at least, I never noticed it.

"I appreciate that. But, I'm not the same girl you found in the alleyway that day. I'm different now." I mumbled.

Dabi sighed softly, taking in my words.

"Different. Yeah, you're different." He uttered.

I gasped when I felt Dabi's hand slide over to mine, squeezing it softly.

I swallowed thickly, looking at him in question.

"You're stronger. You're powerful. Just like I said you'd be." Dabi said, pulling me closer to him by my hand.

Admittedly, my mind immediately drifted to Kirishima.

Why am I thinking about Kirishima at a time like this?

Dabi's hands felt different than Kirishima's. Dabi's were cold and rough. Kirishima's hands were warm and comforting. Even when he was trying to be soft, Dabi's eyes were empty and full of somberness. Kirishima's eyes were full of life and hope. Dabi made me feel powerful, yet conflicted. Kirishima made me feel powerful and confident.

I turned my attention back to Dabi now, not being ready for what came next.

He quickly leaned in close to my face, causing me to jump back slightly.

However, I wasn't able to move very far, as I felt my back hit the arm of the couch.

Dabi leaned in close to me again, resting both of his hands on either side of me.

"Hey, it's okay. I would never hurt you." He mumbled quietly.

This was going south very quickly.

"Dabi, wait a minute—" I started saying, when the feeling of his lips against mine abruptly cut off my words.

My eyes widened in pure shock, as he kissed me, feeling his stitched lips trying to mesh with mine.


This isn't what I want.

There's someone else who just won't leave my mind.


I couldn't stop thinking about Kirishima. I wanted it to be his lips on mine right now.

I wanted him, not Dabi.

I had feelings for Kirishima.

I gently pulled away from Dabi, causing him to open his eyes.

"I can't." I simply whispered, shooting him a sad smile.

Dabi studied my face, before his eyes dropped to the ground.

The air was filled with extremely tense silence, as neither of us spoke a word. Until...

"I get it." He simply mumbled, before releasing my hand and getting off the couch.


"Don't worry about it. You're supposed to spy at the sports festival tomorrow. Get some sleep. You'll need it." Dabi called over his shoulder, not even looking at me, as he went to his room and shut the door.

I sat on the couch, reflecting on the events of the day.

Even though I knew I liked Kirishima now, I would never be able to be with him.

I'm a villain. He's a hero.

If he knew who I really was, he'd never want to be with me.

He'd hate me.

But even so, I couldn't take my mind off him.


"Margo, it really sucks that you can't compete in the sports festival." Mina whined, stretching her legs.

"Yeah, I agree. Although, I don't know...after Bakugou's speech, I'm not sure I'd even wanna be seen with the rest of class 1-A. Everyone hates us now." I joked, trying to get a rise out of Bakugou.

He immediately shot up from his seat, his palm filling with little explosions.

"I'M NOT A MOTIVATIONAL FUCKING SPEAKER, FLAT CHEST. I'M A CHAMPION. THAT'S HOW CHAMPIONS ACT!!" Bakugou yelled, causing Mina and I to start cracking up.

"Not quite, Bakugou." Mina snorted, trying to control her laughter.

"Hah! Damn, if there was a competition for getting under Bakugou's nerves, you'd definitely take first place." Kirishima grinned, coming up behind me now.

"Is it bad that I feel a little bit honored by that?" I smirked, causing him to chuckle.

Kirishima ran a hand through his hair, coming a little closer to me now.

"Not at all." He replied, before speaking again.

"Although, I am a little bummed I can't watch you compete today. I was looking forward to seeing you kick some ass." He said, studying my face.

"That's okay. I'll count on you to do all the ass kicking today. I'—I'll be rooting for you out there." I mumbled, shyly averting my gaze to the floor, as I felt my cheeks heating up.

Stupid feelings, making me flustered.

"Thanks, Margo." Kirishima grinned, before Kaminari dragged him off.

I felt Mina's eyes on me now, as I hesitantly looked at her.

"What?" I asked her, raising a questioning brow.

"Um, what was that!?!" She grinned, shaking my shoulders roughly.

"What was what?" I groaned.

"Oh, come on. Don't play dumb with me. You were drooling all over him! You like him!" Mina exclaimed, causing me to slap a hand over her mouth.

"Shhh!! I do not." I hissed out to her, my cheeks blushing again.

Mina giggled at my flustered appearance, causing me to laugh with her.

"Oh, just...shut up." I mumbled, as we began walking out onto the bleachers to watch the fights.

I didn't really care if Mina knew that I liked Kirishima. I could like him all I want.

I just had to swear to myself to never act on my feelings for him. That could be deadly, both figuratively and literally.

But, there's nothing wrong with a little crush.

He'd just be the guy I'd admire from afar. I was happy with that....


"Woo! Nice job, Kirishima!" I called out, seeing him take down Tetsutetsu in an arm wrestle match.

I turned to Bakugou now, seeing his stupid mug plastered across his face.

"Looks like you two will be versing each other now."
I smirked at him, causing him to grit his teeth together at the sound of my voice.

"I'll kill him." Bakugou muttered lowly, causing me to roll my eyes softly.

"Damn, Bakugou. You'd make a great villain, man." Kaminari laughed, plopping down in the seat next to me.

"Hah. Villains are weak pieces of shit. That ain't me." Bakugou retorted.

I awkwardly cleared my throat, looking ahead at the next match, trying to drown out their conversation on villains.

But, I wasn't able to ignore Kaminari's next comment.

"You're just bitter because that chick at the USJ knocked you out." Kaminari laughed, causing Bakugou to stand up now.

Whoops, that was me. I knocked him out.

"HEY!!!" He yelled, waving his finger around like a sassy bitch.

"That fuck head girl did not knock me out. She just came at me unexpectedly. Let me make this clear. The next time I see that stupid bitch, I'm gonna rip that fucking mask off her head, look into her demon eyes, then explode her fucking head off." Bakugou growled, plopping back down next to me.

I swallowed thickly at his words, absentmindedly watching Todoroki and Iida fight below.

"Well, that doesn't sound very heroic, man." Kirishima smirked, sitting in the seat directly behind me.

I felt him lean forward to talk to our group, feeling his hair tickle the side of my head.

My heartbeat picked up at Kirishima's next words.

"But I agree with you whole heartedly, bro. Next time we see that sleazy villain, we'll show her who's boss. I refuse to let her get away from us again. Right, Bakugou?" Kirishima said, punching his fists together.

Bakugou simply grunted roughly in reply, watching the Todoroki and Iida fight.

"See that icy hot bastard? I'm gonna take him down, right after I take out dumb hair over here." Bakugou said to me, casually pointing to Todoroki down below.



"Damn, Kirishima is actually giving Bakugou a run for his money!" Kaminari cheered, watching the fight below.

"Come on, Kirishima!!" I cheered extra loud, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I quickly pulled it out and glanced at the text message.

From: Dabi

Meet me under the bleachers. Now. I can see u

I immediately tensed at the message, getting up from my seat.

Why the hell was Dabi here!?!

"I'm gonna use the restroom." I told Kaminari, seeing him nod in response.

I quickly walked out of the bleacher area, heading down the stairs as fast as I could.

I cautiously looked in the hallway, not seeing any teachers, before I briskly made it out to the training grounds.

Once again, seeing no teachers, I hopped the fence and ran around to the back of the bleachers, trying to find Dabi.

"Dabi—" I whispered, before I felt someone grab my arm from behind.

I immediately turned around, seeing Dabi hold up his hands in defense.

"Hey." He simply muttered.

I looked at him completely dumbfounded.

"Yeah. Hi? You do realize you're about to blow my cover? What could be so important that you needed to come here?" I asked, feeling annoyed that Dabi was at UA.

"Relax. I have a reason." Dabi said blankly, handing me a small vile of liquid.

"What is this?" I asked, examining the liquid.

"Just a little of Shigaraki's Nomu serum. He wants to see if it works on All Might." Dabi shrugged.

My eyes popped out of my head at his words.

"O-Okay. What the hell am I supposed to do with this!??" I hissed, hearing Kirishima and Bakugou's names being cheered from above.

"Simple. You sneak into the teacher's lounge, and line All Might's coffee mug with this stuff. That's it. This serum was designed by All for One. It's gotta have something in there that could kill All Might. Or at least hurt him." Dabi explained.

I was about to speak again, before Dabi cut me off, sensing my hesitation.

"Margo. I covered for you last time you didn't sneak into the teacher's lounge. I can't do it again. Come on. You can do this." Dabi said quietly, checking the time on his phone.

I looked at him in subtle pity, noticing that he seemed colder to me ever since I rejected his kiss.

While it didn't feel right being with Dabi romantically, I still wanted my friend back...

"Dabi...about what happened—"

"—just forget it. It's not important. Look, I gotta get back to Shigaraki. Try to do it by tonight, please." Dabi called out, about to leave.

I looked up at him, as he stopped suddenly.

"By the way, who's.....Kirishima?" Dabi asked, causing my heart to completely stop for a second, at the mention of Kirishima's name from Dabi's mouth.

It sounded so foreign. So dangerous.

"Just one of the kids who goes to UA. Why?" I shrugged, doing my absolute best to play off my friendship and feelings for Kirishima.

"Is he in your class? You've been cheering his name. A lot." Dabi said, his eyes trailing up to the bleachers.

That's when I realized, Dabi and I were standing under my class bleacher section. I could hear everything my class was saying from here.

Wow. I needed to be more careful. If Dabi had heard the wrong thing...

I took a silent breath, before turning my gaze back to him.

"Yeah. He's in my class. We don't talk much. I-I don't talk much with anyone here, honestly. I just decided to pick one person to cheer for, so I look like I'm participating." I lied, hoping Dabi would buy it.

He looked at me for a second, before shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know. I've been down here, listening for awhile. You sounded pretty talkative to me." Dabi retorted, causing me to get a little irritated.

"Maybe you should stop spying on me. What do you want from me, Dabi? To be a loner at UA? That doesn't seem a little suspicious to you? Look, I need to be extremely careful about how I spin this whole situation. No one's found me out yet. I don't tell you how to do your job. Don't tell me how to do mine." I spat out, brushing past him to head back.

"Fine. I won't tell you how to do your job. But, I can tell you what will happen if you don't use that damn serum. Shigaraki isn't as generous as I am." Dabi called out, before quickly ducking out.

I stopped in my tracks, looking at the stupid serum again.

Fuck. Poison All Might?! There's no going back from that.


Aww, Kirishima. I was rooting for you, little shark.

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