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It was dark outside now, as I approached the school. It was late. Late enough where no one should still be on the campus.

I took a deep breath, double checking that I had the vile of poison in my pocket.

After seeing it was there, I pulled my mask over my face, starting the break in.

I opted to wear my villain costume instead of my school uniform. I needed to make sure I was still protecting my UA student cover.

As much as I didn't want to do this, I understood why Dabi was making me be the one to go through with it.

He's been doing a lot for me, since I joined the league of villains. I needed to be independent and do things on my own, in order to get better.

However, I couldn't help but wonder if part of the reason he refused to help me tonight, was because he was still mad that I rejected his kiss.

We haven't really talked about it since it happened. Any time I tried bringing it up to Dabi, he blew me off.

Whatever, I'll think more about that later. I needed to be focused right now.

I quickly hopped the fence, quietly sprinting over to the building.

Dabi gave me a map of all the spots in UA that aren't being monitored by cameras. I just had to follow that path.

I climbed up the tree that overlooked the common, outside area. I picked this tree, because its branches extended right next to the windows of the school.

By using this tree to get into the school, I would allow myself to stay hidden.

Once I was next to one of the windows, I stealthily jumped from the tree, clinging onto the building.

I instantly regretted looking down below.

I was really high off the ground now.

I gasped sharply, as more flashbacks from my past began to race through my mind:

"Broke your wrist again, Margo?" The scientist groaned, carefully placing my injured wrist in a cast.

I continued staring at the ceiling blankly, reminiscing on my failed escape attempt from earlier.

The scientist hummed smoothly at my lack of response, shrugging his shoulders carelessly.

His green orbs basically pierced the back of my skull, before quickly turning his attention back to my injury.

"If you're gonna try to escape, by climbing across the roof, maybe don't do it on a rainy day where everything is slippery. Just a thought." He retorted lightly, rolling his eyes.

That's right. This isn't the first building I've climbed. Except, instead of trying to break in, like I'm doing now....back then, I was trying to break out.

I forced the memories away from my mind, as I began picking the lock of the window.

I smirked in triumph, upon hearing the satisfying click to signal it was now unlocked.

I cautiously opened the window, entering the school from the ceiling.

No one was around, allowing me to grab onto one of the school banners that was hanging from the ceiling, and quickly climb down to the ground.

Perfect. I was on the ground now. All I had to do was go to the teacher's lounge and poison All Might's mug.

I slowly walked around the school, tip toeing from hallway to hallway as quietly as possible.

After what felt like ages, I saw the teachers lounge straight ahead--

"Thanks a lot, Recovery Girl!" Kirishima exclaimed, walking towards my direction.

I immediately whipped my body back behind the wall to hide myself.

What the hell was he still doing here?! School ended ages ago.

I watched from behind the wall, as Recovery Girl locked the infirmary, before heading to the faculty exit on the opposite side of the school.

"No problem, dear. I should be the one thanking you. Helping me sort through those old files and fixing the light bulbs?! Well, you surely are a manly little boy, honey." Recovery Girl cooed, before heading out of sight.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes softly at Recovery Girl's words.

Damn, Kirishima. You're so cute for doing that, but why do you have to be so good at this particular moment?!

I began mentally screaming profanities, as I heard Kirishima's footsteps get closer to my spot.

Okay, as much as I didn't want to....I needed to use my quirk on him.

I began flexing my hand, as I tried to manipulate Kirishima's senses, trying to make him feel more afraid the closer he got to my spot.

I was hoping that by doing so, he would decide to take an alternate route.

I waited for his face to contort into fear, and for his body to start trembling...

But, nothing happened.

He simply continued his path towards me, looking down at his phone.

My eyes widened, when I felt my phone vibrate in my suit.

I subtly looked down at it, seeing Kirishima's name light up on my phone.

Aww, he was texting me. How cute-

Damn it, Margo! Focus!!

I tried manipulating his vision, giving him the illusion that a wall was blocking this hallway.

Nothing. Now, Kirishima was whistling happily, as he got closer.

I became desperate now, as I forced myself to use pain manipulation.

I cringed in pain, as I tried manipulating Kirishima's pain receptors, trying everything I could to get him away from me.

Nothing. Happened.

Which can only mean one thing. For sure now....

Kirishima was immune to my quirk.

I had no time to think about it further, as my eyes wildly began assessing the hallway, trying to find a place to hide.

I spotted an empty locker next to me, diving into it and quietly closing it shut.

"Huh? Hello? Someone here?" Kirishima called out, as he finally cleared the corner, standing right where I just was, a second ago.

I cringed in anxiety, as I did my absolute best to remain as quiet as possible.

"Hello?" He asked again curiously, walking closer to the locker I was in.

I held my breath, feeling every inch of my body freeze as he stood right outside the locker now.

"Hmph." He simply muttered nonchalantly, before continuing on his trek.

Once I was positive he was out of sight, I quickly climbed out of the locker and made my way to the teacher's lounge.

That was way too close.

I assessed the teacher's lounge, making sure no one was in here, before I began slowly walking around the room, trying to find All Might's area.

I began assessing all the desks. Midnight....Present Mic.....Aizawa.....

All Might.

And there was his coffee mug.

This was it. I was here. I made it past the hard part. All I had to do was line All Might's coffee mug with the Nomu poison.

I hesitantly pulled out the vile of poison, grabbing the mug in my other hand.

I sighed deeply, as I rapidly looked between the mug and the poison, feeling a cold sweat begin forming on my neck.

One job. One simple job. Here it was, right in front of my face.

So why couldn't I do it?

Because I know it's wrong.

But I'm a villain. That's kind of the point.

Dabi wanted me to do this. Shigaraki wanted me to do this.

But, do I want to do this?

I groaned in annoyance at myself, as I forced the poison in my hand to get closer to All Might's mug.

Hah. What has the symbol of peace ever done for me? Nothing.

Image. Victory. That's all he cares about.

Then, why didn't I ever tell Shigaraki about the blood that was coming out of All Might's mouth?

My eyes wandered down to All Might's desk now, stopping upon its appearance.

It was decorated with fan mail, letters from people of all ages writing about how All Might saved their lives.

There was a book on his desk titled, "How To Be A Good Teacher For Dummies."

I rolled my eyes lightly at the name, scanning the area more.

There were notes next to the book, and I couldn't help but read them:

Good teacher for dummies notes:

New students - (notes for Margo Kimika's first day)

•Have her introduce herself in front of the class.

Ask her questions about herself so she feels welcomed.

•Be supportive :)

No wonder All Might forced me to go up in front of the class that day. He made me introduce myself in front of everyone.

That was the day I saw him cough up blood.

I didn't think he cared enough about me coming here to write down notes like this.

I turned my attention back to the mug and poison. Time was running out. I needed to do this now, before someone saw.

Come on, Margo. This is who you are. You belong with the league of villains. Do this.

I grit my teeth, as I uncapped the vile of poison.

Still. I was frozen in place.

I stared blankly at the poison, realizing what I was about to do.

I was about to kill someone. A genuinely good person. Sure, maybe the poison would be ineffective on All Might. But, it was the idea of the whole thing. The principle.

I don't want to do it.

So, no. I will not do it.

I quickly capped the unused poison, before setting All Might's untampered mug back on the desk.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, surprisingly feeling a little better.

Interesting. I thought I'd feel worse, because I disobeyed Shigaraki's instructions.

So, what does this whole situation mean for me now?

I'm not sure. Maybe being a villain isn't—


I whipped my head up, seeing a hero break through the teacher's lounge window.

"FREEZE VILLAIN!!!" Kamui Woods yelled out, sending a set of branches at me.

I quickly dove underneath one of the desks, trying to block myself from the vines and branches that were trying to capture me.

Shit, if I get captured here, I'm dead. If the heroes don't kill me, Shigaraki will.

I saw Midnight leap through the broken window now, as I stayed hidden behind a desk.

"Hah! You villains are so stupid. You really think we use the same camera system, to monitor the school, for more than a few weeks? Yeah right! I've been watching you the whole time you've been here!" Midnight exclaimed, as she released her sleep aroma towards me.

Luckily, my mask covered my face. Her aroma couldn't get to me.

But either way, I'm sure Midnight has combat experience.

I needed a way out of here. Fast.

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