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"There he is!" Kaminari exclaimed, as Kirishima came back up to the bleachers.

I looked over at him now, slightly taken aback by how beat up he looked.

"Um, have you been to the infirmary yet?" I asked him in slight concern.

Kirishima looked over at me now, grinning weakly. "Nah, they were still fixing up Midoriya when I walked in. I told them not to worry about me. I'm fine." He replied, trying to play off his pain.

While I missed most of the fight between Kirishima and Bakugou, thanks to Dabi.....Bakugou definitely gave him a good beating. He needed a doctor.

"Hmm, not taking care of your injuries isn't very manly." I hummed, raising an eyebrow teasingly.

Kirishima chuckled, nodding softly when he realized I was right.

"Come on. I'll walk you to the infirmary." I replied, getting up to help Kirishima.

On my way over to him, I saw Kaminari shoot me a smug smile, causing me to shove his head back playfully.

"Thanks, Margo." Kirishima smiled, as we began our trek to the infirmary.

As soon as we walked out of the bustling, loud stadium, Kirishima and I let out a simultaneous breath of relief.

"Man, I can't believe how many people were watching in there--and that doesn't even include the people watching from their televisions." Kirishima mumbled in awe, running a hand through his deflated hair tiredly.

"Well, you should be proud of yourself. You did amazing. I'm sure the hero agencies will be lining up for you after today." I smiled, stretching my arms over my head.

"Hah, I don't know about that. I mean, I'd be lucky to get one agency to notice me, I think. I'm just jealous of someone like you, or Bakugou. That dude has such a showy quirk, and yours is so cool and powerful. Mine is so basic. I mean, look at Tetsutetsu. We have almost identical quirks." Kirishima sighed, grabbing his side, trying to hide his pain.

Man, this guy really doesn't know how strong he is.

"Kirishima, do you even realize how awesome you did today? You made it to the final four of the entire tournament. Out of thousands of kids. You were able to land a hit on Bakugou, and fight him longer than any of his other opponents. Let's remember, you also beat Tetsutetsu. You're stronger." I justified.

"I can harden myself. Most people can find a way around that with their own quirks, you know. I mean, take the villain at the USJ for example. I don't think she even had a quirk. Or she chose not to use it on me, because she knew I was weaker. She beat me in simple hand to hand combat." Kirishima scoffed, getting angry at himself.

Number one, my hand to hand combat fight with Kirishima at the USJ was anything but simple. He almost beat me. I was practically about to collapse from exhaustion when we were done.

Number two, I still don't know what was going on with my quirk that day, either. But, I know for a fact that I definitely didn't withhold it from him, because I thought he was weak.

"You underestimate yourself so much. I've seen you fight a couple of times now. We've sparred, and I watched you fight today..." I started, leaving out our fight at the USJ.

"You refuse to give up. You refuse to go down during a fight, unless you physically can't go any further. You're determined. You're passionate. That makes you stupidly strong." I whispered, wishing Kirishima could see how great he was.

He was quiet, taking in my words as we continued slowly walking down the hallway.

"You're being too kind, Margo." Kirishima uttered out, as he suddenly grabbed the wall, trying to steady himself.

"Here, let me..." I muttered softly, getting closer to him, and helping him stand.

He didn't protest, as I wrapped my arm around his waist, feeling his strong arm drape over my shoulder.

His body weight began leaning on me, his warmth comforting me.

"Wow, you're really taking care of me today. Thanks." Kirishima smiled, his head turning towards me now.

I felt my heart beating faster, as Kirishima's face was now inches from mine. If I looked in his direction, we'd be mere inches from kissing.

Don't act on your feelings, Margo. For his safety and yours.

I continued looking straight ahead, not trusting myself to hold it together, if I met his eye contact.

"Of course I'll take care of you. That's what friends are for, right?" I replied, my heart squeezing at the word "friends."

Kirishima was quiet for a moment, before he slowly turned his gaze ahead. "Right. Friends." He breathed out.

"Friends." I repeated again, stating it as confidently as possible.

Friends. Yeah right. I wanted nothing more than to press him up against this wall and kiss him.

It was quiet for a moment, when Kirishima cleared his throat hesitantly, before deciding to speak again. "Margo. What about what happened at the warehouse." He whispered, causing my heart to jump out of my chest.

Shit. He was referring to our almost kiss, after we sparred. Dabi's phone call was the only thing that stopped us from kissing that day.

I didn't think he'd actually bring that up so forwardly though. It must have really been on his mind, all this time.

It was on mine, too.

I was quiet for a moment, trying to gain up the willpower to end any chance I had with Kirishima.

All I wanted to do was tell him that I knew we almost kissed, and confess my feelings for him. But, I couldn't.

That's not the life I chose.

I felt my jaw tense, not wanting to speak my next words. And yet...

"What are you talking about? Nothing happened at the warehouse." I simply stated firmly.

Kirishima hesitated for a second, before speaking up.

" really believe that?" he breathed out quietly. He didn't sound convinced by my words.

"Of course I believe that. Is there something I'm missing?" I replied, trying to sound as naive as possible.

I felt Kirishima studying my face, as I waited for him to reply. I couldn't take this foreign, tense air between us right now. It was a new feeling, and I didn't like it.

"No. I guess not." He whispered, averting his gaze away from me now.

I felt my heart cracking at his tone of voice.

"Well, alright then!" I exclaimed, faking a cheerful tone, as we arrived at the infirmary.

I felt him gently pull away from me, as he steadied himself against the nurse room door.

"Thanks for walking me here, Margo." Kirishima smiled softly, seeming a little down now.

"No problem. Guess I should get going now." I shrugged, not wanting to leave his side.

"Or you could stick around. Maybe we could get something to eat when I'm done here?" He suggested.

Yes please. Oh, except I can't. I have to break into the school and poison All Might tonight. Perhaps, another time?

"I wish I could. But, I have some errands to run. I'll see you later, though?" I asked, starting to mentally decide how I'm going to break into the teacher's lounge later.

"Yeah! No problem. Bye, Margo." Kirishima grinned, before heading into the crowded infirmary room.

I quickly turned on my heel, going to prepare for the break in.

I couldn't say I felt good about this situation.

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