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"I appreciate your efforts. But, you didn't need to defend me like that. I had it under control on my own." I sighed, as Eijirou applied the first aid cream to my burned hand.

"Well, I feel really bad that you got hurt from this. That was really unmanly on my part." Eijirou said, guilt coating his voice.

I lazily kicked my feet back and forth in the air, as I sat on the first aid table.

"It wasn't your fault." I said softly, lightly caressing his shoulder.

"I actually was. I probably shouldn't have said anything to him. I don't know, I'm just so sick of Bakugou thinking he can go around, making fun of people all the time. It was pissing me off." Eijirou mumbled, gently placing some gauze on my hand.

"I understand. But, don't forget he's your best friend. You see him for who he truly is, remember? A good person." I smiled, trying to mend Bakugou and Eijirou's fight a little bit.

Eijirou chuckled now, resting both of his hands on either side of my body.

"You still remember when I said that, huh." He uttered quietly, looking at me gently.

I grabbed him by his waist, pulling his body closer to me.

"Of course. I mean, I listen to you sometimes." I teased, causing him to chuckle lightly.

"Oh, I see. You gonna start getting feisty on me again?" Eijirou mumbled playfully, bringing his head down to mine.

"And what if I am?" I challenged, feeling his lips barely grazing mine.

"Hmm, well...then I guess I'll have to do what I did to you last night." He whispered huskily, heatedly planting a kiss on my lips.

"Mmm. Well then, maybe we should meet up again tonight?" I whispered back, immediately crashing my lips to his again.

Eijirou hungrily returned my kiss, upon hearing my words.

"Hell yeah. You're all I've been thinking about, Margo." He breathed out, squeezing my hips lightly.

"Me too. Well—not me. Like you are all I've been thinking about, too—" I began saying, causing Eijirou to playfully roll his eyes.

"You're such a dork sometimes." He uttered out, smiling against my lips.

"I mean....yeah. I really can't dispute that." I chuckled, feeling him kiss me more passionately this time.

Eijirou and I had just started getting into our kiss. When...

"What the hell?" Bakugou asked from the door, causing Eijirou and I to jump and pull away.

Eijirou sighed in relief to see it was just Bakugou.

"Hey man. I'm glad you're here. Look I wanted to talk to you about what happened earlier." Eijirou said, resting his hand casually on my thigh.

Bakugou leaned against the doorway now, looking at Eijirou's hand on my thigh for a split second.

"I'm not the type to hold grudges." Bakugou shrugged, irritatedly averting his gaze to the side.

"Hah. Not the apology I was looking for. But, alright." Eijirou mumbled, causing me to intertwine my hand with his.

"I just came to check on your shitty hand." Bakugou called out roughly, gesturing to my bandaged hand.

I shrugged it off, not wanting him to feel bad.

"It's fine. Only a little burned. Should be good by next week." I told him reassuringly.

Bakugou simply nodded, still standing in the doorway.

"So, how long has this been going on?" He asked, gesturing from me to Eijirou.

"About a month. Look Bakugou, please don't tell anyone. It's a long story as to why....but, I'd really appreciate it if you just kept this between us." Eijirou stated, standing up straight now.

"Yeah, whatever. I don't talk to those extras anyway. I have no reason to tell them." Bakugou scoffed, before hesitantly pushing himself off the door frame to leave.

"Thanks, Bakugou." I called out, watching him disappear without another word.

I was starting to see what Eijirou was saying. Bakugou wasn't a bad guy. He just didn't know how to handle social and emotional situations appropriately.

"Well....I guess we shouldn't kiss in public places anymore, unless we want everyone finding out we're dating." Eijirou chuckled, helping me off the table.

"Yeah. But about that.....Mina found out and basically told everyone." I cringed, causing Eijirou to roll his eyes.

"What? Damn, she's so nosy! How did she find out?" He groaned.

I stopped walking, shooting him a light glare as I pulled down my shirt collar.

His eyes widened slightly when he saw the hickies on my neck, before he broke out into a playful smile.

"Hey, if I remember correctly you were the one telling me to suck harder." Eijirou remarked, trying to make me blush.

It worked as my cheeks immediately turned bright red, causing Eijirou to start cracking up.

I groaned, as he immediately pulled me into him, planting a chaste kiss on my temple.

"Damn, Margo. You really are adorable." He mumbled in my hair, before releasing me so we could walk back outside to the class.


"Ooo! A game sounds like fun!" Mina cheered, excitedly awaiting the instructions.

"Yeah! I'm ready to kick some ass." Eijirou grinned in determination.

"Not so fast." Aizawa called out, causing Eijirou and Mina to groan simultaneously.

Aizawa's scarf quickly wrapped around Mina, Eijirou, and the others who failed their physical final exam.

"It's study time for you guys!" Aizawa cheered, starting to drag them away.

I shot Eijirou a small smile, as Aizawa took him away.

He smirked slightly, giving me a small parting wink.

Man, I was excited to see him tonight.


"Alright, Midoriya. I think it's our turn to head out." I said to him, as we continued hanging around the campsite.

Everyone had been split into groups, and I was paired with Midoriya. We were the last pair to start the exercise.

"Yeah sounds good, Margo. Let's head out!" Midoriya exclaimed, as we began making our way deeper into the forest.

"You know, I haven't really gotten to see your quirk in action, Margo. I'd like to sometime." Midoriya said, as we hiked through the woodland trees.

"Yeah, totally. Aizawa doesn't want me using it too much." I shrugged, kicking a rock across our moonlit path.

"Oh? Why's that?" Midoriya asked.

Because I was working with the league of villains and he wants to make sure he can trust me.

"U-Uh....just because it's a quirk that's a little hard to control. It's hard to practice it safely." I lied, not being able to tell Midoriya the truth.

"Oh. Well, don't sweat it, Margo! My quirk is pretty hard to control, too. I'm still learning. It will come with time." He smiled reassuringly, lazily stretching his arms over his head.

I was about to respond, when I suddenly saw a flash of blue spiral into the sky.

Midoriya and I simultaneously stopped walking.

"Woah!! Did you see that!?" He exclaimed, his eyes starting to frantically study the sky.

I continued looking at the sky, narrowing my eyes as I waited for another flash.

"Yeah. I saw that. It almost looked like..." I mumbled, trailing off at the end.

Frankly, I didn't want to say who it looked like. I didn't want to be right.

My eyes widened as the forest around us began shooting up into blue flames.

"Blue flames!!?" Midoriya yelled, frantically looking around us in panic.


This couldn't be happening.

I stared blankly at the blue flames, not understanding any of this.

Was Dabi here? How would he even know where to find me? Why didn't I know about this? Is Aizawa going to think I betrayed him, by not telling him about this, even though I didn't know? Are other league of villains members here—

"Margo, did you hear me!!?" Midoriya yelled, shaking my shoulders.

"W-What?!" I croaked out, starting to become stressed.

"We need to head back to the campgrounds. We're not that far away. We can run there. Come on!" Midoriya exclaimed, dragging me by the arm, back to the campsite.

I hesitantly began running with Midoriya, my thoughts going a mile a minute in my head.

In the off chance I run into Dabi, or someone else from the league of villains, I didn't want Midoriya around. It would probably blow my cover.

I abruptly stopped running with Midoriya, my heart beating like crazy from the building anxiety.

"U-Uh you know what?! Why don't we split up. You know, you take one path back to the campground and I'll take the other? We don't know what's going on back there. There could be hostages or something. If we go back together, we might get caught together." I quickly reasoned, hoping Midoriya would buy the bait.

He was quiet for a moment, lost in thought.

"Yeah. That's actually a good idea. If one of us gets caught, the other can go find help." Midoriya said absentmindedly, thinking about his next plan of attack.

"Yes, exactly. So you take the main way, and I'll take the back road." I confirmed, feeling slightly relieved that Midoriya bought my excuse.

Midoriya nodded, running down his own path now. "Good luck, Margo. Don't get caught!" He called out.

"You too!" I called back, seriously hoping he could make it through this.

If Midoriya was going to make it through this, he had a better chance of doing so, if he was as far away from me as possible.

I began full on sprinting now, not knowing what I was supposed to do once I got back to the campgrounds.

Am I supposed to find Aizawa? Am I supposed to pretend I'm a villain?

Man, there was really no way I could see this situation going over well.

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