Man in the Kitchen

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"Okay Margo, spill!!!" Mina called, yanking me into the seat next to her. We were currently about to head to the summer camp.

"Spill what?!" I chuckled, seeing Ochako pop up from the row behind us.

"You need to tell us every detail!" Ochako chimed in, eagerly resting her head on the top of my seat.

"What are we referring to?" I asked again, sitting up straight in my seat.

Tsuyu suddenly popped up next to Ochako.

"About you and Kirishima." Tsuyu said matter of factly.

I began rubbing the back of my neck nervously now, not liking all the attention on me.

"W-What?! Oh guys, come on. This again?! There's nothing to tell. Seriously—" I started saying, before...

"Oh, Margo. You can tell us! It's pretty obvious you guys have a thing." Momo suddenly chimed in, turning around from the row in front of us.

I saw Aizawa a couple rows away, subtly turn his head towards me at Momo's words.

Shit. He was trying to listen in on the conversation.

"No. Definitely not. Eijirou and I are just friends." I said loudly for Aizawa to hear.

Speaking of...

Eijirou walked onto the bus now, laughing as Bakugou put him in a headlock for something he said.

The two boys began walking by us, heading to the back of the bus.

Eijirou's eyes shifted to us now, still in Bakugou's headlock.

"Ladies." He greeted with a grin.

Suddenly, his eyes shifted to me, shooting me a cheeky wink, before Bakugou dragged him off.

The girls began freaking out now, shaking me and getting in my face excitedly.

"What was that!?" Toru exclaimed next to Momo, her gloves being the only thing visible.

"Nothing!! All he said was hi—" I tried to counteract.

"Margo's blushing!!" Ochako cooed, giggling at my flusteredness.

"I know Kiri. There's no way he'd just give anybody that kind of wink." Mina smirked slyly.

I groaned in defeat, throwing my head back against my seat.

"You guys know nothing." I mumbled unconvincingly.

Everyone laughed now, as the bus began moving.

I was actually looking forward to this summer camp.


"Say, I didn't know you could cook?" I smirked, walking over to Eijirou as he began making the curry for dinner.

"Hah. Truth be told, I didn't know I could cook either. But, after that surprise exercise today from the wild, wild pussycats...I'm so hungry, I decided to learn how to cook right now." He grinned, stirring the curry over the fire.

"Mind if I have a taste?" I asked, grabbing a spoon.

"Go ahead. Just don't get food poisoning from it." Eijirou said, rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness.

I was about to dip my spoon into his curry, when someone else suddenly stepped in front of me, dipping their own spoon into Eijirou's curry first.

"Mmm. Wow Kirishima! I didn't know you could make food like that!" Kendo said, subtly nudging me out of the way.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, and slight annoyance.

Itsuka Kendo. The girl from class 1-B who can make a giant fist.

"T-Thanks, Kendo. Um Margo, you said you wanted a taste—" Eijirou began saying, when Kendo cut him off.

"—I also just wanted to say how well you did during the training exercise today. I know class 1-B didn't participate in the wild, wild, pussycats training, but everyone was talking about how strong you were." Kendo smiled, standing in front of me. I saw her eyes subtly shoot over to Tetsutetsu, who wasn't paying her the slightest glance.

"Hah, really? I figured Bakugou or Todoroki would have been the talk of the town over me." He remarked in confusion.

Feeling thoroughly irked now, I loudly cleared my throat, forcing my way in between Eijirou and Kendo to try the damn curry.

"Woah. Excuse you." Kendo mumbled coldly, barely stepping to the side to allow me some room.

"Watch it." I groaned out in annoyance, jabbing my spoon into Eijirou's stupid curry.

I shoved the spoonful of curry into my mouth, instantly wanting to gag from pure disgust.

But Eijirou was looking at me in pure excitement, and Kendo was waiting for me to say it sucked.

I began chewing slowly, trying to force the curry down my throat.

"....mmmm." I said weakly, giving Eijirou a thumbs up.

"Yes!! Margo, you really like it!? Let me make you a plate!" Eijirou exclaimed, grabbing a plate for me.

"Uh!! Actually, I'm a little full—" I started saying, not trusting myself to hold down an entire plate of Eijirou's horrid, rancid curry.

"—oh come on, Margo. You haven't eaten all day. I don't think you're full at all. But, if you are...I'll eat your curry, Kirishima." Kendo smiled, trying to get closer to Eijirou again.

"Hmm. Well, I guess that's fine, if you're not hungry, Margo—" Eijirou replied cluelessly.

"—I'm starving. Load up the damn curry." I growled out, shooting Kendo a glare.

"Me too, Kirishima. I want a lot of curry." Kendo remarked, glaring back at me. She quickly looked back over at Tetsutetsu, huffing in annoyance when she noticed he wasn't looking at her again.

"Wow, guys!! Who knew my curry making skills were this good." Eijirou replied proudly, putting spoonful after spoonful of curry onto our plates.

I softly rolled my eyes at him for being so naive.

Couldn't he see this girl was totally trying to flirt with him?

"So, Margo....heard you weren't able to do much today at the pussycats' exercise. Your quirk only works on people, huh? Not earth monsters." Kendo remarked, forcing Eijirou's curry into her mouth.

I grit my teeth in irritation, about to retort with a comment, when Eijirou replied first.

"Nah, Margo is a total badass. Even without using her quirk, she took down like five earth monsters all by herself. It was kinda hot." He smirked, looking over at me.

I couldn't stop a smile from forming on my face, as well as the light blush that crept its way onto my cheeks.

"Well, maybe that worked tonight. But, ultimately your quirk is only effective on humans. I mean, how are you going to be useful to the heroes that way, in a fight against the supernatural?" Kendo asked nonchalantly, looking at me.

'Useful. To. The. Heroes.'

Oh shit—

I inhaled sharply, dropping my spoon, as flashbacks began playing in my head:

"Margo....try and hold still, if ya can." Scientist A said quietly, his voice muffled by the hospital mask that covered his mouth.

I cringed in pain, soft tears running down my face, as Scientist A scraped my bone marrow.

"I hate you. I hate you so much." I choked out in agony.

"Oh? Ya don't say. Never heard that one from you, before. Well, if it helps....just pretend you're killin' me right now. Pretend you're giving me a long, painful death. Then, before ya know it, I'll be finished." He retorted, using that familiar dark, condescending humor.

"Can you at least t-tell me what this for?" I choked out in agony.

Scientist A sighed softly, not answering my question.

I figured he'd just end up ignoring it, until he finally spoke again.

"Y'know I'm not supposed to tell you stuff like that...." he started off, before he continued.

".....I'm....I'm taking your bone marrow to try and create a drug that's useful to heroes. It was the boss man's idea." Scientist A explained vaguely.

I felt my heart flutter at the word.


"'re saying...I can be a hero?" I breathed out dreamily, trying to ignore the pain.

"Why are you always on about that hero stuff, anyways?" Scientist A muttered, side stepping the question.

"Because I believe in them, and I want someone to believe in me one day, too. I know they'll get me out of here. Just you wait, and see." I mumbled blankly, watching Scientist A take pictures of my wounds.

Wonder why he's doing that.

"That's a nice dream and all....but sometimes, you gotta make things happen for yourself, Margo." He said, his green orbs piercing my eyes-

"Margo!! Hey, Margo!! Snap out of it." Eijirou called out, lightly shaking my shoulders.

"A-Ahh!!" I yelped out, jumping up in panic.

I was taken aback by the sudden flashback, slamming my hand down on the table.

Unfortunately, my hand slammed down on the edge of my plate, causing the curry to go flying off the table....

Into Eijirou's face.

Kendo and I simultaneously slapped a hand over our mouths, upon seeing the curry hit Eijirou in the face.

"S-Shit!! I'm sorry!!" I cried out, running over to grab a towel for his face.

Eijirou simply shrugged nonchalantly.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm more worried about—aghhh!! Ewww!!" He started saying, before he began coughing and gagging.

Everyone in the class was looking over at us now, curiously watching the strange events unfolding.

"Ughh, this curry tastes like absolute shit!! You guys actually like this stuff!?" Eijirou called out in disgust, taking the towel from my hands.

Kendo simply sighed in response, giving Tetsutetsu one more longing glance, before getting up to join her class 1-B friends.

I just met Kendo today, but she seemed like a nice person earlier. Was she just trying to make Tetsutetsu jealous, by pretending to be close to Eijirou?

I was about to respond when Aizawa interrupted my thoughts.

"Margo. A word?" He muttered, nodding me over to a corner.

I groaned internally, following him.

"I didn't mean to slap curry in his face." I retorted immediately.

"What?" Aizawa questioned, slightly surprised.

Oh? He didn't see the curry incident!!

"What? Nothing. I, uh—what's up?" I babbled out trying to change the subject.

"I just wanted to know if you have any more information about the league of villains. Especially, regarding this summer camp." He mumbled, trying to keep his voice as quiet as possible.

"No. There's no way for them to know where this summer camp is taking place. I checked my clothes for trackers this morning. They didn't leave anything on me. I think we're safe here." I said honestly.

Aizawa nodded softly, lost in thought for a moment.

"Alright. Just keep me updated, and......thank you." He replied, a little gentler than usual.

My face immediately broke out into a hopeful grin. "You're welcome!" I exclaimed eagerly, wanting him to trust me.

He simply waved me off, letting me head back to the group.

Maybe I'm finally starting to grow on Aizawa.


"Alright everyone, dinner is over! Please head back to your rooms for the night." Mandalay announced, shooting one of her catlike poses.

Everyone began yawning and stretching tiredly from the day.

I began heading in the direction of the girls' room, with the rest of my classmates.

Suddenly, I saw Eijirou come up to me, holding up his hand for a high-five.

I shrugged, nonchalantly giving him a high five.

I guess if I couldn't give him a kiss, a high five was fine....(yeah right).

I furrowed my brows in confusion, upon feeling a piece of paper crumpling in my hands now.

Eijirou gave me the paper when he gave me the high five.

Once he was positive I had the paper in my hands, he began walking off.

"Goodnight, ladies." He called out, raising his eyebrows at me playfully.

Once we got to the girls' room, I subtly unfolded the note, making sure no one else noticed.

I quickly scanned the contents:

Meet me at the base of the mountain at 2am if you're up for it :-)


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