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Aizawa, Eijirou, and I arrived back at the conference room. The same one I flipped out in, yesterday, when Aizawa showed me a picture of my past.

I scanned the room, seeing the same people as last time....All Might, Present Mic, and Midnight. Of course Aizawa was here. And this time, Eijirou would join us, too.

I took a seat at the table next to Eijirou, sheepishly looking at my teachers. I couldn't help but feel bad about the way I acted yesterday.

I hesitantly cleared my throat, causing them all to look at me softly.

", I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted yesterday. I'm sorry for flipping the table." I mumbled quietly, keeping my gaze averted to the floor.

Everyone was quiet, shooting me a small nod of appreciation.

"It's all right, young Margo. It happens to the best of us." All Might replied gently, giving his signature thumbs up.

"Margo. I'm going to remove your handcuffs. I trust that you won't do anything stupid." Aizawa said, unlocking my quirk handcuffs, letting them fall to the floor.

I sighed in relief at the feeling of my free hands. I tenderly rubbed my wrists, trying to loosen them up a bit.

It was quiet for a moment, before Aizawa sat down, going to break the ice.

"All right, Margo. Clearly, yesterday didn't go very well. So instead of you telling us your story, we will tell you ours. That is, how we came to discover you." Aizawa explained, waiting for me to approve.

I gulped nervously, before I suddenly felt a warm hand slide onto my knee from under the table.

I looked over to Eijirou, seeing him give me an encouraging smile, before squeezing my knee reassuringly.

I smiled back at him softly, subtly taking his hand on mine.

I don't know where I stood with him right now, in terms of a relationship. But, either way, I was just glad to have him back in my life.

"O-Okay." I nodded to Aizawa, letting him know to continue.

He nodded, leaning back in his chair as he got ready to speak.

"Well, UA high has been watching the league of villains for awhile. Ever since Tomura Shigaraki formed it. Through agents, heroes, and private investigating....we've been keeping a close eye on any new members that join." Aizawa said, suddenly clicking on a projector, and displaying some images on the screen.

My eyes widened out of my head, as I began seeing mugshot like images of Shigaraki, Dabi, even Toga. And of course...


I had two pictures, side by side. One of me with my face mask on and one of me without the mask.

I heard Eijirou gasp at the pictures, not being able to take his eyes off the ones of me, in particular.

I was in my villain costume, glaring at the camera, looking like an intimidating, grade A villain.

"How did you get that? I don't remember ever taking a picture like that..." I breathed out in awe.

"One of the private investigators has a quirk for picture taking. Not important. Anyways, once a new mysterious girl joined the league of villains, aka you, we knew all about it. I still don't know how you got into that situation, but we began making a criminal profile on you right away." Aizawa nodded, clicking the projector remote to display more images of the league of villains.

Now there were pictures of me and Dabi talking. Shigaraki with his Nomu serum, and more.

I couldn't help but feel relieved...and even a little happy that the heroes knew all of this. Shigaraki was planning some pretty dangerous stuff.

Midnight spoke up now. "When you applied for UA high in the middle of the year, we recognized you immediately. You basically fell right into our lap." Midnight explained.

I stared blankly at the table, as I took in Midnight's words. I couldn't help but let out an impressed chuckle now.

" all of you knew it was me the entire time, huh?" I smiled sheepishly, feeling a little more in awe of the heroes now.

"That's crazy..." Eijirou whispered in shock at the situation.

Aizawa continued. "Correct. We knew it was you. Of course, we didn't just let you roam free around UA, knowing all of this. We kept a close eye on you...bugging your phone, making sure you weren't trying to recruit any students to the league of villains, not allowing you to compete in the sports festival. That sort of thing. I even lied to you, tricking you into thinking that my quirk didn't work on you." Aizawa smirked, remembering our fight from yesterday.

The only way he was able to beat me in that fight, was with that lie. I was caught off guard when I found out he could actually erase my quirk, giving him the opening he needed.

Impressive, Mr. Aizawa.

"Anyways, after a few months of you being here...I had seen enough. I actually tried to blow your cover, back when you broke into the school. But you got away too quickly." Aizawa explained.

Seen enough? What does that mean.

" guys went through a lot of trouble for all of that. If you knew it was me from the beginning, why not just arrest me right away?" I chuckled softly, not quite understanding the point of all this.

"I'm glad you brought that up, Margo. You know....after observing you in the league of villains, you were someone who stood out to all of us. You were different from the rest." Aizawa said, motioning to the teachers in the room.

Eijirou looked down at his lap now, a soft, knowing smile gracing his face.

He already seemed to know what Aizawa meant by his statement.

But I definitely didn't.

"I don't understand." I said, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"Well, for starters, in the league of villains, you never killed anybody. Any time someone was about to die, you always tried to reason with Dabi or Shigaraki to let them live. Every time...even if you knew you would get scolded. You constantly butted heads with the ideas Dabi and Shigaraki threw out, never wanting to hurt civilians or heroes. We heard Shigaraki comment several times about how you never do anything he wants you to do. But, what really sold us, was this." Aizawa said, clicking play on a hidden camera video from the projector.

It was the night of the Hosu attack. Me, Dabi, Shigaraki, and Toga were arguing about the attack:

Are you angry, Margo?" Shigaraki whispered, removing the hand from his face.

"You can't do this. You're going too far." I stated confidently, not backing down.

Shigaraki walked closer to me now, stopping directly in front of my face.

"I can do this. I will do this. And you're going to help me." He smiled.

"No." I replied, my eye contact never leaving his.

"Hmm?" Shigaraki simply hummed, waiting for me to elaborate.

"I said no. I'm not doing it. I will not kill innocent people. I'm done. I'm done with all of this. I am done with the league of villains." I scoffed, turning to walk out the door.

I groaned softly, already knowing what came next.

Eijirou and my teachers, except Aizawa, gasped as the video cut to Shigaraki starting to decay my shoulder before putting me in a headlock.

I felt Eijirou squeeze my hand tightly, as he looked up at the video in pure horror.

Everyone in the video was yelling, especially Dabi. Shigaraki slammed me into the wall, giving his speech about how I'm a powerful tool to him, and that I'm not allowed to leave the league.

Aizawa quickly turned the video off, knowing I had seen enough.

Everyone looked to me now, waiting for an explanation.

I sighed tiredly, simply shrugging my shoulders...not knowing what to say.

"Margo. Did you really mean what you said in that video?" Aizawa asked seriously, his gaze burning into mine.

Trusting him a little more, I decided to tell Aizawa a tad more about how I arrived at the league.

"Yes. I made a mistake joining the league of villains. I....was brought into it by one of the members. Dabi. He saved me, short, suggested I joined. He was the only reason I was able to get out previous living situation. It made me trust him. I had nothing else." I explained, feeling everyone listening to my words.

Eijirou was looking at me, taking in everything I said.

"But. I know that's not an excuse for anything I did. I understand I'll have to pay for my actions." I added on, not wanting them to think I was trying to get out of a reasonable punishment.

Everyone was quiet again, before Aizawa spoke.

"Margo. What are your intentions?" Aizawa said.

"For what?" I asked confused.

He shrugged, before responding. "For existing." He simply replied.

I was quiet, thinking about what I wanted.

I smiled softly, at the thought.

"I just....want to live my life. I want to be free." I whispered, looking over at Eijirou now.

He's the one who told me I could be free.

He smiled at me knowingly, lightly rubbing my knuckle with his thumb.

Aizawa looked to the rest of the teachers, looking for a nod of approval from them.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Alright, Margo. Unfortunately, we can't just let you off scot free. After all, you did join the league of villains, and on top of that...Shigaraki would find you and kill you, if you were to just up and abandon the league completely." Aizawa explained.

I nodded in agreement. "I completely understand." I muttered.

"However, the reason we allowed you to attend UA...even though you were a because we wanted to make a deal with you, from the start." Aizawa said, looking at me carefully.

Eijirou and I immediately looked up at him now in shock.

"W-What?" I simply whispered out.

"We observed you at school and at the league to see if you were someone with potential. Potential to work with us, heroes. And we've come to the conclusion...that you are." Aizawa explained, before sitting up straight and placing his hands on the desk.

"Margo. Here's our offer: Work with us heroes, undercover, to take down the league of villains. Switch sides." He proposed.

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