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"Switch sides?" I muttered, lost in thought.

"Yes. Put your loyalty and trust in us heroes. Give us information about the league of villains....weaknesses, secrets...that sort of thing. Let us know the next steps they take." Aizawa explained.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked.

"Simple. You return to the league, acting like nothing happened here. We give you an earpiece, and a bug to hear and see everything that's happening. Then you talk about it with us, and we figure out the heroes' next course of actions." Aizawa said.

Eijirou was the one to speak up now. "W-Wait a minute! Isn't that really dangerous?!" He exclaimed, his eyes laced with concern.

"Yes. It's very dangerous." Aizawa said, not mincing words, before continuing.

"However Margo, you're in a really dangerous situation already, just by being there. You're too defiant with them. It shows. Plus, like I said, Shigaraki won't just let you go, if you decide to leave the league. Working with the heroes is just another option you can take. The choice is yours." Aizawa said, gathering in the corner of the room with the other teachers to let me think about it.

It was just Eijirou and I at the table now.

I stared blankly, completely lost in thought.

Work with the heroes. Betray the league of villains...

Betray Dabi. The one who saved me.

I sighed softly, fighting with myself internally.

I felt Eijirou lightly place his hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up at him now.

He could tell I was struggling with myself.

"Who do you want to be, Margo." He whispered softly, gazing into my eyes warmly.

I couldn't bring myself to tear my eyes away from his gaze, becoming enamored with their gentle nature.

Eijirou continued studying me, before speaking again.

"I know this is hard for you. Just don't let those villains dictate your future. Hell—don't let anyone dictate your future. Think for yourself. Make your own choice, whatever it may be." He whispered, as my teachers walked back over to the table.

They simply sat down without a word, waiting for me to speak first.

Think for myself.

That's something I haven't been able to do in a long time.

What did I want?

I closed my eyes, letting myself envision the future I wanted.

After a few moments of thinking, it became clear to me, what I wanted.

I lifted my head now, taking a deep breath to calm my nervous heartbeat.

"I'll do it. I'll switch sides, and help you guys take down the league of villains." I stated determinedly, looking at my teachers with confidence.

What I wanted, was to do the right thing.


After a few more hours of going over some instructions, it was time for me to head back to the league of villains headquarters.

This whole mission depended on whether or not Shigaraki killed me when I got back. I disappeared after the Hosu operation. I've been gone for two days. He probably thought I fled and deserted them.

"Shigaraki is gonna be furious with me when I get back. He might actually kill me, you know." I reasoned casually, seeing Eijirou's face contort into fearful anxiety.

"That's what these are for." Aizawa said, tossing me two small viles.

My eyes widened when I examine the contents.

"Nomu serum!? Why are you giving me this?! Where did you get this!?" I asked in pure shock.

"We were able to confiscate a few samples, from the league of villains, in order to test the ingredients. We're giving them to you, in order to please Shigaraki when you get back. Give them to him. Don't worry. It's a small price to pay for an operation of this magnitude." He explained.

I simply nodded, tucking the serum away in my villain suit.

"Alright, Margo. Take these." Midnight said, handing me a little case of devices.

"What are these?" I asked, taking the devices out of their boxes to examine them.

"These are contact lenses. They double as cameras. By putting them in your eyes, we will be able to see everything you're seeing." She explained, before motioning to the other device.

"This is a hearing device. It allows us to hear everything you do. It's disguised as an earring. Just stick it on your earlobe, and you're good to go." She smiled.

I took a deep breath, suddenly feeling a little nervous.

"Okay." I breathed out, getting ready to head back.

"We're putting our trust in you, young Margo. Put your trust in us, too." All Might said softly, before a steam began lightly covering his body.

All Might was right.

Yes, this was a big risk for me. I could die from this whole thing.

But, the heroes were also taking a big risk by trusting me. If their intuitions about me were wrong, I could have gone back to the league of villains and blabbed to Shigaraki and Dabi the entire plan the heroes' had.

This whole operation is a two way street, between me and the heroes. We need to believe in each other.

"You're right. You guys can count on me." I smiled, feeling happy when I gained an approving nod from all of them. 

"One more thing. This goes for you too, Kirishima. Nobody, except the people in this room and the principal, knows about any of this. Not other heroes, not even the police. To everyone else, you're just a regular UA student, Margo. We don't want this situation to get out, and get back to Shigaraki somehow. That would put you in fatal danger, Margo. Don't tell anyone. Not even the other teachers. Understand?" Aizawa stated firmly.

"I understand." Eijirou and I said in unison.

Aizawa sighed, slightly anxious about this whole thing, before he nodded to me.

"Alright. Head back. We'll be in touch." He said, waving me off dismissively.

I said my goodbyes, before heading out the door.

"Margo, wait." Eijirou said, following me outside.

It was just us now.

I turned off my earpiece and lense camera, wanting a little bit of privacy with him.

I turned around to face him, feeling comfort in his presence.

His crimson eyes were laced with worry, yet relief at the same time.

"I'm really glad you made the right choice." He whispered softly.

"Yeah, me too. While this may be dangerous, I actually feel a little relieved about this whole thing. But more importantly...I'm just really glad you know the truth." I muttered, my body moving closer to his.

Eijirou simply nodded, his gaze lost in thought.

As much as I didn't want too...I really had to go.

"I gotta go. I'll see you at school tomorrow—" I said, starting to walk off again. 

Eijirou quickly caught my wrist, lightly pulling me back to him.

My breath hitched, when he pulled my body into his, my hands resting against his chest.

He looked down at me, studying my face.

I watched as his cheeks began to lightly tinge pink.

" careful." He whispered, his face inches from mine.

My eyes couldn't help but trail down to his lips now.

Eijirou watched me, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Don't do this to him, Margo. It's too dangerous for him to be involved like this.

I sighed, as I brought my eyes back up to his face.

"This is too dangerous for you." I whispered out to him.

His gaze never left mine. "Don't worry about me. I can handle myself." He whispered back, leaning into me a little closer.

I let out a shaky breath, as I couldn't bring myself to pull away from him.

"E-Eijirou..." I breathed out, feeling him press his forehead to mine.

I closed my eyes, my inhibitions starting to become clouded.

"If you keep leaning into me like that....I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself from kissing you..." I whispered, feeling his arms snake around my waist at my words.

"So don't stop yourself." He uttered out.

I couldn't hold back anymore, as I threw my arms around Eijirou's neck, pressing my lips to his.

He immediately returned my kiss, wrapping his arms around me tighter.

This kiss was much more heated than our first one, a few days ago on the beach.

This kiss was full of desperation...understanding...concern.

Eijirou's hands slid up my waist, before caressing both sides of my face to deepen the kiss.

Our hot, heavy breaths mixed, as I now felt him glide his tongue along my bottom lip.

"Mmm...I-I like you." I uttered, blurting out the obvious.

Eijirou quickly brought my face back to his, needing my kiss again.

"I like you, too." He breathed out against my lips.

I kissed him harder now, feeling his tongue explore my mouth, as I ran my hands through his soft, unspiked hair.

His hands traveled back down my body, resting a little bit lower on my hips.

I felt my body tingling, on fire from Eijirou's touch. From his lips.

Suddenly, I felt audio crackling, coming from my ear piece.

"Margo, is the ear piece malfunctioning? We can't hear anything on your end. We can't see anything either." Midnight said through my ear piece.

I couldn't even bring myself to answer, as Eijirou and I were so into our kiss.

My brain began getting fuzzy. I felt myself actually getting light headed from how fast my heart was beating, and how erratic my breaths were.

I decided to pull away from our kiss slightly, needing to compose myself and get my thoughts together.

"Margo?" Midnight asked again.

Eijirou and I continued looking at each other, dazed and out of breath.

I weakly pressed my ear piece, speaking to Midnight now.

"I-I just forgot to turn it on. Sorry." I breathed out absentmindedly, my eyes never leaving Eijirou's.

"Okay, that's fine. Well, don't forget about your contact lens cameras, too." She reminded, before she hung up.

"I gotta go." I whispered to Eijirou, not being able to stop myself from kissing him one more time.

I craved his kiss.

He craved mine, just as much...neither of us being able to pull away.

After a few more moments, I forced myself to stop, starting to head back to the league of villains.

I turned to him one last time, giving him a parting smile.

Eijirou smiled back softly, watching your fleeting figure until you were out of sight.

He couldn't help but feel the effect you had on him. Your presence, your lips against his...your smile.

Damn, your smile.

That was one of his favorite things about you.

He was so drawn to you, and he was willing to do whatever it takes to continue making you smile all the time.

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