Live Like One, Die Like One

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Shock. Denial. Hurt. Betrayal.

Those were just a few of the many emotions that were currently plastered, and ever changing, on Dabi's face.

Eijirou and I quickly scrambled to our feet in shock.

"Dabi!? What are you doing here?!" I called out in panic, realizing there was no possible way for me to try and fix this.

My cover has officially been blown.

Dabi continued staring at me with the same hurt expression that refused to leave his face.

He let out a small sigh, trying to gather his thoughts.

"How could you do could you do it..." he kept whispering to me, his voice coming out broken as he continued staring at me.

I held my hands up to Dabi in surrender, realizing he sounded slightly unstable.

We were all in a very small, compact space. If he decided to activate his quirk right now, he could kill all three of us in a matter of seconds.

"Dabi...listen....I...I-I'm sorry, okay!? I didn't mean for things to go this far. I really didn't—"

"How long has this been going on?" He asked me blankly.

"L-Long enough. I was never meant to be a villain!! I should have never joined the league of villains. It was a mistake. All of it was a mistake." I explained to him, as gently as I possibly could.

"So you just decided to go behind my back!!? I trusted you, Margo!! You were the only person I trusted!! How could you do this to me!?!" He yelled, his hands starting to smoke from anger.

"Uh...guys!?!" Eijirou called out to Dabi and I, looking at the ground.

Dabi and I suddenly understood what Eijirou was talking about, as the ground began shaking furiously.

Now that I think about it, it's not just the ground that's shaking. It's the entire building.

What is happening?

"Come on! We need to get out of here!" I called out to Dabi and Eijirou, starting to run away before Dabi grabbed my arm.

"Hey!!!" Eijirou yelled out, seeing Dabi take me in his grasp.

"Dabi!? What are you doing?!" I asked.

Dabi simply held me against his chest, not letting me go.

"Do you know why I came here?" He asked, talking slightly louder as the rumbling of the building became stronger.

Eijirou started running over to me, before Dabi engulfed his free arm in blue flames, holding it dangerously close to my face.

"BACK OFF!! YOU HEAR ME!!! I'LL FUCKING BURN HER TO ASH!!" Dabi suddenly screamed, his calm tone of voice completely crumpled to nothing.


Dabi simply held me tighter against his chest, allowing me to feel his heartbeat pounding erratically out of his chest.

"SO GO THEN, YOU FUCKING ROCK! GET OUT OF HERE! THIS CONVERSATION IS BETWEEN MARGO AND I! IT DOESN'T CONCERN YOU!!" Dabi called out, as the sound of the building slowly breaking came into our ears.

Eijirou stood his ground, slowly walking over to Dabi and I.

"I'm not going anywhere without her—" Eijirou started saying, before I saw Dabi's hand start out stretching towards Eijirou.

"NO!!!!" I screamed, quickly hitting Dabi's flamed arm to the side, causing him to set fire to the ceiling.

"MARGO!!" Eijirou screamed, as Dabi slammed me against the wall.

The lights in the hallway began flickering now, as the rumble of the building started to become ear piercingly loud.

Dabi got in my face, his eyes swimming with agonizing emotion.

"I came here to protect you!!! Shigaraki gave you away!! He gave you away to Overhaul, Margo!! That was his plan the whole time, and I didn't know it!! I came here to save you!! Against the order of the league of villains, I am here!! I'm here for you!! I am here.....t-to be your fucking hero!!!" Dabi exclaimed, shaking my shoulders roughly.

Dabi was suddenly yanked away from me harshly by Eijirou, causing me to scream in panic.

Eijirou quickly dodged one of Dabi's blue flames, landing a hardened punch to Dabi's stomach.

"NO!!! DON'T FIGHT!! YOU'LL KILL EACH OTHER!!" I screamed, going to activate my quirk on Dabi.

I heard a gunshot suddenly ring through the loud rumbling of the building, feeling a stinging pain in my leg.

I stumbled to the ground, whipping my head around to see the stretchy armed villain shakily holding the gun.

He had woken up. And so had the dizzy villain.

Eijirou and Dabi immediately turned their heads towards me, seeing what happened.

I cringed in pain, holding my bleeding leg.

Dabi's eyes clouded with rage at the sight, as he turned his attention towards the villains.

"DABI, WAIT!! DON'T KILL THEM—" I started yelling, before the blinding blue light of Dabi's incineration blazed throughout the room.

Eijirou's eyes popped out of his head, upon seeing Dabi incinerate the villains who shot me, to absolute ash....also starting a fire in the process.

"You just killed them!!" Eijirou yelled at Dabi in shock, causing Dabi to turn around now.

My eyes widened, as I felt an overwhelming sense of fear start to attack my body.

Shit. The bullet that hit my leg was my quirk bullet, composed of fear.

The quirk bullets affect me ten times as much as a regular person, since it intensifies my quirk.

It probably lasts longer, too.

I need to fight through it. I need to be there for Eijirou, against Dabi.

"Dabi! P-Please....things don't have to end this way. Come with us! Come with us, and leave the league of villains—" I started saying, trying to control my shakes, as Dabi stormed back over to me.

"I saved you that day. From Nyushin. I saved you. Have you forgotten already?! Have you forgotten what I did for you!?" He asked desperately, grabbing my face with his hands gently.

His hands were shaking, hot and smoking, still trying to recover from the giant blast he created to kill the villains.

I felt a cold sweat start breaking out on my forehead, as I began hyperventilating.

"O-Of course I remember. I'm thankful everyday for that." I choked out, as Eijirou came over.

His eyes widened, as he realized I got hit with a quirk bullet.

"She got hit!! She got hit with one of Overhaul's quirk bullets!-" he exclaimed, before the blue flames in the building began to rapidly spread towards us.

At the same time, pieces of the building began to fall down now, crumpling around us.

It doesn't help that we're underground. The whole building is collapsing on us.

Dabi looked around dazedly, starting to get a grip on the fucked up situation we were in.

I shakily reached out, grabbing his scarred arm.

"Dabi....we need to go. All of us. We need to get out of here..." I choked out, looking at him in hope.

Dabi gazed at me for a moment, his eyes telling me for the final time....

"I-I just need to make understand, how much I love you." Dabi whispered to me brokenly, not even caring that Eijirou was hearing this.

I looked at him in pity now, feeling my fear intensifying.

"D-Dabi. I never wanted to hurt you. I am so, so sorry!" I cried out to him, knowing I was breaking his heart.

I suddenly felt Dabi and I being pushed to the side....seeing Eijirou's hardened body take a hit from a giant piece of debris, that hit the place we were just standing in.

"Come on!! It's coming down!!" Eijirou yelled, ushering for Dabi and I to start running.

I was still feeling slightly too amped up on adrenaline in order to feel the extra fear too much.

I quickly pulled my villain mask out of my suit pocket, putting it on my face.

I didn't do it to hide my identity from the heroes or the villains, anymore. I simply did it because of the smoke that began to fill the premise, causing us to suffocate slightly. The mask helped a bit.

Dabi grit his teeth, as he focused on running now, incinerating a giant piece of debris in front of us, so we could continuing trying to get above ground.

"Damn it." Dabi breathed out shakily, grabbing his arm in pain.

His flames were too strong for his body. He was experiencing quirk overuse now.

Eijirou got ahead of both of us, plowing through pieces of debris with his hardened fists, as we continued making our way.

All three of us were thrown back from a sudden explosion like sound, seeing the ceiling open up slightly.

The sun shone brightly through the cracks, forcing us to cringe our eyes shut.

That's when I saw Overhaul rise up into the sky, with a new set of arms and little Eri in his hands.

"Eri!!!" Eijirou and I exclaimed, feeling the ground underneath us suddenly shoot up, in pillars, bringing us towards the ceiling.

Yes! Overhaul was using his quirk on the building, unknowingly bringing Eijirou, Dabi, and I to the surface.

"Holy shit!" Eijirou called out from behind me, looking down below at the spot where we just were.

The entire underground was collapsing now, with Dabi's fire creating a deadly pit. I held onto Eijirou tightly, making sure he didn't fall.

If any of us were to fall off these structures Overhaul unknowingly created for us, we would probably die.

We were almost above ground. I could practically reach out and touch the ground with my hands. I could save Eri.

I saw Dabi's eyes widen as he looked up at the sky, clearly surprised to see something he wasn't expecting.

That's when he looked back at me darkly, his eyes full of sadness and rage.

"He's watching." Dabi said to me blankly.

Who's watching.

I looked at him in confusion, not understanding.

"You're right, Margo. You were never meant to be a villain. You and I....we come from two different worlds. Black and white. I can't taint you. I'm glad I didn't actually." He said to me, the anger subsiding in his eyes now, leaving behind an ocean of sadness in his turquoise orbs.

"But, I am a villain. I'm not supposed to be here, trying to rescue you. That's not who I am. I don't know why I thought that was okay. Why pretend, right? So, in order to return back to my world, this is something I need to do." He said shakily, reaching his hand out towards me.

"Dabi—" he interrupted my words, talking loudly now.

"You want to act like a hero, then you can die like a hero." He stated loud and clear, before pushing me off the ledge of building that was carrying me to the surface.

Down to the pit of his blue fire and the collapsing underground yakuza complex, I went.

I looked up at Dabi in fear, seriously about to have a heart attack from the added fear of the quirk bullet.

As I watched his face, I saw him mouth a word to me, a few times, before I was finally able to make it out:


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