Don't Give Up

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Quick A/N: Because I change the main story around for my own plot purposes, the villains Margo will fight in this chapter do not exist in the original MHA story. Enjoy.

The men looked at me darkly now, before pulling out some syringes.

"We'll have to go through you first, you say? You know what, little girl....with an attitude like that, I think I'll just kill that red headed kid altogether, and bring you back to the boss, alone, instead." One of the men said, quickly injecting himself with the syringe.

The other guy quickly followed, injecting the syringe into his neck.

I felt slightly uneasy, upon seeing a rejuvenated look glowing in both of these villains' eyes...not quite knowing where to start.

"Time to go to work!!!" One of them screamed, suddenly shooting his arms out at me.

"Woah!!" I yelled in surprise, quickly dodging his now extended limbs.

Okay, so one of the villains' quirks is being able to extend their arms. But I'm at least 20 feet away from them. The syringe they injected into their body must allow them to stretch their arms further than usual.

I continued dodging the man's limbs, watched them hit the wall and leave a wake of dents in their path.

Okay, this isn't so bad. I just have to dodge his limbs, and make my way over to him, and I'll be—

I didn't have time to finish my thought, as I suddenly felt an overwhelming wave of dizziness flood my senses.

I cringed slightly, now feeling myself stumbling into the walls.

I forced my eyes open, seeing the second villain pointing his hand at me.

His quirk must be causing extreme dizziness. Damn it, that's a bad match up for me. Especially since my quirk requires complete precision and focus. I can't activate it, until I'm confident I can use it properly.

If I lose control, I could kill myself. Then, Eijirou would be killed by these villains.

I also noticed the dizzy villain put on a pair of glasses, similar to Mr. Aizawa's.

Hmm, maybe he needs to see me, in order to activate his quirk.

I looked up, seeing a giant pair of arms coming straight at me.

Not being able to dodge because of the dizziness, I was punched in the stomach, thrown back into the wall behind me.

"M-Margo!!! Leave me and get out of here!!!" Eijirou yelled, clutching his body in pain.

Sadly, he was able to watch these events unfold right before his own eyes.

I coughed slightly, forcing myself to shuffle to my feet.

"No way!!! I'm going to save you!!" I yelled at him, forcing myself to run forward, through the my spinning, fuzzy vision.

Even though my equilibrium was thrown off, I saw the pair of outstretched arms coming at me again.

I sloppily moved to the side....too slowly, apparently, as the arms simply slammed me into the side of the wall.

I wheezed, feeling all of the air expel from my lungs too quickly.

"Margo...I-I'm coming." Eijirou choked out, desperately trying to crawl towards me.

I grit my teeth in frustration, feeling blood running from my nose.

Are you fucking kidding me!? I can't even fight against two measly villains!? I can't even protect him?

No. I will protect him. I will do this.

Eijirou quickly collapsed back on the floor, the pain overtaking his capabilities.

I quickly sliced my dagger across one of the outstretched arms, that was holding me against the wall...seeing a shit ton of blood splash up into my face.

The villain released his hold on my body slightly, allowing me to squirm out of his hold and fall to the floor.

I forced myself to run through the dizziness I was feeling, being able to slice the outstretched arms again.

I began running a little faster now, starting to close the distance between the villains and I.

The villain outstretched his arms again, clearly missing me.

"Hah! Looks like your aim is getting worse now!"
I called out to him, starting to get slightly more confident.

"I wasn't aiming for you." He called out darkly, causing my eyes to widen in realization.

I turned around, seeing one of his outstretched arms wrap around Eijirou's wracking body.

"No!!!" I screamed, quickly slicing the stretchy arm that was holding Eijirou.

The villain cried out in pain, as his arm continued pulling Eijirou, about to drag him right past me.

I couldn't let that happen. If Eijirou was out of my grasp, he would be dead in an instant.

I dove forward, grabbing onto Eijirou's body, trying to pull him back towards me.

He grit his teeth in pain, weakly grabbing my arm to try and struggle out of the villain's grasp.

"Shit! This guy is strong!" Eijirou choked out, gripping my arm tighter, as he felt himself slipping out of my reach.

Since I was able to slice the villain's stretchy arm open a few minutes earlier, his pull on Eijirou was noticeably weaker.

I closed my eyes, feeling the dizziness getting worse now, thanks to the other villain.

I pulled on Eijirou with all my strength, feeling veins popping out of my head and neck from exertion.

Don't let go, Margo. His life depends on this!!!

I was essentially playing tug of war with his body. I don't think I was on the winning side either.

I groaned out in frustration, when I felt my feet skidding across the floor now, realizing I was essentially being dragged, too.

I wasn't strong enough by myself. I was debilitated by the dizziness. I was losing him.

"No!!! Stop!!! Please!!! I'll do anything!! Leave him alone!!!!" I shrieked out in fear, realizing I was seconds away from completely losing my hold on Eijirou.

"That's not how it works, Margo. This is the real world. People die. This boy's death will be on your hands!!" The villain yelled to me.

I held on for dear life, as I felt my feet continue skidding across the floor. The resistance between the villain dragging Eijirou and I, continuing to build.

"Margo, it's okay. It's okay. You're doing a good job. You can do this." Eijirou croaked out to me, his nose starting to bleed from my quirk effects.

He gave me a weak smile, as his eyes started to become half lidded. He was going to pass out any second.

"Hey, hey, hey!! Stay with me!!" I pleaded with him desperately.

I felt myself yanked forward again from the tug of the villain, suddenly looking up at them.

That's when I realized.

I'm a lot closer to the villains, than I was before.

By trying to keep my hold on Eijirou's body, I've been being dragged with him, towards the bad guys, the whole time.

These villains are distance fighters. That's why they are trying to keep me far away.

But, if I manage to get within their scope....

I can take them out.

I turned to Eijirou now, seeing he was still desperately trying to hold onto his consciousness.

"Eijirou...I have an idea. I-It's really risky, a last resort. It could end up killing us both...b-but it's all I've got. I need you to trust me." I whispered to him, feeling tears cloud my eyes at his fading form.

He chuckled softly, his crimson orbs gazing into my own eyes.

Even through the extreme dizziness I was feeling, I could see how calm he was. I could see him focusing on me.

" you. I life." He whispered out, giving my arm light squeeze, as he continued holding onto it.

I nodded, looking back at the villains. I needed to see their exact position.

I took a deep breath, feeling my heart beat actually calming down, as I got ready to execute my last plan of attack.

"Please work. Please let this work." I whispered, before I stopped pulling back on Eijirou's body, pushing both of us forward instead.

The villain wasn't expecting me to stop pulling. By playing tug of war with Eijirou's body, we had been building up a heavy resistance to each other.

Since I abruptly stopped pulling, but the villain didn't, it caused Eijirou and I to be catapulted forward...

Right towards the villains.

I lost my grip on Eijirou's body, from the harsh pull, flying through the air towards the villains.

Shit. Now, I was on a time crunch. I was flying right towards the dizzy villain. But the stretchy arm guy still had Eijirou in his grasp.

I had to take out the dizzy guy as fast as I could, so I could stop the stretchy guy from killing Eijirou.

I forced myself to commit fully to this plan, body slamming into the dizzy villain.

We both harshly slammed to the ground, with me landing on top of him, causing the dizzy guy's eyes to cringe.

I felt my senses completely restored now, as dizzy wasn't able to look at me.

I quickly turned my attention towards the stretchy armed villain, who was trying to squeeze Eijirou to death.

I forced him to feel the most extreme pain I could muster up, causing him to drop Eijirou's body on the floor.

I gasped, feeling this horrible pain as well.

Don't stop.

The dizzy villain struggled under my hold...attempting to get up and turn his head towards me, but I quickly slammed my boot down on his face.

I harshly kicked him in his temple, causing him to lose consciousness.

I cringed in pain, looking over and seeing the stretchy arm guy. His arms were no longer stretched, they were just regular arms.

But, he was crawling towards Eijirou, even with the massive amount of pain I was inflicting on him, with a dagger in his hand...

He was seconds away from reaching Eijirou's body and stabbing him.

I sloppily dove forward, feeling my own pain taking over.

I saw the villain climb on Eijirou, slamming his knife down towards his chest.

Eijirou groaned as he stopped the knife from going into his chest, struggling with the villain now.

I coughed up blood, quickly throwing my arms around the villain's neck.

This guy is way too strong. Whatever he injected into his body, with that syringe, was clearly still in his system.

I started trying to choke him from behind, while Eijirou grabbed his face from the front, trying to activate his quirk in order to cut the guy's face.

I noticed Eijirou's strength was slowly coming back now. The quirk bullet must be wearing off.

I saw a dagger lying on the floor a few feet away from me, quickly grabbing it with my foot, and sliding it towards me.

Without even thinking about it, I grabbed the dagger, jabbing it into the villain's side.

He screamed, losing his focus, allowing Eijirou to punch him in the face, with his quirk that would now activate.

I dragged the man off of him, elbowing him in the face, as he finally lost consciousness.

Eijirou sighed out in relief upon seeing me do so, resting his head back on the floor tiredly.

I sloppily crawled back over to him, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Eijirou!! A-Are you okay!?" I cried out, squeezing him tightly.

I felt his heart pounding out of his chest, realizing how afraid he was during this whole situation.

He really played it off like he was calm.

"Margo...I'm okay. Y-You saved me." He breathed out, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"You were debilitated from my quirk!" I cried out, realizing he didn't seem like he was in pain anymore.

"It's okay. I feel back to normal....just a little tired, but that's it. The effects wore off. I don't think they're meant to last very long. Besides, since your quirk wasn't able to affect me all this time...I was always curious about how it felt. Now, I know." He chuckled, caressing my sweaty, messy hair. 

I laughed with him, glad to see that his usual happy, go lucky self was already coming back to normal.

I sat him up slowly, looking over at the unconscious villains that we took out.

"Come on. We should go before they wake up." I said tiredly, wiping the dripping blood from my nose.

I began standing up, before I felt Eijirou's hand grip my wrist, pulling me back down to kneeling. 

He placed my hand on his bare chest, pulling me close to him.

He brought his forehead to mine, caressing my cheek with his free hand.

"Margo...thank you for saving me." He stated, looking into my eyes.

I smiled softly at his words, feeling lost in his gaze.

"I always will. I love you." I said, pressing my lips to his passionately.

"I love you, too." He stated against my lips, before kissing me back.

Eijirou returned my kiss with just as much passion, pulling me closer by the back of my head—

"W-What.....the.....hell..." someone called out lowly from behind us, causing Eijirou and I to break away from the kiss.

My heart stopped when I saw who caught us, realizing that everything I've been trying to hide this past year, was now officially dead in the water.

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