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I continued sprinting through the forest, the sound of crunching leaves and rustling trees filling my path.

I was almost back at the campsite, and I still didn't have a clear plan of action.

I just know I was worried that my classmates might be in danger, with the league of villains. I wanted to get back to them as soon as possible.

I wiped the sweat from my face, finally seeing the campsite coming into my view.

Yes, almost there. I can see it.

Hmm....but I don't see any members from the league of villains—

I gasped, as I felt someone reach out from the bush next to me, yanking me to the side.

At the same time, they slapped their hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming.

"Shhh!!! It's just me!!" Dabi hissed out, pinning me against a well hidden tree.

I stopped screaming, feeling relieved and stressed to see it was him.

"W-What the hell are you doing here!? Did you set the forest on fire!?" I spat out, trying to stay quiet.

Dabi simply shrugged. "Eh. Yeah." He replied casually.

I stared at him, completely dumbfounded.

"Ya ever heard of global warming? Or do villains not care about that either?" I scoffed, irritatedly averting my gaze to the side.

Dabi narrowed his eyes at me now.

"Woah. What's with the bitch attitude? I haven't seen you in, how many weeks, and this is the greeting I get?" He remarked, still holding me against the tree.

Shit, Margo. Hold it together. You're still supposed to be on his side. You're undercover. Don't blow it.

"I just think you could be a little more mindful of your surroundings, rather than just go around destroying everything in your path." I uttered out softly, trying to keep my attitude down.

Dabi rolled his eyes, shoving my duffel bag into my hands.

"Okay. Whatever, Mother Nature. Just hurry up and get changed." He said, quickly looking around to make sure no one was coming.

I mentally screamed my head off when I saw my duffel bag, containing my villain costume.

Oh no.

So I was supposed to be involved in whatever the league was about to do?!

"W-Why?" I uttered out, trying to stall time.

"Because. We need to create a distraction, so the others can nab a few students. Twice has already made a few clones of me to keep Eraserhead busy. But, I'm sure he'll find out sooner or later." Dabi replied.

My eyes silently popped out of my head in panic.

Aizawa was seriously going to kill me.

"What?!—" I began saying, when Dabi cut me off.

"—I don't know all the details, alright?! This was a last minute decision. That's why you didn't know about it, either. Just hurry up and get dressed. You and I are working together." Dabi called out, getting slightly annoyed with me now.

It was easy to see he was also stressed.

I began slowly unzipping my bag, trying to come up with a plan at the same time.

I felt the lightbulb go off in my head, when I got an idea.

I turned to Dabi now.

"Okay. Let me get dressed. You go in first and I'll sneak in through the other door, to make sure no stray students escape." I said, hoping Dabi would go along with it.

He quickly looked at his watch, before looking at me uneasy.

"Fine. Just hurry up." Dabi groaned out, before leaving me alone to change.

I quickly turned around, slipping into my villain costume and attaching my weapons.

I muttered profanities the entire time, in awe at how I keep making this up as I go along.


I slipped my mask over my head, before slowly making my way towards the campsite school.

I quickly tapped the earpiece earring on my ear.

"Aizawa?....can you hear me?" I whispered out, trying to warn him of what was going on.

I groaned, as all I got was static.

"Aizawa......Aizawa." I whispered again, hearing no response.

Great. I wonder what he would be thinking when he saw me. Would he know I'm just trying to go along with this, and help? Or would he think I betrayed the heroes and UA?

Damn it, all when I thought I was finally gaining his trust.

I sighed in pure dread, as I entered the campsite school from the back, quietly running down the hallway.

I stopped abruptly, upon seeing a flash of blue, along with a person smashing through the side wall.

Aizawa began coughing, trying to stagger to his feet.

He looked to the side, making eye contact with me.

Well, there goes my possible friendship with Aizawa, out the window.

I simply sighed, as I saw Dabi walk through the broken wall.

"Mr Aizawa!!! Are you okay?!" I heard Eijirou yell out from inside the classroom.

My heart stopped upon hearing his voice.

I knew he'd be in here, but I guess the reality of having him in the same room with Dabi threw me through a loop.

"No one come out here, or you're all expelled!!" Aizawa called out to the UA students.

"Alright, Mr. Aizawa." Dabi started out mockingly.

It was so interesting to hear the voice he used in front of others.

When it was just us, he acted relaxed, normal. Even shy sometimes.

But, whenever he was around heroes, he put up an image. He made it a point to make his voice much colder and more threatening.

"What's it gonna be? Death by incineration? Or death by inner, emotional destruction?" Dabi grinned, ushering to me.

I turned to Dabi now.

"Hey, that's not part of the plan. You said we're just distracting them." I called out, not caring that Aizawa was listening.

Dabi looked over at me now, shooting me a glare of pure irritation.

He was looking at me, as if saying "don't defy me in front of the enemy."

Dabi chuckled coldly now, looking back at Aizawa.

"Looks like we're in a good mood today. You're lucky enough to keep your life. But, that doesn't mean you still can't suffer a little." Dabi retorted, shooting out his flames and sending Aizawa smashing through the school.

"Dabi! What the hell are you doing!?" I yelled, as he began walking over to the classroom.

Dabi ignored me, as the class 1-B teacher, Vlad King, came after us now.

Dabi simply shot his flames again, sending Vlad King crashing through the window.

"You're not supposed to hurt anyone!!" I yelled out, shoving him back harshly.

I didn't even realize I shoved him into the classroom, with Iida, Mina, Sero, Kaminari, Sato, Monoma, and Eijirou.

They all looked at us, completely dumbfounded.

I looked over at Eijirou, seeing his eyes wide with panic...shock...confusion...everything.

He was looking right at me, not knowing how to react.

I simply looked back at him, not being able to convey anything with Dabi right there.

"Alright, kids. Cooperate with me, and no one gets hurt." Dabi called out, sitting on the teacher's desk.

I looked over at him, in anticipation and dread, not knowing what was about to come out of his mouth next.

"Here's how it's gonna work. I'm taking one of you brats back with me to the league of villains. The rest of you can stay." Dabi said, looking at each one of my classmates.

Iida and Eijirou readied their quirks, anticipating a fight with Dabi...and me maybe?

"Hah. Yeah right. I'd like to see you try!" Eijirou called out, holding up his hardened arm.

"We're not taking any of them back." I groaned out to him softly.

"Yes, we actually are." Dabi uttered, chuckling dryly.

I whipped my head around to look at him now, panicking slightly.

"Dabi. Enough of this—"

"You." Dabi called out, pointing his scarred hand towards the students.

I quickly directed my gaze to see who he was pointing at.

Oh no.

No. No. No.

I swallowed nervously, feeling a cold sweat begin forming on my neck. My jaw tensed in pure anxiety now.

"Come quietly, and your other classmates won't get hurt." Dabi said, playing with a blue flame in his hand.

Don't do it. Don't you dare say yes.

"If it's about protecting my classmates, you don't have to tell me twice. I'll go with you. That's what a man would do. But don't expect me to go along with your bullshit, either." Eijirou called out confidently, stepping in front of his classmates.

And here it is. My two secret lives converging at once.

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