Sacrifice to Protect

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I sprinted through the door of the league of villains, having already changed out of Mina's pretty blue dress she lent me.

Now, I was back in my UA uniform. That's all I had with me.

I gulped when I saw Shigaraki and well as a blonde girl with a crazy look in her eyes.

She's new.

Everyone was quiet as they simply watched me walk through the door.

I decided to break the ice, slowly walking over to Shigaraki.

"I-I can explain—" I uttered softly, before he quickly put his hand up, signaling me to shut up.

It was quiet again, as I waited for Shigaraki to speak...feeling anxious about what he'd say.

"Give it." Shigaraki ordered, holding his hand out to me.

I already knew exactly what he was talking about. Lucky for me, I deleted any messages from the UA students off my phone before I got here. Eijirou's included.

Without a word, I handed Shigaraki my phone, feeling him rip it away with his four fingers.

He began scrolling through it, looking for any evidence of...anything, I guess.

I sighed tiredly, waiting for Shigaraki to finish reading through my phone like an overprotective father.


I barely dodged the knife that suddenly came straight at my head now, watching it stab into the wall behind me.

Dabi and I looked at each other with wide eyes, before I shot my glare over to the blonde girl.

"Ooo. You're quick." She giggled maniacally, twirling another knife between her hands.

I was in no mood to play any games, after everything that's happened to me tonight.

I stormed over to the blonde girl, slamming my hands down at the table she was sitting at.

"Were you aiming for my head?" I spat out lowly, my fiery glare burning into hers.

"Yes." She simply stated, her eyebrows raising in excited anticipation.

Not being able to control myself, I immediately began manipulating her senses, causing her to feel an immense amount of pain.

She quickly collapsed to the ground, cringing in pain.

"AHHHH!!!!" The girl screamed out, clutching her head, then her stomach, then her chest.

I was naturally hurting, too. But I didn't care in the slightest as I kept my poker face, hurting the blonde girl.

"Margo. Stop it—" Dabi began saying, before Shigaraki cut him off.

"No, Dabi. Hold on a minute. I'm liking this side of Margo. Let's see if she kills Toga." Shigaraki giggled, watching Toga's nose start bleeding profusely.

My eyes widened at Shigaraki's statement.

What the hell was I doing?

Eijirou's words immediately echoed in my head:

"Be who you want to be."

Without another second, I released Toga from my manipulation, hearing her sigh in relief.

"Ahhh, damn." Shigaraki pouted childishly, when he saw I let Toga live.

I turned back to Shigaraki now, just wanting to forget all of this.

"Can I have my phone back?" I asked him politely, wanting to be done with this.

"Sure." He shrugged, suddenly putting a fifth finger to my phone.

I inhaled sharply at the sight. "No—" I started saying, before realizing I was way too late.

I grit my teeth in pure frustration, as I watched Shigaraki decay my phone to literal bits, before walking over to me and sprinkling it into my hand.

"Here you go." He called out cheerfully.

"You're a child." I spat at him, not caring if that pissed him off in the slightest.

Shigaraki suddenly froze at my words, before turning back to me.

I saw Dabi's eyes widen slightly at my statement.

"Woah, okay! Margo's getting a little more ballsy now!? I like it." Shigaraki giggled, clapping his hands slowly.

I was quiet, glaring at Shigaraki angrily.

"Between you and me, Margo....I was planning to kill you tonight. After all, you did almost ruin my Nomu bust. Thank goodness we found Toga to take your place." Shigaraki started out, placing an arm around my shoulder now.

I watched from the corner of my eyes, as his four fingers grazed my shoulder.

"But, after witnessing the almost-murder of Toga, and your little snippy attitude with me....I've regained my hope for you. So....sleep well." Shigaraki said briefly, before walking to his room.

"Hope for what?" I scoffed at his fleeting figure.

He removed the hand from his face now, turning to look at me.

"Why, hope for you to become a murderous villain, of course." He smiled creepily, before leaving.

"Don't do that again. You got lucky." Dabi muttered to me softly, before retreating to his room.

"Sleep with one eye open tonight, bitch!" Toga giggled, before she roughly bumped me on the way to her room.

I sighed, as I was left alone in the room with my thoughts.

I really need to get out of here.


"It went that badly, huh?" Mina whined sadly, as she watched me attempt to avoid Eijirou in the hallway.

"Y-Yeah. I guess you could say that." I sighed, not wanting to explain the truth to Mina.

The truth was that my date with Eijirou went absolutely amazing. He showed me how to have fun. He showed me things about myself I didn't even realize. We kissed, and it was amazing.

However, how could I say all of that to Mina...and still explain to her why I couldn't be with Eijirou? I can't tell her, unless I were to expose myself, too.

I'm really getting tired of all these secrets.

"I'm really surprised it didn't go well. It was so obvious you two liked each other. Everyone in the class had bets on when you guys would come out as a couple. Even Bakugou participated!" Mina laughed, shielding me in the hallway so Eijirou wouldn't see me if he walked by.

"You what!? Why didn't you tell me this?" I said, chuckling softly with her.

"I didn't want to jinx anything. But, I guess it doesn't matter anymore." She sighed in disappointment, as we walked to the class door.

I started walking into the room with Mina, until I felt someone catch my wrist and drag me back into the hallway.

"Eijirou, stop." I sighed, gently pushing him away, as I started walking in the opposite direction.

I heard him groan softly, as he followed after me.

"Margo, you can't keep doing this. You're not answering any of my messages or phone calls, either." He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

Well, funny story about the phone—

"You kissed me, too. That's gotta count for something right—" he began saying, before I turned around and cut him off.

"I did. I kissed you. And it was a mistake. I regret doing it." I said firmly, his eye contact catching mine.

I couldn't bring myself to look away.

And Eijirou noticed.

"Do you really regret it?" He asked softly, desperately trying to get through to me.

I sighed sadly, looking down at the ground.

Tell him, Margo. Tell him you regret it.

" I don't regret it." I whispered weakly, not being able to bring myself to say it.

"Then why can't we be together? I'm leaving to Hosu, for my internship, right after school. I don't want to leave things like this." He whispered sadly, trying to reach out for my hands.

I quickly pushed him away, swiftly walking towards the classroom.

"Look. J-Just forget about me, okay? This is for your own good. I'm trying to protect you." I called back, not giving him a chance to respond.

Eijirou watched your fleeting figure walk into the classroom, as he absorbed your words.

Protect him? What were you trying to protect him from?

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