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The sun had set a long time ago, as Eijirou and I walked along the empty, moonlit streets.

"Man, what a great night. I don't want it to end." I said softly, throwing my head up to the starry sky, as I reminisced on my amazing night with Eijirou.

"Well, it doesn't have to end, just yet." He suggested quietly, walking next to me.

"Oh? What do you have in mind?" I asked him curiously now.

He looked at me, before a big smile spread across his face.

"Come on. I want to show you something." He whispered, dragging me with him.


After a little while, Eijirou and I arrived at the beach. It was beautiful out, with the starry sky and moon reflecting off the ocean water, and the sound of the waves crashing softly against the shore.

It was empty, not a soul was out here.

"It's right over here." Eijirou called out, walking along the giant rock structures, leading up right to the water.

He grabbed my hand, leading me through the slippery rocks, and little waves.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the bottom of a giant boulder structure, the rocks enclosing us like a cave to the outside world. The sand was dry, and the ocean gently washed up a few feet away.

"Wow. This is like your own personal beach." I breathed out in awe, taken aback by how pretty this secret beach cave looked.

"I know. I come here a lot. Especially at night time. See the moon?" Eijirou replied softly, pointing to the moon, hanging high above the shimmering ocean water.

"Yeah. It's beautiful." I breathed out, staring out at the scenery in comfortable silence.

"Mhmm." He hummed in response, closing his eyes peacefully.

Eijirou and I were quiet for awhile, taking in the peaceful scene around us.

I couldn't stop staring at the moon, seeing how majestic it looked in the sky.

"The moon..." I started, getting Eijirou's attention.

He was quiet, letting me continue.

"The moon......it's just so...free." I whispered, a dreamy smile playing on my face.

I saw him look up at the moon, lost in thought.

"So are you." Eijirou whispered back, his eyes studying me now.

I was quiet again, taking in Eijirou's words.

Free. Was I really free?

I used to think I was free, when I joined the league of villains.

But, after meeting Eijirou and the rest of the students at UA....

After unknowingly retaining all of Aizawa's class lectures on hero work....

After finding someone I have feelings for....

I realize...

"No. I'm not free." I uttered out, looking at the ocean in longing.

Eijirou was quiet, as he took in my words.

"You are." He simply said again.

I turned to him now, not expecting that answer.

I was quiet, letting him continue.

"....I know there are things you choose not to say. I know there are things you don't want to talk about. You change the subject, any time I bring up your past. I'm just letting you know...regardless of whatever situation you're dealing with....you're free, Margo." Eijirou stated softly, slowly walking across the soft sand.

I watched him walk over to me, not being able to tear my gaze away from him.

I felt my feet move on their own, slowly getting closer to Eijirou.

I felt my throat tighten a little, as his soft eyes poured into my soul, so warmly.

It made me want to open up to him.

I swallowed thickly, feeling my heart beat steady, as I studied his kind face.

"W-What if I told you...I was lost?" I whispered, feeling him grab my hand gently.

"Well, then I'd tell you to look at who you truly are. Look at who you truly want to be." Eijirou breathed out, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What if who I truly am...is a bad person?" I uttered, hearing my voice crack slightly.

I quickly averted my gaze to the sand, before feeling Eijirou's finger under my chin.

He lightly lifted my chin back up, bringing my gaze back to his again.

"You're not a bad person." He whispered gently, his eyes never leaving mine.

I couldn't dare look away, as I felt his gaze warming my entire body.

"How do you know that?" I asked, feeling myself starting to lose control of the situation.

"Because I see you. I see you for who you truly are." He called out softly, lightly bringing a hand to my waist now.

I was enamored with him, allowing him to gently pull me against his body.

We were both quiet for a time, before he spoke once more.

"Margo, you have a good heart." Eijirou stated softly, honestly, confidently.

My body moved on its own, as I felt my arms wrap around his neck.

He breathed out shakily, as he felt me do so, realizing what was about to happen.

Eijirou leaned in, resting his forehead to mine, as he closed his eyes.

I brought my hand up to his cheek, gently caressing it.

I felt him lightly run his hands up and down my back, as I looked at him with half lidded eyes.

Don't do it, Margo. Don't do this to him. Don't do this to yourself.

"If you keep looking at me like that.....I'm going to kiss you." Eijirou breathed out, gazing at me in want.

His words. His tone of voice. The look in his eyes....

I couldn't take anymore.

I was the one to lean in, as I tenderly kissed him.

He immediately reciprocated, his lips moving gently against mine.

His hand traveled up to my face, softly caressing my jaw, as our mouths molded effortlessly with one another's.

His lips were so smooth, warming me up from the cold ocean water, just a few feet in front of us.

I felt myself needing more, as I lightly pulled him closer by the back of his neck, deepening the kiss.

He immediately reciprocated, backing me up against the smooth, rocky wall.

His tongue glided along my lower lip, before sliding into my mouth.

"Mmm." I breathed out against his mouth, hearing him groan softly in response.

He ran his hands up my waist, squeezing it lightly.

I gripped his shoulders tightly, feeling his muscles tensing from all the movement.

Eijirou let out a small sigh of neediness now, breaking away from our kiss slightly to compose himself.

Our cheeks were flushed, as we looked at one another, dazedly.

Our heavy breaths mixed with each other's, as Eijirou placed his hands on both sides of my head.

"Man, I've been wanting to kiss you like that for a long time." He breathed out, smiling gently at me.

"Me too. I mean....you're really good at it." I chuckled softly, causing Eijirou to laugh, too.

Okay, my awkward personality. Feel free to leave!

He traced his finger along my jaw now, before looking at me in subtle question.

He wanted to kiss me again.

I smiled at him softly, giving him the courage to lean back into my face.

His lips had just barely brushed my own, when...


We both jumped slightly, not expecting such a sudden, loud sound.

I quickly pulled away from him, trying to process the situation.

My mind began coming back to reality now, starting to descend from my "Eijirou" high.

"S-Shit. What time is it?" I muttered, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

My eyes widened when I saw thirteen missed calls from Dabi and ten from Shigaraki, with a shit ton of messages. Some of them being:

From: Dabi

Get back. Shigaraki is having a fit.

From Dabi

Dude. Seriously. Hurry up

From: Dabi

Shiggy wants u and I to head to black market tonight to get more Nomu serum. Need u now. Answer the damn phone!!!

From: Shiggy

Stop avoiding my calls

From: Shiggy

I got u that phone, now it's going to be decayed

"Oh shit..." I breathed out shakily, starting to panic.

I gently pushed Eijirou away, starting to make my way back to the regular beach.

"W-Wait, Margo! Where are you going?" Eijirou asked in confusion, trailing behind me.

"I need to go. I have to get back." I called out to him, starting to run across the sand.

"Go where?" He replied, quickly catching up to me.

"I....can't tell you." I muttered, starting to remember why I forced myself to keep Eijirou in the friend zone before tonight.

I couldn't lie to him...more than I already have.

I'm a villain.

I'm placing him in danger with the league of villains.

I'm placing myself in danger.

Shit. I should have never kissed him.


"—no. Eijirou, listen. I-I can't do this with you. It's not right." I whispered, tears immediately starting to flood my eyes.

Shit. I didn't think this would hurt that much.

"Woah, woah, woah! Wait a minute!" He called out, grabbing my arm softly.

"It is right, Margo. There's nothing wrong with this. What's holding you back?" Eijirou asked desperately, watching me pull my arm away from him.

I felt myself cracking.

My phone continued going crazy in my pocket from Dabi and Shigaraki.


"Margo!" Eijirou called out, running over to me again.

I don't want this.

Eijirou got in front of me this time, lightly placing his hands on my shoulders.

I don't want to be a villain anymore.

"Margo, please.....just tell me what you're hiding." Eijirou pleaded softly, looking at me in soft concern.

I looked into those crimson eyes, realizing I couldn't hide it any longer.

"Do you really want to know, Eijirou?" I whispered blankly, looking at him sadly.

He waited patiently for me to continue, judgement completely free from his innocent, gentle eyes.

I was about to speak again, before I stopped myself.

If I tell him who I truly am, I'm putting him at risk with the league of villains. They could find out who he is.

They would kill him.

Dabi has already tried once, when he shot that blue flame through the portal. Eijirou would have never even been in that situation, had it not been for me.

I know for a fact, Shigaraki wouldn't hesitate to decay him.

I'd just be putting him in danger.

All I want is for him to know the truth. I want to tell him everything about my life. My past, my present, what I want for my future. All of it.

I wanted him to know who I truly am.

But, as much as I wanted to tell Eijirou my real story......

I care about him too much to do that.

I bit my lip to stop myself from crying, as I lightly pushed him away again.

"I'm sorry!" I called out, running away from him.

No. I'm not free.

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